Selections from L'Hommond's Viri Romae and Cornelius Nepos

발행: 1897년

분량: 217페이지


분류: 미분류


I 0. Tigrani rogi, dative dependent on intulit. 22. benignia verbis, ablative of means. 23. capiti clepenos on reponere. 25. Romanorum modifies primus. 26. o ut, capitat. VPage Io3. biduo, an ablative denoting extent or duration os time. ore mentia, ablative of Cause. 8. Arrange : et) opinione hominum felix futur esset) si habuisset eundem vitae finem quem finem) glorias habuit), neque iam senex

I. Nasevisset and negarent, subjunctives dependent on oum. a. Restivo tempora, in summer time. 6. AIiam sivam is the subject os apponi. 13. oonsule ingressuro, ablative absolute, when the consul wasa ut to enter. VI 5. honoris, genitive dependent on causa. I 6. - -Ieate ferre, that he was Sorry. VI 0. Matra modi fies venerit. 24. sis, Subjunctive dependent on quamvis.



I. nobillinina familia, ablative os fource or origin. a. Egens, P when he was in .' 3. duxit uxorem, Umarriecl. V 4. MIIae, dative dependent on inliseimimus. 1s; namely, U Sulla. '5. neque potuit, P but he could not. V6. qua re, ablative os cause. bonis, ablative os separation. Mis

7. Veste mutata, ablative absolute. nocte, ablative of time. urbe, ablative os separation. morbo, ablative os cause.

0. prope Per singulas noctes, P almost every night. VIO. Arrange : et eomprehensus a liberto sullae, Meunia data vix, ovaait ne perdueeretur ad suum. II. vix, only with dissiculty. V pecunia lata, ablative absolute. II. propinquos, P relations by blo . V adfines, P relations by mar-riage. V veniam impetravit, he was sorgiven. V satia oonatat, '' itis well known. 13. The infinitive clause suuam proclam ae ' depenus on oonstat. ' viris de Mantibus, ablative absolute. I . denegasset uno contenderet, subjunctive dependent on eum. denegasset, UdenegaviSSet. V15. Proclamasse, Pproclamavisse. VI 6. Vincerent, P let them Win V i. e. V let them have their way. 'The infinitive clause eum futurum' depenus on scirent. 10. cResari, dative dependent on compound inesse. 2o. alipendia prima fecit, P he first served in the army. V2I. corona cirion, ablative os means. He received this re ardior personal valor Shown in batile. Sulla mortuo, ablative absolute. 22. Rhodum, accusative denoting limit os motion. per otium, at his teisure. V23. operam staret, P to improve his time under.'

I. dies, accusative denoting duration os time. a. terrori venerationique, So-called datives of service, used to



show that for which a thing serves or which it accomptishes, fol-lowed by the dative iratis, denoting the person assected. 4. quibus, ablative os means. 5. talanta: a talent equalied εI, Ioo in gold. 6. as is the subject os daturum esse). quibus stalentis) numeratis, ablative absolute. 7. Milatum, accusative denoting limit os motion. 8. et se oontracta, ablative absolute. II. adsint eos suppilato, he inflicted umn them a punish



13. Nola, dative os advantage. 14. lagi, dative aster rΘpum ei. I7. effunderetur, frangerentur, and expelleretur, subjunctives of result alter M.


I 8. Foro, ablative of Separation. 2O. domo, ablative os place. duris, ablative os separation. 22. testandi, genitive dependent on gratia. 24. Retum, P id actum esse. 23. Arrange uantes nomine et Oognomine unum eo ulam pro duobus consulibus). 27. confviatu, ablative aster the deponent Verb funetus. Page a II. quibus, ablative os time. 3. sermanos, direct object of Rggressos. 4. Ponto fabrionis, ablative absolute. eladibus maximia, ablative os meanS. 5. superatis Britannis), indirect object depending on imperavit. 6. oum...tum, both. . . and e Specially. V . illud egregium, P illud egregium factum. 8. exercitu nuisnte, ablative absolute. scuto opto, ablative ah- solute. 9. fugientis, . Usugientis militis. VI o. alio proelio, ablative os place. Iegionis modifies aquilisarum aquiliferum conversum, conversum faucibus, dependent on astraxit. II. ineundae fugae, genitive dependent On - R. 12. dextrRm; namely, P manum. VI4. eum quibus, quibuscum. Qua adhortatione, ablative of means. 15. Arrange et) docuit legionesi, paratas rines, Vincere. 17. crasso intrefecto V and Iulia defuneta V are ablatives a solUte. 18. Pompeio, dative after nupis. 2O. Suspectae, P had heen a cause os suspicion. V2I. Oravis, Mannoying. V22. detineretur and postulasset, subjunctives dependent on eum. 23. ne...discederet depenus as an adverbial modi fieron postula et, explaining the reason for his demand : while ut...tioeret expresses the object of the de manu. 24. absenti refers to sibi. 25. Pompeio eiusque amicis suadentibus, ablative absolute. 26. Vindicaturus expresseS the Purpose of his retum.



27. bonandum ratus, O thinhing that war Was noW a necessi ty. Vrat from Ureor, reri. 'Page Raa. sertur, V it is reporteo that he. 7. quo, P to which place. VII. hiems, ablative of time. eopiis cessantibus, ablative os time. II. diutius, too long. 13. Horae, genitive dependent on impatiens. 14. o tris, ablative os separation aster egreditur. 16. tempestate saeva, ablative os cause. 10. adversas tempestati, dative dependent on cedere. Translate priua with quam: et pamua eat gubernatorem eodoro non prius quam paene obrutus eat. 23. Ptolemaeo regi, dative aster compound Verb intulit. 24. R quo, molamnso. tibi, i. e. CaeSari. 25. quo Ptolemaeo) Victo, ablative absolute. 26. multiplici suo ain, ablative os cause.

I. more, ablative of manner. a. uno eo inque momento, ablative of time. 3. Arrange hostem Hotum esse ante quam risum.

I. refoventes, P coming bach to life again. V8. Arrange : gravius Hispanienae bellum) exoepit. salum cassarem victorem Atrioani boni. q. quod retem to Hispanienae bellum). II. auxiliis eonfluentibus, ablative absolute. 12. aequentium modi fies auxiliis ; magnitudinem is the object of montium, paterni nominia an adjective modi fier os magnitudinem ;undique, ad sum, ex toto orbe, are adverbial modi fiers os confluentibus.

sua, CaeSariS.I4. adeo ut, P to Such an extent that. VI 5. MMM...dubio, ablative absolute, pugna dubia.' plus modi- fies dubio. equo, ablative of Separation dependent on descenderet. I 8. vestigio, ablative os separation depudent on re saurum. quom: Supply imperatorem. V



I0. deserturi essent, subjunctive in indirect question introduceo by quom et quo lam. Verecundis and Virtute, ablatives of cause. 22. omnibus, dative dependent on ignovit. 24. conversus iam, P turning now his attention. V27. mense sublato, ablative absolute.

3. ordine senatorio, ablative os separation. movit, he expellecl. 6. in Mos, Uday by clay. V destinabat, P he planned. V All thesollowing infinitives redigam to inferre) are dependent on destinabat.

dorsum, V mountain range . VII. ad Tiberim usque, ali the way to the Tiber. VI 5. Arrange : Mors praevenit Caesarem) agentem et meditantomhaso et alia. II. solens modifies the subject containeo in excepit. ut adaurgeret dependes on monentem. 18. voltu irato, ablative absolute, used as an ablative os manner. 2o. capiti, dative alter the compound verb imminisset. 22. imposuisset, subjunctive dependent on eum. 23. videretur, Subjunctive dependent on ut denoting Pu ose. Qua re, ablative os cauSe. 24. amplius modisies sexaginta. camio et Bruto Gothua, ablative absolute. 25. Idibus Martiis, ablative os time. 26. futuri periculi, of the approaching clanger. V27. nocturno visu, ablative of cause modisying territa. stiteret depenus on or at.

2. ut...ORVMet, that he should he on his guam. V proximos disstriginta, accusative denoting duration os time. 4. Spurinnae inquit, D said to Spurinna. V8. ilicoque, and immediately. V quasi rogaturus aliquid, Pas isabout to ask sor Something. V0. renuenti: Supply UCaesari. VIo. olamantem is the direct object os volnerat. 13. graphio, ablative of means.



2Ο. ex sententia, V in accordance With his own wishes. VII. ultima viastudine, Uin his last sichness. V24. pridie quam, the clay before. V in sermone nato, Uduringsome conversation that had sprung up. 25. esset, subjunctive in indirect question introduced by quianam. ropentinum inopinatumque: supply P finem. V27. trisnnio, ablative after the comparative ampli . defunctuaeat sua morte, P clied a natural death. V

I. Rlio Oassu, naufragio, proelio, ablatives of manner.3 pugions and quo, ablatives of means. 4. quo correspondS to hoo. Quo modi fies rarior. 5. hoo in is, the ...the... V Victoria, ablative dependent on thecleponent verti usus est.

0. Arrange: ne sorte sillae litterae) darent sibi) Ioeum gravius

eo ulandi in multos.12. occasione obruis, ablative absolute. 13. Post, P in spite os. VIS. non ignorabat, P he well knew. VI6. oen , dative after compound verb adhibuit. 17. eius; namely, Memmi. In 1Θ, te. CaeSarem. I 8. ex Isa staturR, ore pleniore, oculis, capite, ablatives of qualityor description. 2o. iocis, dative dependent On obnoxia. 21. obnoxia, P exposed. V ideo, o for that reason. V23. laureae gestandae, of wearing a laurei Crown. V Vini, genitive dependent On parcissimum. 24. Arrange ne inimici quidem negaverunt eum latam pariolasimum Vini.

2. ovile detecto, ablative of quali or description. 5. innixus, Usupported by. '



7. equestri genere, ablative of Aource or origin. Arpini, locative genitive at Arpinum. V0. grano, dative dependent on similem. genti, dative dependenton inditum. Io. Quibusdam suadentibus, ablative absolute. I 3. ubi...interesset, ut ibi intereSSet, Subjunctive os purpose. aoholia, dative dependent on the compound verb interemet. 14. Maoeret, Subjunctive dependent on eum. quibus artibus). ablative os meanS.I6. oum...tum, Uboth. . . ano espectat ly. VI 8. man set manavisset), Subjunctive dependent on oum. Qua videndi et audiendi gratia, gerundive. Qua dependS on gratia; videndi et audiendi, commund adjective modi fier os et . paues isthe subject of dicantur reperti esse. 10. Moantur, subjunctive of result dependent on M. 2o. nulla re, arte dicendi, eloquentia, ablatives of means. 2I. intellegeret dependS On eum. 22 in quo : Supply studio. '

et. sectaretur and exerceret are subjunctives of pumose dependent

on M.

4. MIIanos, Sulla's partisans. V5. Arrange Nam cum nemo auderet defendere Roscium quendam, Mousatum parricidi, ob potentiam chrysogoni, liberti Mnas, qui erat in adversariis eius, cloero defendit, etc. yarricidi, genitive denotingilie crime of which he was aCCUSecl. 6. ob potentiam explains why no one dared to defend him. eius; namely, P Roscii. 0. ei, dative dependent on par. Videretur, Subjunctive os resultdependent on ut. IO. Athenas and Rhodum, accusatives denoting limit os motion: P to Athens V and to Rhodes. '



13. Qui, subject os dicitur.

IS. Iaude, ablative os separation dependent on privstretur.

I 8. initio, ablative of time. 10. Moulis, dative dependent On moIeatus. cogeret, Subjunctive denoting CauSe. 2Ο. experti, P understancling. V or preciating. VII. quaestori suo V and uni praetori, datives dependent onustularunt. 24. esset and haberetur, subjunctives os result dependent on M.

I. secundo bono Punico, ablative of time. a. seeundo alipendio, cluring his secono campaign. 4. neutra m-u and neutro pede, ablatives denoting Specification denoting that in respect to which anything is. 5. miles erat, he stili remat ned a soldier. V6. Mus; namely, ' Hannibalis. V viginti mensibus, for twentymonths. V nulla non die, P clay after clay, V or P every day. 8. eo insidente, ablative abSolute. Io. obsidione, ablative os separation. II. duodena instead of duodecim V : the distributives are used instead of the cardinals when they modisy a noun castra) plural inform but singular in meaning. I6. inopia and consolentia, ablatives os cause modi sying notus. II. cupiditato, ablative os cause modi fying incensua. I 8. ssus esset repulaam, he had suffered de seat VI 0. oonfodere, trucitare, incendero, diripere, are infinitives dependent on oonstituerat. 2I. actum erat, P it would have been ali over with V the indicative is used here instead os the subjunctive. to denote that whichWas lihely to happen. Mai. . . inoidisset, had he not met with, V or

23. industria, P by his geal. V manu, with his army. 24. senatu habito, ablative absolute.


25. Arrange: catilina, minitans se reati turum emo inoondium suum ruina. ruin by generat destruction. 26. Roma, ablative denoting place whence. 27. inlaturus, in orcler to attach. V urbi, dative dependent onthe compound verb inferre.

3. ingenio and forma and oonsilio, ablatives of cause. 5. supplicio mortis adfecit, punished him by death. 6. Arrange Relatus namely, Fulvius) se genuisse inum filium)non catilinae adversus patriam, sin se genuisse illum) patriae invexa catilin-. Io. dimicatum sit, subjunctive in the indirect question introduced by quam; the indirect question depends on docuit. II. bello, dative dependent on the comPound vem superesse. Arrange quisque anima amissa regebat lacum quem oeperat in pugnando.

13. puloherrimis morte si . . concidisset, what a most glorious death would this have been, had he fallen. V17. sibi, dative dependent on the compound verb inicero. Ι 8. coniurasset, coniuravisset. eam; namely, patriam. VI 0. Profecto, UasSured ly. V2O. consereantae patriae, gerundive of saving my country. V avocastis, avocavistis. 22. menti meae, dative aster the commund verb praeferes. 23. in tenebris tantis, in the m id si of so great clarkness. 25. dare, Uclaim for. V ut dispexerim, that I should have perceived. V sponte mea, P by my Οwn PoWer. V26. esset, subjunctive in an indirect question. 27. optimum factu, V best to clo.

I. dixit diem, V announced the clay. V i. e. V announced the dayos trial. V i. e. PaccuSed. V 2. necRVisset, Subjunctive of cause. 4. Veste mutata, ablative absolute, having changed their gar- mentes. V i. e. in mourning. V oum, V although. V