Annalium; with introductions and notes

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 303페이지


분류: 미분류



III. INFLUENc O THE STUD O BREVi . 38 8ol. Ellipses have ali eady been noti ced, in the case os VerbS, 47, Prepositions, *3. 8. 3, 4. I9, an Other particle S. 48. Observe also the omission os annus, i II, filia, ii , , and the Curious conci senes os expression in ii 8, 3 See also vi 26, 3. 59 82J. Parenthetica re marks are sonae times introduce Concisely by a ord apparenti in apposition in the nominative, and

equivalent to a relative clauS rarum, V IO, L in Certum an . . .,

xi 22 2 like δῆλον ἔτι, his use suo be distinguished frona that in f 6 a pure parenthesis may be Seen in ii 2, 4. ω 83J. Zeugma, o the referen cerio two object os a ver strictly applicabieini to the earest, is common in Tacitus : See the Seos ore, vi 2I, D nequibat, ii 4 6 peritus, i 29, 2. In V 24, 3, quemadmodum nurum filiumque fratris et nepotes domumque omnem caedibu complevisset, necasset must e supplied illitherars groupis objecis Verbs also are sed, ith two objecis indifferent Senses by Syllepsis': Struere X II, moliri, ii 22, Ι intentare, ii 47, 5. SO, Oo, a masculine nou may be applied toperson o both SeXe pronepotes, filii, i 38, 3 fratres,

Similarly Tacitus se both alioqui an alioquin balneae and balneum dein and deinde grates an gratias agere inermi and



the nanae hen it has been gi ven in ut be re, as Appius Silanus vii, , and then Simpl Appius notice at So themanae in vicio. 64 87-9IJ. The sol lowin are Some of the mos characteristic

methods hereb Tacitus effect variet in Correspondin clauses - i A preposition is vari exto ne of Simila mean ing apud . . . in v Io, Ui 22, 2 SO, et SeWhere, Per . . . in inter . . . apud. ii Cases are varie in apposition a phrases subsidio victis et terrorem adverSu Victores, ii 29, 2 Sub Sidium . . . et imbuendis sociis, ii 32, 4. iii A participi is varie by a correspondin adjective modo Virtutem admiranS, modo timore aeger, ii I, , or an ablative os descriptio by an adjective adversus Superiores tristi adulatione, adrogans minoribus, i 2I, 4; So alSO, Clari genu . . . Summi Shonoribu S, Vis, . iv An instrumentat ablative is varie by an ablative absolute vi militis Romani . . . simul Hibero Xercitu Campo persultante. X 9, See alS X IO, Cau Sa ablative by a Clause non amore in maritum, Sed ne Siliu . . . Sperneret, i 26, 3. S at Soa clause illi ut CorrespondS i a Parti Ci Ple Rin . . . Utque . . .

v Variation Do in substantive to a ClauSe Constantia orationi S, et quia repertu erat qui . . . , O Sque Potuere, Vi an fromin finitive to substantive ne dubia tentare armi quam incruentas condicione mallet, ii 46, 2.

vi Number vari ex cui non iudicium, non odium erat, nisi indita et iussa, ii , , eque . . . Pedite S, Vi 33, 3 Pedites, equeS, ii 29 4. vii Volce varies quo ambiguos inliceret, prompti firmarentur, vi 44, 2. viii Asyndeton- varie&with conjunctions cum arma munimenta impediti vel eminente loci . . . perrumperentur, ii 7, 2 inlu Stre Signobiles dispersi aut aggerati, viri 9, 3. Other instances of Tacitus fondia es sor variet in expreSSion may be Seen in ii 33 39, 3 46, . 63 93J. The expression o facts that have to e state ostenciscarefult varied the reat number o different phrases sed by XXvi


Tacitus sor Such event a accusation, anishment, uici de death, Nil be readit noticed on read in the text. V. INFLUENCE IMITATION. 66 93J. The Graecisitas in Tacitus are chien, such achad atready become naturali red in Latin and mos have been noticed in previ ous paragraphs. o thes may be adde immuni re, ιιπει υζειν, X I9,

quae . . . reVin Cebatur, i , , here the passive a beregarde as equivalent to a naiddie Volce et alia Clarum, - τά τε iratiociμπρον, ii 3, 2.




I. In the constitution solemni inaugurate by his acceptan eo the ille Augustus at the egi nning os . . 27, octavianwas Content tot designate notos hing or dictator, butin lyas prince. I this term is, S has been Commoni SuppOSed, Shortene Dom princeps senatus, it implied ni that fas asno doub theriaci liis nam stoodirs o the ollis senators, and would conve no de of his relation to the state. The laci, however, that he is always spolien o notis princeps senatus autas impi princeps ' seems, together illi many the considerations to oin to the Conclusion that the term is an abbreviationos an hind is ather that o sonae suci, an expression a princeps civitatis, and was intende to designate his genera positio a first citige of the Republic, hichae clatine to have in ther respecis restore in iis entire ty. Thus understood, the ille conveys no monarchica idea, and does no even impi magistraCy though certa in powers alwaySheld with it ad the princeps rs magistrate of the State. a. of these the rs an mos important,as the imperium proconsulare,' hereby, in contrast to thos holdin a more limite imperium, he was distincti vel the sole 'imperator V or imperor, of the Roman empire, an commander-in-chie of alliis fleet an armies. Not only the legati of his own specialprovinces, ut also the proconsul of tho se est to the senate, rankedis his Subordinates an ali militar operations ere heldb a fiction to e conducte unde his lauspicia ' ; hile, bya further extension, his power a valid ais in Ital and evenwith in the walis of Rome, tuin him not only the Supreme command of the home arm and police, but also power o lis and death ove ali citi gens, eveni Senatoria rank, and a speciat uris

The se os titis ille, as commemorative of victories se ii I and Intr. p. lii , is distinet fro iis userio denote Supreme command.



diction, hereb he could ei the tr in person crimina anc civilcharges os ver description or remit them, as e thought fit, toother tribunal S. 3. Hardi les important a the tribunitia potestas. In the later time of the Republic the office of tribune ad been generali the ostio Nersu urba magistracy, a that o proconsul ha been the clites ille o militar command and the princeps was a much bove ordinar tribune as bove ordinata proconsuis. He hel office forcii se, as ampered by the et os nocolleague', and was known to e able, is nee be, to supportinny coercive actio by militar force. From his office e derived persona inviolabili ty it a through it that he could summo the senate an propoSe queStions ocit, as et a intervene to sorbido modis an decree displeas in to hi m. Also, in his capaci ty, he eem to have S sar represente theseopte that the old civicright provocatio ad populum sto in the sentence of the magi Strate passes into an appea to Caesar, and the whole prerogativeos pardo is thus veste in him'. 4. B a thir po er, that of the regimen legum et morum, he retatne to himself the mos important poweribe longin to the ancient censors hip', suchos the revision of the lisis o senatorsan knighis, and the expulsion of nwortii member of those hodie S. 3. nother office, regulari hel by the princeps romandaster . . I 2, a that os ponti sex maximus, whereb he ecamethe supreme authorit in many of the hie religious questions be longin to the State. 6. It will e een that the formo the Roma Republic aspreserved that the Caesar professedi derived thei power Domthei tenure os republica magistracies o modifications of Such, and were supreme by a combination o suci offices, and by such extensio of thei functions as ould o Seem inconsistent illi



their original dea. Not uia frequently the princeps also fille oneo the consul Shi psy, atheros a recognitio of the dignit of the office than a derivin an additiona power Domit Otherwise, the annua magistracies existe o thei ancient Moling, an dis-charge their usual uties of routine the mos important eingi hos of the consuis, a the regula president of the Senate, and of the praetors, a presidin ove an regulating the iudicia publica. 'Si de by si de illi them ere important ne officer directi ap- potnted by the princeps of whom the praefectus praetorio anu praesectus vigilum' ere his militar an police vi cegerent in Rome, hile the praefectus urbi an praefectu annonae iusthave encroache o Some functions of the republica magistrates'. 7. Passinifroin the magistrate to the senate and the comitia, we find that ne os the rs acts of Tiberius a practicali toanni hi late the alter ody by transferring the election o magistrate to the Senate'. The eopte a probabi have fel that the Substance of ower ad long Since departe froin them, and that ni the hado ha no solio e it at an rate, thechange oo place ithout serious opposition, and the populacewere est illi nothing encessirili to care sor ut thei brea and

8. With the senate it was ut ardi saritherwi Se In placeos the senatus populusque Romanus, in hoSe nam the acts of Rome sed to run, his august hod alone remat ned, illi apparenti stili more than iis ancient majesty. Affair that con- cerne the State, and the mos important flairs hicli concerned individual sq, were stili anciled by it illi apparent freedoma iis decrees comerio disserint in form Do lawM in hoosin magistrates, ho by virtve of Such magistrac become Senators', it is formali a set elective ody in or even the right of hoo singilie princeps himself devolves pon typ the whole narrative of

Tiberius a consul illi Seianus in the early monilis os 3I A. D. Foronem Claudius consulfhip se xii I, I. An attempto bring a criminal elare a praetor ather than the praesectus urbi is notice in iv 4Ι, . t 5 I. Panem et circenses, Juv. IO,II. iv 6, 2. Asin rute, the senat was entered through the quaestorship.

Thus aster the deat o Claudius the senate confirme the oldiem' choice of Nero xii 69, 3.


Tacitu is ut o iis debates and decisions. As of id it Ward striumphal honour an other recognition o victori es , an Senil sit than k or in variis to allied hi nil a representative of the State it decrees public funera is and ther honours to the dea d ' itinahes regulation to repres di Sorder', and Curi, extravagance an immorali ty , an to dea stringently illi the abuses of religiosor superstitious practi CeM While, abroad ali important question sappertaining to the administrationis it own province are referre ito it Besides allo his, the senate has supplanted the praetor'Stribunal as the reat hio Cour os criminat justice, hesore hic hculpriis of an are almoSt tways arraigned, speciali on theCOnStanti recurrin charge of maiestas 9. Those, however, ho Could ook belo the Suriace ne Nwel that, o the senate, ut the em peror through the Senate, goveria ex and that it acted ather a representative of him hano the State. very magistrate a reatlyra sar his nomine thatoni Such Candidates as ad his recommendation, or at east hi SapproValy, could e Cho Sen an a the erat ry to the senate iselfwas through magistracy or by the direct nomination of the princeps', e ver Senator mus have fel that he wed his position to theem peror olio, e Sides the powers formali conferre on him, hadal the duantage ariSin froin the genera recognitio that, ho-eVer a maSter of the legions, a master of a much et se saethought fit to claim. Io I w look to the practical orking of the imperia administration the hie differetice et by the inhabitant of Rome

The princeps commended two ut of the went quaestor annuallyelected laur ut of the welve praetors, and nominated the consuls Theconsul sh ip as raret hel for a fuli ear the two consul f ho gave theirnam to the year reti red aster a se monilis, and were succeede by consules suffecti. Two monilis eventu allyaecam the ordinar tengili ostenui e of this ossice so that there ere twelve consul Per annum. i. e. by the quaestorship se above ). Some senator are stylex adlecti a principe. '



militar police force of three urba cohoris enc a thousan Strong, en force the summar jurisdictio of the cit praefeci and ine praetoria cohoris of similar Strengi Were at and is nee ded. This securit mus have been incit Sel no mali boon to trade and industry an even the oores clas mus have mund thei gain in the more systemati regulation Os the Cor Supply. II. In the empire uisi de the mos important change tonotice is the division os province made in . . et between Augustus and the Senate, hereb only the more ea esul ereretaine by the lalter otiose latet acquired, or ther is need ingili presen ce of military force, ein talien veri the emperor. I a. of the senatoria provinces, the wo hi es inere Asia an dAfrica The former, compris in a large triangula traci illi iis basein the wester coas of ASi Minor, include generali Mysia,

Lydia, Caria, and early ali Phrygia, it mos of the fland in the Aegean, and ad iis metropolis and eat o government at Ephesus. The alter ould coincide in modern geograph withthe wester parti Tripoli, the whole os unis, and a considerable portio of Algeria iis hie cities hein Utica and the ne Iuliancolonymi Carthage. I 3. For the proconsulfhi of the Se two great province tot swere dra n annuali by the two senior consul ars ho ad notprevio usi hel et ther. The ther senatoria provinces, eight orni ne in number', ere similari allotte to annua governorS also style proconsul S, though usuali oni o praetoria rank. Theirduties, a a rute, ere Civit Only, nor are an Soldiers, excepi a seis by wano police, to beriound generali in these provinces y. Besides the assistance of one or more legati of high senatoria rank eachprocon Sul Wa attende by a quaestor, ho received ali sum dueto the aerarium.

I 4. The CaeSaria provinces, hos revenues sorme themat supportis the fiscus, compri sed ali ho se fronting the enemies

Thos usuali so rectionedoere Sicily, Sardinia wit Corsica), Hispania Baetica, Gallia Narbonensis, acedonia, Achaia, Bithynia, Cyprus, and Crete Wit Cyrene); ut ome of these ere at times give ove to

Africa forme an exception to this rute, hau in a regula force of ne legion.



of the empire and ii ny ther important counti ies. Theirgovernors, appotnte directi by the princeps, hel ossi e duri nil his pleas ure usuali sor rona three totve ears, but osten or much longe period and like procon Sul os senatoria provinces, ad the assistance of legati, as also procurator fisci, whosed uti es ans erexto hos of the quaestor Hold in osten the command of large armies, an hau in much fuller power o lis and death these governors ere in a sartigher rea positio tha thato a senatoria proconsul although, in recognitio of the sole proconsulare imperium' of the emperor, non hadis hi glier illethan that of legatus Augusti propraetore.' IS. To the reates provinces, in hicli large forces erestationed legati of consular an were always ent . ForemoStamon these are Uppe an Lower Germany an Syria, each withiis garrison o Mur legions, hos of the German armi es fullyorganiae an traine by war against the unsubdue tribes beyonditie Rhine, and tho se of Syria charged with maintaining the prestigeo Rome against Parthia. I 6. nother Class, correspondin to the secon clas os Senatoria provinces, compri sed hos in hicli oni a single legion, Or even a malle force, as Stationed. In these the legatus Wasusuali oni o praetoria rank, but had therwis the fame statusa in the greater provinces. As an ex ample of Such may be ahenthe three division o Gaul, Gallia Belgica, Lugdunen Si S, and Aquitania, for at of hicli insignificant orces Seem ordinarii tohave sufficed, illi the German legion in reserve in Case of aut Sing. I7. In a thir classis province of stili es importance, the Procurator, of Ont equestria rank instea of ein place undera legatus, is himself the acting go vernor perhapS Suali in Somesub ordination to the legatus os amet glibourin province One ell-known instance of such a overtamen in the time o Tiberius that

Cf. the case of Poppaeus Sabinus Vi 39, 3. Senatorial proconsul could not excepi in Africa execute soldier and an Citigen, unde a capita charge, could appea sto any governor o Caesar Nell-known instanc is that oscit Paul Acts xxv. II). Besides hos here mentioned Hispania TarraconenSis, MoeS , Pannonia, and Dalmalia, helonged to this class.



o Pontius Pilatus in Judaea, shows that an officer eve of this rankmight have command of at leas a cohort'. I 8. Egypt a the great granar of Rome, ad an exceptionalposition, and though et by a Con Siderable force, as ent rustedio no legatus, ut ealousi retaine by the princeps unde his own controi, with a vi egerent of equestri an an stylex praesectus.' I9. Alliso vernor os provinces ad fixe salaries rom thetreasury an Crueli an extortion, though ymo means things of the past, evioye sarcies impunit than Such a collusive CCuSerS, or jud ges intereste in connivance, ad osten secure for theculpri in forme times. From his cause, probabi also hom themore equitable asses sment of tribute through a Systemati Cen Sus, the provinces are admitte to have been gainers by the falli the Republic, and there is eviden e that hos place unde theemperor ere more economicatly go verned than the senatorial.

2o Severa states an hingdom no sormali reduce toprovinces, ut est semi- independent unde native rulers, helpedio strengthen the empire against hostile nations'. et I. The great militar force of the empire a masse alongiis orth- ea Ster fronti er, formed, oughly speaking, by the Rhine, Danube, an Euphrates. The eight legion o Germany and the uri Syria have been atready mentioned the line of the Danube was secured by ve in Moesia an Pannonia, supporte by two more in Dalmatia to these are t be adde two in Egypt one in Africa, and three in Spain, ahing up the hole standin force of twenty-five legions Italy ad n other garrison than the praetorian and urba cohoris swhose ea quarters ere in RomH, and the fleet o Misenum and Ravenna. 22. The legion Commande by a legatus of Senatorial osteneven O praetoria rank, consiste of te cohoris, ach subdivi dedint three maniples. ach of hicli containe two centuries. Allit soldiers, though recruite freel from ali paris of the empire, were Roman Citigens ut a large auxiliar o non- Citigen force as alway attache t it, supplementiniit hiefinwith light troops an cavato the whole corps being thus ad uinto a strengi ofabout Io, o flat arm an descriptions The main armi es may

St. blati xxvii 27, C. e. g. Commagene unde Antiochus, xii 55 Iturae and Iudaea xii 23.