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mon. Which truth is not only proved by experienco, but St. Augustino, as .eli as tho other Holy Fathers, has an nouncedit in the sollowing words t) : For herestes have arisen, and certain perverse doctrines, ensnaring fouis, and precipitatingthom into the abyss, have been broached only when the good Scriptures had beon badly undorstood, and whon that whieli Was badly understood in them Was rashly and holdly asserted. Behold then, Vonerabis Brothron, tho tenden cy of this So-eiely, whicii moreover, to attain iis ends, leaves nothing untried: for not only does it print iis translations, but also, Wandering through tho toWns and citios, it deligitis in distributing themamongst the cro d. Νay, to allure the minus of the simple, at one time it selis them, at another, With au insidiovs liberality, it heslows them. But is any person destre to ascertain tho trua fourco os alltho ovils Whicn we have hitherio deplorod, or of thoso whicli, testwo Would bo tedious, me have passed over, ho mill find, that, attha common cement of the Church, as weli as noW, it alWays originaled in an obstinate contem Pt os the authority of the Churchitsoli; yea, of that Church, Which, as St. Leo the Great te achos v by a charity the best regulated, contemptates Petor in the Seoos Potor, and in the person os tho Roman Pontiis, his Successor, Iooks to him, and honours him: in whom tho care os ali the pastors, together With the flocks committed to them, continues, and
to Four assistance, Whose interest, as roason and experienee
them, and that you Will not find the flock obedientio the voice of the pastor, is the pastor himself be
22 good Works, in doctrine, in integri , in gravi ,
Sound speech, unblam te, that he who is in thecontrary puri may be asraid, having no evit in sayos iis μ),' stat depraved men, and the enemies of the faith, may be made to blush, and may MWaysiiud in your conduci the most sorcible reproos of their irregular or Wiched lives. Finalty, as the prince os the Apostles recommends, be made a patiem os the floch Dom the heari, not ruting them by violeuco, but missi affection and love, as it be- cometh a sather solicitous only sor the welsare of his children. Such also are, and they could not santo be, the charges and exhortations os our holy pre- decessors in the ministry, and of the Church in hercounciis, Which not once, but osten, has declared, that the firsi and most essenties obligation os a pastor, Was to give good example is his floch. And in good truth, beloved Brethren, Who candoubi but stat the exemplary lise Os a pastor
Preaches more eloquently is his partinionem inauali his sermons or exhortations ' Τhe voice os his life and conduci is much more poWerses and effica-ctous than his mords; it is an instruction Whicli neverceases, Whicli puta in Shame the Wiched, and coversthem With confusion, Whilst it consoles the virinous, and confirms their sootateps in the Ways of peace. But, on the other haud, What exiis do not arise hom
and chies obligation; it is required uiso, that an
ardent MM sor the salvation os the fouis committedio him, be joined With his good example; it is necessary that his bo eis yearn, and his heart be enlarged, upou vieWing the Various Winis os his floch, and that he be alWays ready, and alWays exach in thedischarge of his ministry. He must ever bear inmind that he is not called in be an idie or unsaith- fui servant, to collect the fruits of the vineyard, but
ue said os himself, gain their mula to God. And is any os them should be lost through your fauit; Uthe sinuer, through your neglech should die in his iniqui , ohi What a terribie account Will be exacted of you by the Lordi He has declared by the mouinos the prophet Egeriel, that you Would be anSWel
Consider, then, h- great should be your vigilance, boW great JOur promptitude, in administering the Hob Sacramenis; especialty those Which are indispensabie sor the salvation os fouis. Nosting
increases ruther thau cures a disease, and leaves
the patient in a Worse state than it seund him. Inorder stat aeut be essicient, and produce fruit, it must be govemed and directed by prudelice and chari W-that chari Whicli is benign, and bears ali, and suffers ali f. Zeat is the fim os religion, thalmost poWersul and usesul os ali the elementa, but