Annalium; with introductions and notes

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 303페이지


분류: 미분류




A the time os his assas sination, Iulius Caesar a preparin sora reat expedition against Parthia, hich seem to have been designe nolint to aveng the diga Ster o Crassus a Carrhae in 33 B. Q but also to effect a great extensio os Rome' possession Sin the East. his scheme lapse at his dea th, an advant age ast alienis the n se ille state of things hic li ensue throughout the Roman world by the Parthiana in Orodes, who sent an arm os invasio into Syria, unde his son Pacorus and the Roman exile Labienus. Decidius Saxa legatus of Anton in Syria, as illed, an Syria, Palestine, an mos of Asia Minor ere verrun by the Parthians. This inva Sion seriousi affecte the power of Rome in the East for two ear 14 I, O . Q). ut the campaigns os entidius Bassus, in 3 and 8 B. C., resulte in the recover of thegro und thus ost Roman restige a restored, and in Parthia it self there as a revolution in hicli Orodes a murdere and his throne seiete by his o Phraates. Anton at this time, b his partitio of the empire illi Octavian, was in charge of the East, and was scheminuto destro the Parthian monarch and uildis for hi in sel a great Oriental empire in iis place Aster tengili preparations hecie a litige arm os siXteen legions late in 36 B. C., into Media: ut his invasion as a complete fallure, an he was in ange of ulter disaster in thecourse of his et reat. Nor id e improve his prospecis against Parthia b his actio in Armenia in 34 B. Q, hen e seige iis kin Artavasdes, and ook imprisone to Alexandria o a Chargeo desertio in the revious year this thoroughi exasperate dili Armenians homae hould have retainexas allies, fili in themwith hatre an mistrusi, and giving them ample ground for that readines whicli the showed for o long a perio asterward toin trigue it Parthia again St Rome. Anton neve acti vel resume his schemes against Parthia ; his energies ere ecomin impatred, and the quarret illi Octavianwas no de vel oping A the time os thes Actian 'ar internali U



disturbances in Parthia, sortunatet sor Rome averte repri sal Siso that quarter a temporar revolution ad rive Phraates seo his throne and ad ut a rival Tiridates, in his place anda the time of Octavian's Succes Phraates a oni jus recover- in his poSition. On succeed in to the undi vide possession of the empire, Octavi an too no teps to any ut Antony's grandiose schemes of conquest in the ast though circumstances ad hi heir to Antony' enmit with both Parthia an Armenia. ut his armywas in no condition to enter po distant an dissicut enterprises; the veteran were clamourin for thei dis charge and thei rewards whil Octavianaim sei destre to setile his own positio at homoeona secure basis, and the question arisingon the Europeandroniter of his empire concerne hi more early He a Content so the present, to leave the states of Asia sor the mos part unde thearrangement that he Mund prevat linx then e returned o Rome, an for severat ears a fuit occupie with the setilement of the constitution, and therias of dealing illi hos paris of his Europea empire here Rome' hold was no fuit securex. A the fame time, there a sint the en of the Actia Warra ide- spreasseel in in Rome that the eiu uter no entit ted Augustus in Wa to enter on a Caree o Conquest in the Eas as et a thewest. Passages in Vergit an Horace, publishe at this time, indicate a genera expectatio that Augustus as O bring both Parthia an Britat into the Roman empire . HoweVer, o sar Sthe East a concerned Augustus avoide war; for the present there a no ange imminent, an he might later on improve Rome' position in the Eas by the means. There a at waysthe prospectis sudde deposition, b internat revolution, of the Parthia an Armenia monarchs, and Augustus gave protectio torefuge princes ho might at ome future occasion e installe in thei stea and over in the Roman interest Thus he had,

The formationis the province of Moesia, for the protectio os Greeee againSt the Dacians, the organi rationi Gaul, and campaigias in the Alps and in Spain belon to this period. Hor. d. iii 5 praesens divus habebitur Augustus adiectis Britannis imperio gravibusque Persis. CL also Od. et in ii 3 iii 2 6. Verg. Geori iii 5.



apparent ly oon aster Acti una, received Tiridates in his liniit DomPhraates, and gi ven him a home in the province os Syria. Other Easter prince to hona AuguStu gave asylum e re the w sons of the late hin et Artavasdes, brother of Artaxias no rei in in Armenia. hom he had Mundis Alexandri these ere Tigranes and another hocis conjecture tora the Artavasdes mentioned inii 4. I. There as also Artavasdes the Median prince, ho ad supported Tiridates against Phraates, andi ad sor a time been heldi captivit by the lalter He escape an ne to Augustus aster Antony' downsali, and was et by him o the throne of Armenia Minor. A demand was madet Phraates in DB C. that Tiridates should beatve uinto him, ut Augustus refuse to do his, thoughhe sentiac Phraates own son, ho hen stili an insant ad been carrie of by Tiridates in his fight. Lut in the ear 2 B. C., Augustus visite Syria, and made illi Phraates the agreementwhicli his panegyrist represente as a virtua conquest o Parthia. Phraates restore the standard taken Do Crassus, and ecamethe friendis Rome, underi ah in to give no Supportato ne ighbouringkingdom in opposition to Rome. It was undoubte di a triumphsor Augustus' diplomacy, and rought Rome a reat increa se of prestige in Asia. Vergi an Horace celebrate the achi evementi glowin terms, an Augustus himself represente Parthia ashumbled an submissi ve . A the fame time Media a give to Ariobarganes, o of the Media Artavasdes ho ad recenti die a Rome In regar to Armenia, Augustus ad meant to invade that count an exactvengeance O the massa re os Roman perpetrate by Artaxias atthe time of his accession, ut o invasio in force prove necessata, a Artaxias a murdered by his relative sit 3 3), an his brother Tigranes as accepte a hing, and was institute in his hingdom by Tiberius. This a represente by AuguStu asequi valent to the capture of the counita coiias ea the legend Armenia Capta οὐ Recepta, andae state that though e might

Verg. Aen. viii 26 Euphrates ibat iam mollior undis. CL also Ae=a.

vii 6o6. Hor. d. iv I 5, signa derepta Parthorum superbis i postibus':

also Od. iv 5, 25 a. Augustus rites, Partho . . . Supplices amicitiam populi Romani petere coegi': Mon Anc. V 42.



have made Armenia a provincerae preferre to restore it to a native prince Mon Anc. 24-8). The se ille ment illi Parthia proved atri satisfactory Phraate S, Tacitus declares ii I, 2), hen celarth showed mark of Service andre SpeC to Ome, an ten ear later e sent his hildren to ebrought up in Rome, an act hich was of high importance, a prOvid in a suppi o Romani ged princes for future vacancies o thethrone o Parthia. In Armenia, the ruleis Tigranes seem to have been of but hortduration. Evidenti there as a strongiod of resistance to Roman intervention, and it Seems that in spite of Augustus agreement, ith Phraates the anti-Roman factions in Armenia could obtain Parthian Support. There ere Succe S Sive revolution an Change of mon- arctis, the recordis,hicli is fragmentar and the chronolog desective. t seems that Tigrane S rule oon Canae to an end, and thentiis son an claughter Tigrane an Erato, marrie in the fasti lonos Oriental royalties, eigne as in and queen They Seem toliave ad suppor sto Parthia, to the detriment of Artavasdes λ, whom the Roman savoured, and who oris hori time too thethrone at Augustus bidding, ut Was again dri ven ut probabi by Tigranes an Erato, on hic li occasio a number of Romans ostthei lives ii , I). his may be the risis hic li Tiberius asinvite to go an setile, in 6 B. C., hen e resused in Sisting ongo in into et trement a Rhodes instead. The sit uation in Armenia a not deat with untii Lor 2 B. C. When Augustus egan negotiatin with the Parthians in protest against thei intrigues in Armenia About this time Artavasdes di ed, and then Tigrane requested Augustus to agre toti tenureis Armenia. Augustus tot him to appinio Gaius Caesar, ho a Sent ut todeat with affairs in the East in I B. C. butielare the me et in took place Tigranes diecti a batile , illi barbarians' Dio, tu Io, a) and, Erato abdicating, Gaius haesto Choose a ne hing. He appotnted Ariobarganes in o Media, son of the Media Artavasdes see p. vii), illi the consent of the Armenians, a Tacitus states ii 4, 2), ut hi consent a probabi limite to the Romanietingpart in Armenia, and there a arme oppositio stoin the ther,

Perhaps the thir sonis the Artavasdes seire t by Antony se P. lv.




the Pr Parilitari, faction, in Gaius, i in t en rce his creationo Ariobarzanes by attachin his opponent at Artagira, incurre lthe wound whicli ended in his dea th in A D.

V learn rom the monumentum Ancyranum that he Ariobarzanes di ed the Armenians rebelle against his Son another Artavasdes, an hille hina, on hicli Augustus nominate a thei rhing the Tigranes horis mentione in vi O, 2. his Tigranes,hOWeVer, a no able to maintain his o Sition, an Erato e came queen again, ut o for long the throne re maine vacant untii Vonones, drive lio Parthia by Artabanu in I II A. D. Wasso a hori time accepte a thei hin by the Armenians. This onones asine of the son O Phraate Who, a Wa mentione above, ad been sent tome brought up a Rome Phraates ha been murdered, and his throne alien, b his naturat sonPhraataces, bout 2 D. C. he was followed by Orodes, who asasSasSinated in A. D. and then the Parthia nobi es applied to Augustus to Sen them one o Phraates sons, and it a in responset this that onones a made hingis Parthia. ut his Romani redway made hina unpopular illi the lead in nobi es in his xv coun- try plot was sorme against hi m. and Artabanus a madea ingin his stea d, in Io o II A. D. his an on his mother' si de asos the roya sanati of the Arsacidae, butin his sather' si de probabi, a Dahan se vi 2 4 36, j.

Artabanus ei ob ed a long eign. ut in illi O A. D. an Soon aster his accession insiste on the Roman withdra in thei supporthona Vonones. The alter a remove frona Armenia, and givena home in Syria : ut, at the time o Germanicus mission to the East, in I A. D. he was Sent awayrio Cilicia in deseren eoo Artabanus' i Shes, and attemptin to Scape bach to Armenia, Waskilleda his Roman guard S. Germanicus received froni Artabanus a renewal of the agreementos Parthia illi Rome, and proceedin into Armenia, institute onthe throne Zeno, sonis Polemo in o Pontu S, a prince ho a Sthe object of the nationa choice of the Armenians, and whomow, unde the nam os Artaxias, et tili his death, sonae si Xteen ears later, the throne hic had stoo vacant since the remova of Vonones During this time there remo troubles recorde bet ween

Rome an Armenia, ut by the time of the death of Artaxi '



Artabanus ad abando ne his polic o deseren eoo Rome, and now ook occasion to challelage Rome' directio of the successionto the throne of Armenia by sei et in it for his son ArsaceS, arroganti anno uncin his intention to reasser his authorit a Parthian monarchive ali the posses Sion. 4nce held by Cyrus and Alexander'

The evenis,hicli sollowed need noti further describe here, asthe manne in hicli Tiberius deali illi the crisi is describedtoward the en o Boo vi chaps. 3Ι-44ὶ Mithridates, stablished by the Romans as in o Armenia, as able to maintain his position, and besore the deat his Tiberius, Artabanus ha been forced by Vitellius to malae submission and homage, and to deli ver

This setilement was pse by Gaius, ho summone Mithridatest Rome an imprisone him, leavin Artabanus Once more masteros the siluation in Armenia However, o Artabanus death civilwar aros bet ween his sons, and the whole Parthia empire a somuch disturbe by this that Claudius as abierio reinstate Mithridates in Armenia in the face of Parthia opposition, at om date no later tha 43 A. D. X 8ὶ.For subsequent event in the ast referen e liould e made tolli narrative in the textis Books xi and xii.


The conquestis Brita in had undoubtecti been regarde by Julius


Augustus rei g the Standi ad accordinga Strabo become entire lysriendi to Rome. The sanae relation continue unde Tiberius. Thi S a due o do ubi to the polic os Cunobelinus, hin os the

portio of the Sland and whose longae igia continue sto the lati eryears of Augustus to the heginning of the rei gram Claudius. Claudius determination to anne Brita in Was occasione by theun Settie state of things ariSing po the deat o Cunobelinus, when the chiela ho succe ede to his power ere hostile to Rome. Adminius, ne of the late hing' sons, ad flexio Gaius, and there wa also Bericus, ho as a suppliant to Claudiu pressin sorre instaternent. The imperia polic require ei ther that Britains hould e unde a in acknowledging the protectorate of Rome, o that it should hecome a province Caratacus, holad Succeededi Cunobelinus position, as hostile to Roma dictation and the prospectis extending the Roma dominion acros the Ocean and winning a triumph so the achievement ad an irresisti ble appealto Claudius vani ty. The expedition, hic was sent in the hird ear o Claudius' reio 43 A. D.), a Weli an adequalet organiged. The numbersan qualit of the troops ere suchis to en Sure SucceSS. Our Se asone legion were alien for the purpo se three Dom Germany and ne sto Pannonia : thei numbers may be estimate a Domi entnt twenty-five thousand, and the arm would contain besides rather more than double that number of auxiliaries. The ossicers ereeminent an able A the ea of the arm was Aulus Plautius Silvanus, a senator of the highest reputation ' Dio), consul Murteen years besore, at Some time legatus o Delmatia, an no probablytransferred homine of the highest provincia appotntinent Among his Subordinates as Vespasian soriar fini praetoria rank, and actin a legatu of the Secon Legion marhed ut sor future eminenc by his Successes in the ensu in Campat there ere alSO Flavius Sabinus Uespasian ' brother, the cit presect of 69 A. D. , and Hosidius Geta, ho ad fought illi succe S in Mauretania. In the persona traini Claudius came Servius Sulpicius Galba, the SubSequent emperor, M. Licinius Crassus Frugi, a consulari long Standing the Senator Valerius Asiaticus, an Ti. Plautius Silvanus Aelianus, distinguished subsequently sor his achi evemenis in MoeSia.



For the event of the invasion e have only the narrative in Dio, meagre in delat an vague in iis geography. I appear that the Britisti resistance acheade by Caratacus and Togodumnu S, holia latet succee de to thei father' hingdom. Eari in the cam-paignin tribe calle the Boduni submitted an received a Romangarrison in thei midst Then the Roman arm in iis onward marchlia to figli a two-day batile so the pasSage of a river Whichbarre thet way, after hicli the barbarians seli ac norit, of the Thames, here the Still threatene a vigorou regi Stanc under the leadershipis Caratacus, Togodumnus havin fallen. Plautius hallexo the bank of the Thames, here e alte forthe emperor to come illi re inforcemenis, no doub occupying the interva in selliing the districis through hic he had marched. When Claudius arrived the Roman arm Cros sed the Thames, delaate the Briton an marche on to the hie cit of the Catuvellauni, Camulodunum, hi Ch the occupied Caratacu Ses Caped, and vetan him a se years later the leadin spirit in theresistance of the Silures; ut his dominio passe in to the and so the Romans, an in ther places ritisti princes ad their Submis Sion. Among these a Prasutagus, hing of the Iceni, homade a reat with the Roman whicli ould secure the ne vprovince stom attac froin the orth; hil in the outh- east anative prince Cogi dubnus as ent ruste withis ingdom extendingove the Regni in Sussex an includin the town a Chichester. In the remaining three ear of his command Plautius complete the subjugationi Cunobelinus hingdom, hil to Uespasianwasalven therias of Setti in iis ester portion. B Vespasian'SOperation the Countrydrom Hampsit ire including the Iste of Wight Vectis), a subdue a far a themen dipsa so that no the ne proVince of Britai may be regarde a that parti England whichlies ouili os a line ro Gloucester o Colchester TheSe two places,ouldie the main forti fied camps on the fronti er UerulamiumwOuidie an intermediate post an Londinium a place of Supporti the rear. e recoVer the narrative o Tacitus for the event in Britain Domin hi Mas probabi the Medway. The Roman would have lande onthe coastis ent, and thei march out be directe toward the ThameS,

wit Camulodunum a thei ultimate gOal.


7 A. D. When P. Ostorius Scapula succcede Plautius, ut thesubjec is no presente in clearietati, an oni a rough Summaryos the evenis cante made On his arrivat, the ne legatus h ad todeat with raid upon the ne province Dona the uias ubdue paris os Britata, and to hec theseae annexed a surther portion rom ha tis no include in the id land counties. This excite alarinamong the Iceni on the east the rigantes in the orth, and the Silures in the west an in the ast-name quarter a long and bit ter struggle egan. The Silures adiso for thei leade thelagitive CaratacuS, an sor three ear he conducte a skilla resistance to the Roman in the counties long the easter borders of Wales A the en of this period in SI A. D. the stris WaSende by a great pitchediatile describe in ii 33-33ὶ the sit ofwhicli is a matter os conjecture xii 33, 2). his resulte in the complete deseat of the Briton S, the capture os Caratacus' brothers, and the Subsequent Surrender of the person o Caratacus himselfBut the resistance of the Silures a no finalty vercome. A permanent cam so the Secondiegion a no maderat Isca Silurum Caerleon-On-USh), and the position a maintaine with difficulty an at the cost os severa reverses xii 38-4O). Moreover, the hostilit of the Brigantes no v ecam acute, an one of their princeS, VenutiuS, came to the front a the Britons most shil sulnational leader. At an early stage in these renewed hostilities, Ostorius di ed, and during the ex Six ears, unde the govem ment of Didius Gallus and thenis Veranius, no accession o territor was effected, ut in

ali probabilit the administration and the defence of the districisal ready gained ere Systematicali organi Zed. At the lose olClaudiu S rei gn, then, the condition o Roman Brita in may bebri est describe a sol lows Isca and Venta Caeriuent Nere held illi Strong garrison a post against the Silures siroconium Wroxeter), again St the Ordovices ho occupie North ales; Deva Chester an Lindum Lincolia constonte the BriganteS. Each of these places except Uenta was the ead-quarter of a legion an ali ere Connected with ach other and wit their bases os suppor in the outh- eas by the os Way and the wattingi Themati in Street an rom London to Viroconium the os Waysto Lindum to Aquae Sulis Bath .



Street, illi thei subsidiar branches. The principat tow of the province a Camulodunum, the forme capital f Cunobelinus' hingdom. Here, in the perio of Storius' ovemment, a Roman Colony as Settied xii 32, s), and the place ecam the seat os alarge an nourishin Romani Zed population. Further ouili, Londinium at ready e oyed a considerable commercia importance.