Annalium; with introductions and notes

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분량: 303페이지


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clomum that os Silius. 3. lacus, ' the ais', into hich the uice of the rapes as

pollibus, ' - hins'. The νεβρί wa a character istic seature in the gar os a Bacchante. nuxo fluitante'. hectora vinctus probabi in assumption os the character of

metu probabi dative os purpo se In tr. II II. D4. quamquam, C., although the imminence of perii deprived heri time o deliberation For the ood, cf. In tr. II O. intondit, madem her in to'. Foro his, an oravit' s),

s. votustissimam : he was the clites os the est at Virgins thelad abbes of the order, virgo vestalis maxima'. The intercessiono a Vestal irgin or a crimina might noti disregarded.

spatium urbis, the whole breadth of the cit ' frona the gardenso the incia Hill to the gale here the via Ostiensis testthe City. Praevalebat had more eight in thei minos'. Chaptor 33 I. a Caesaro: OSSibi in Caesar' fides' re 33serrin no meret to the emperor' feelings ut to thos os his Supportersci CL ab Romanis ' iv 23, 3. aliis interpretation malaesthe plura fidebant naturat. levi, instabies', inreliable .act in respectrio', o ostem; See Intr. II 6. iuxta, alike': so in xii Io I. 2. actsumptis quibus: In tr. II 2I, C. ius militum, the contro os the oldiers': iura libertorum , HAI. ii 92, 3. 3. L. Vitellius Se X 2, 4. C. Largua Caecina a consul illi Claudius in et A. D. , rem aining the whole ea in office. Heiwne the hous whichi ad Once belonge to the orator Crassus Dio an Pliny. Jgestamino: sed elsewhere by Tacitus illi a defining genitive, ac lecticae οὐ sellae'. Here, a carri age capable of holding our person muSt be meant. Gestari an gestatio are sed os tali in ararive in a carri age, as ellis os ther mode of On-



invidia senatum adeunt'.

to prohibit hei possession illi in do ors. Quictquict, C., howall the heirlooms of the Nerone and Drusilia gone to wel the reWard of infamy'. Cf. in pretium belli cessurae', HALI II, 4. The nam es of Nero an Drusus are thus couplexto denote the union, in the re igning house of the families of the Claudii Nerone and the Livii Dru Si See o I.*3. PraemonEnte NaroiESo, after a preliminar admonitionstoni Narcissus', ad dresse to the oldiers. Cf. xii 69 monente praefecto For the tense f. Intr. II 42. Otsi tote alien closely illi 'iustum , lihes quamvis'. Nam explaini pauca'. 4. tribunali the eat of udgment, ne of the eatures of the officers quarteris principia ' in the Camp. s. inlustres equiteS: See V Ι 8, 4; i , I. 6. The ames ite in hi Sectio are perhaps hos of the equites just mentioned although Proculus could not have beensai to ho the Same constantia a Silius Uettius Valensis mentione in h. o an Helvius' no Saufeius Trogus in

Seneca, Lud. xiii a therWi Se theSe perSon are unknown. ouatoctom: husban and wis sonaetimes assigne a iustos toeach ther, to ensure fideli ty. Custodes das, Polla, viro, non


7. vigilum Draosocius. The Command of the 'vigiles , asinim portant equestria ossice cf. V I8.4 xi , .lum procurator, superintendent of a schoo os gladiators'. Animperia institution for the training an suppi os gladiator existe las early as in the time os Gaius Pli ny N. H. i 37, 34 I44). Iis

procurator Were neque Strian rank.

Iuncus Vergilianus, perhaps the Same a the person Calle d Iunius praetorius', mentione in the lis of victim by Seneca

Lud. xiii 43.

Chapto 36, ci Mnester Se Ch. 4, 2. 36vortierum Stripes for resistin Messalina' Nili. vocis, i C. : Dio State S lx 22, 5 that Messalina procure DomClaudius a generat injunctio that Mnester as to obe her in altili ingS . Ohnoxium in inde the dominionis', 'liablerio Da largitione . . . magnituctine causa ablativeS. 4. ultro: by Messalina, ithout an ad vance ora hi pari. Parthus, α, ter disgus bein a Capricious acher des ire'. S. Suillius Caesoninus as a son of the Suillius o ch. . MisCognomen Seem to e alien Dona the wife o Gaius Caesonia, who was his ather' half-sister. Flautius Lateranus as nephew of A. Plautius Silvanus, thecommander of the great invasionis Britain. Int r. p. lxi. Hi restoration to the Senate by Nero, in s A. D. is mentione in iii II, 2, and his participatio in Piso' conspiracy, and consequent death, in 6S A. D. in v 49, 2 an 6O I. tamquam - See Intr. II O.

Chaptor T, Q. Lucullianis in hortis: ch. I, She had 3Tgone thither afterier interview illi Claudius, Ch. 34, 3.

Martial iv 8 6 mentions the 'hora nona a the prope time in his day. In xiv et I Nero is mentione a Pastini medio

Lopicta Domitia Lepida, aughter of L. Domitius and theel de Antonia. See ais xii 64 4 an soli. 67 P a



eth. . .

s. quaestoria insignia it was an innovation to ive Such adistinction to a Deedman. honost quictoin, c. this conclud in Sentenceri Corrupi, and may est e regarde a the note os a reader, introduce by a Copyis into the text. Honesta refers generali to the punishmentis Messalina an die accomplices, and deterrima' o Claudius' subsequent marriage illi Agrippina an iis evi Consequences.

Tristitiis multis may be par of thes epigraph ' runnini tristitiis multis Corneli Taciti Liber Undecimus explicit. Incipit ii'.

Ctiastora, convulsa, was pset', ahahen to iis Mundations . So vi O, 3. The reedmen, ho ad hi therio eidiogether, eremo divided. apu&- inter'. f. Intr. II 6. Socii 39, 2 dissensione orta apud obsidentis'. ostoli bis vitas intoleranti. e had Contracte three marriages, heside twoaetro that in earlycli se Intr. p. xlvii.


He was an nem os Tiberius and intrigue against hina en- couragin aius Caesar in opposition heia Tiberius as undera cloud Plin and Velleius describe in uni avolarat, ly Horace eulogietes him, hi iv 9, 34 committe sulci dein to SingGaius savour For Lollia' subsequent hi Stor See Ch. 22.M. Lollii consularia : c. illam , a rare ellipsi S. The ounger Lollius is not known to have ver feen consul, ence advig's suggestio that M. Lollio filio'. constructed illi genitam', has di oppe out rom e re M. Lollii'.

Aolia Pastina ad atready been arrie to Claudius, and adbeen divorced, after the hirthis a claudiiter, Antonia Ch. 2, Ii. Tuberonum the mos famous of the se a the jurist O. Aelius Tubero possibi her grandiather. Narciaso dat f. In tr. II IO. 4. Dromptus incline lao favour. f. ivio, mater Agrippina promptior Neroni erat'. Thi Nero a son o Germanicus, notthe em peror. JChaptor , o communem: cf. commune liberi', i 4 4. Filiam cis correcte for familiam' o Med. niti it . . . novum, the ab Senc os an Change'; cf. iii , celebritate loci nihil occultum and In tr. II 2.

Proxima Suis nexi to heriwn in affection. Dignora, pledges of affection', a or Common in Augustan poets, and adopted by Tacitus to expres Children, o nea relative ;Cf. XV I7, 3 an Germ. vii 4.

no mean to recommen him a successor o ClaudiuS, but asworthyriote an adopte member of his fami ly. Atirpom, α, det hi in uniterio himself a nobi race, the posteri tyos the Julii and the Claudii'.

Et . . . Posteros ci explanator of stirpem nobilem , and refers to the lineage of Agrippina an her son She was of the Julianhou se, o her mother' fide, and of the Claudian ou se ora hersat her' fide. See Genealogical Tree, Int r. p. lXV. The readingis Med. , et familiae Claudiae quaeso Stero coniungeret ' might perhaps mean, Her offspring vir Nero was a nobi eone and a Scion of the ou se of Claudius, and would e a bondunit in thei Claudius an Agrippina' possibi e issue i. e. Nerowould remat in Claudius fami ly, andrae meret onem his possibi ene Child rem he would ei prio heemthe imperia iam ii together, by ein adopte by the em peror instea of re maining utSide.



Octavia Claudius claughte by Messalina. L. Silanus great-great-grandson o AuguStus. Hi mother, Aemilia Lepida, as aughter o L. Aemilius Paulus and Julia thegranddaughter of Augustus see Genealogical Tree, Int r. p. XV.Frona a Gree in Scription ve earn that he had sille the offices os praefectus urbi ob ferias Latinas', 'triumvir monetalis', and quaestor CaesariS'. From Dio e learn that he was ive the privilege of hold in magistracies v years e re the legat age, and that he ecam praetor πολυ προ του καθῆκοντος χρονου lx3I, J. e a no more than wenty-five ear oldis the time os his death. ct ADonctorat Octaviam Thi Sietrothat was apparenti Tarrangedin the rst yeari Claudius rule Dioci 5 7J. hen Octavia aSa mere infant. She was went ni the date of her death, 62 A. D. , xiv 64 I. o alia larum Haoaμπρον. f. Intr. II 4. insigni triumstialium: Cf. xi O, 3. The occasio on hichie received this honour a probabi the ritisti triumphis Claudius in o A. D. Whenas a Sint ni neteen o tWent year old, and had fille no magi Stracy. his as a reat departure rom ancient practice. glactiatorii unoris a Silo give by Silanus a Praetor, at


o. acolpion clim dat with promptior'; si inciendis sceleribus Promptui'. v 67 8. q. De octietum the en Sorial o ver of expellita senatorsu as usuali exercise at this time by the princeps, o by the senate in iis judicia capacit, . Eor ther acts of the Censors his in whicli Claudius an Vitellius ere Colleagiae Se X I3 23, I 23, 3 lustroque conclito this ceremon Ahould properi have mari edthe expirationis the po vers of the Xi Stin censors. 3. adfinitalom: his spousal to Octavia. eiuraro iurando abdicare'. The magistrate, o layin do nitis office, swore ' se nihil contra leges secisse ' Plin. Pan 6s). reliquus Paeturae ctios he a force to e Sigia on Dec. 29 Suet. CL 29 . Eprius arcollus, the amous delator of Nero 's times. He is mentione again in iii 33, 4 as Scaping, by Corruptini Juence, a Charge os extortio brought against in aster hisgo verninent of Lycia S A. D. an in vi 2 an soli he figures asone of the accuser o Thrasea 66 A. D. i. He a at S three years proconsul of Asia 7O- A. D.). e conspired against Vespasian, and was orcedri sulci de in 79 A. D. Clias ter I. C. Pompeius possibi the graiadson of the Pompeius 'ho was consul a the legi nninii Tiberius rei gnVoranius is also mentione in iv 29 I as Successor o A. Didius in the govern menti Brita in I appears rom gr. 4, 3 that hedie in the first year of his command in Britalia 38 A. D.).

fama: i. e. it a So aiked of that it was difficult to dra viach

2 qui Et, C., a be fure it was an uia hallowed union, an is that consideration a digregarded, di Sastro us resulis to the State were tot feared . With incestum ' suppi esse ' subject of sperneretur understans metus incesti'. i refers bach celebrare sollemnia'. 3. Conaenaui impurom, ready toto to the generat, ili'. 4. Summum ue i VC. ProteSting that he highest interest os the State e re involved'. 3. Censorias, , orth os a censor , as e spea os in judichil



s Chaptor B, ci postquam, α, aster he had introduce thesubject in these attractive term S .ctoligi: the reportis Vitellius speech is continued, ithou any verbis speahingie in expreSSed. Sanctimonia, iuri ty'. The wor is applied to a Vestal

3. victua since the death o Domitius he had marrie theorator Crispus Passienus se vi Io, in Whom he a SuppoSed toliave polsoned Schol. o Juv. ivra I). Eua tantum, α, ,ho ha been true to his own consoris' thecontrast implied is illi the adulteries of Gaius, an perhaps os

Tiberius vi I).

audiuvisso refers to the abductio os Livia rom Nero by Augustus V I, ). victissm Gaius abductionis Drusilla, Livia restilla, and Lollia Paulina hom thei respective husbands Suet. Cal. 24, 23. J

election S.

inter Patruos fratrumque Blias This enaciment di notpermit marriage illi a sister' siaughter so Gaius ima), an it was abolished by Constantine and Constan S. D4. Quoitor: unu Sual but also occurring in XV 42, 4. Cf. at So provisor', ii 4, 1 and Intr. II 5Ι. Alloctius Savorus probab ly the primipilaris mentioned by Suet. CL 26 at hos marriage Claudius an Agrippina ere preSent. gratia : i. e. the des ire t secure her fax our cf. Intr. II 6 I.


D6. adductum. c., hers was a trici, imos masculine, de S potism'. Adducere' to drax tight, o retias, in contrast illi remittere in lachen. f. adductius regnari' Germ. 44. I. nisi dominationi Ox Dectiret, exceptra Secure her SupremaCy'.

Chapto S. I. io nuptiarum Ver early in theae a 49 A. D. Silanus se ch. 3, 2 an soli. His sui id is describe by

later xiv I 2, 5 . Tulli rogis Tullus Hostilius rescribe expiator sacrificesto besaid by Horatius for the murder of his sister Liv i 26, 3).

Thege sacrifices are rescribe here by Claudius, pontifex maximus'. so the allege inceSt ch. 4 4). lucum Dianae probabi that ear Aricia mod Nemi), hereth prie si a an escaped lave ho on the office by layin his predeceSSor Uerg. Aen. vii 643. 3. veniam, 'remission'. his a probabi effecte by a decree of the senate Suet. I. 2). Seneca, On o a famotis rhetorici an rom Spain 'ad alta ine the quaestorship and by the time o Gaius as a lead in senatorial pleader MeSSalina procured his relegation to Corsica, in the rst year o Claudiu S rei , ona charge of adulter Willi Julia, daughter of Germanicus. in publicum Cf. X 28 7.

utorenturi the plura reser to Agrippina an die party. So also

inducunt', h. 9 I.

iniuriam: the wor impli es that the charge on hich he wasbanishe was unMunded, though Suillius, his enemy, Ssume iis justice, xiii 42, 3. Chaptor B, ci ctesignatum consulom: an inscription Shows that his ullis ame a L. Mammius Pollio, and that he wa Consul illi . Allius Maximus in May, 49 A. D. He was probabi de Signated in March. His sententia' a probabi prono unced peregreSSionem', i. e. go in beyond the limits of the question put toti in by the res id in magistrate. He ouldie asked his opinio firSt,

a Consul designate. inctucunt . . . oraretur so the infin solio vin ea his theseverb See Intr. I 3I.



Int r. p. lviij ad been rene wed, illi Tiberius through Germanicus, Ι 8 A. D. and again illi Gaius through L. Vitellius.ctofootione causal See Intr. II I9. iuxta so in i 33 I. Da longius altos more distant relatives'. actici, ,ere adde to his victims .L3. Dulalios 'nationalty . virium Romulis, tu rivalii power'. 11 Chaptor 11 I. iasortavor Intr. I SI, d. ct fastigio, &α the supremac o Rome and the homage paidb Parthia' a repi to the Parthians Claim in h. IO, Lend. obaequiis reserring e speciali to the est oratio of the Romanstandard by Phraate in O . .

Petitum . . . Egem Vonone ; Intr. p. liX.

Tiberius ad sent Phraates and after his death, Tiridates vi 323.

misorat for a simila omissionis object f. X I4 4. 2. ut . . . ogitarot to th in os hi in seli as a Duerno r

Catonem cogitasset ' Dial et I). quanto ignota Intr. I 47 b. IaselioΓ an emendation or Med. toleratiora'. Fori laetus in

D3. actrix ad id temporis'.