Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류




Ligula: The ligula praementum sensu KASZAB) of males bears either afew Sparse setae Sometimes complete ly lacking or a dense brush of shori yellowsetae. The lack or presence and also the extension of this brusti is specific. Theshape of the ligula itself is without taxonomic Value. Mentum: The s hape of the male mentum feems to be of less value, hut thestructure of the surtace flat, with a single excavation, with severat impression s)is specific. A further distinci species character at least in males - is the lack orpresence and extension os a dense yellow setation fas ora the ligula). Antenna: The shape of the antennat segments is identical in both sexes of

SOme SpecieS, Some Other Species pOSSeSS a Sexuatly dimorphic antenna. Theshape of the sexuat dimorphic male antenna is specific. The tength relations of the single antennat segments are os leSS Vulue.

Head: Some species possess a sexu atly dimorphic head with deeper excavations or ridges horias. This dimorphism is specific. Pronotum: Some Species have a sexuatly dimo hic pronotum with specificimpressions and or excavations in the males. Also specific is a bordered or un-bordered posterior margin . The shape of the pronotum iiself and the su ace

Elytra The shape of the elytra; the forna of the elytral laterat margin, thesi Ze of the punctures in the elytrat stri pes, the form and the punctation of the intervals are variable to a certain extend and not very hel psul for species separation. Sternites: Punctation and wrin kled structure are variable and without specific peculiarities. Protibia: In many species the male anterior tibia possesses Specific pecUlarities, such as the generat Sliape, excavations on the mediat fide, rows of granules Or keel S. Aedeagus: The shape of the parameres is characteristic at least for species grotips, the shape of the bended basal tube is simi lar in ali congeners. The tengthin relation to the si Ze of the abdomen is Vari able to a certain extent. Body The shape of the body in generat and si Ze is of less taxonomic Valuet, ut may hel p when a comparison with more numerous materiat is possibi e . The colouration varies Dona light hrown to nearly black and reflecis more the age of

scieroti Zation than a specific character.


Description: Body brown for sit ape See Fig. 29. tength 9. -9. 8 in m. Head without sexuat di-morphisin. Antenna Fig. 3 l) without sexuat dimorphis m. Mentum in males Fig. 32) excavated. dense setation in a narrow garland only at the laterat fides. Ligula in males Fig. 32) with a lawsparse setae. Pronotum in males Fig. 29) anteriori y with a distinct impression, basal margin uiabor-dered, punctation coarser in impression. Surface belween punctation without micropunctation 25κ magnification). Punctures of elytral rows only somewhat broader than stri pes, elytral intervals flat. Last visibie sternite unbordered. Pro tibia in males see Fig. 30. Aedeagus shown in Fig. 33. Distribution: Restricted to the eastem Himalayas, known Only smin the type locality in Bhutan.

Description: Body brown, for shape See Fig. 24, tength ll. 8-l3.5 min. Head without distinctsexuat dimorphisin. Antenna in males Fig. 26) with the segments P and 9 distinctly potnted atinner fide numeration of these segments incorrect in the original description). Mentum in males Fig. 2P) distinctly excavated. dense setation in a narrow garland interrupted anteriorly and posteriori y. Ligula in males Fig. 2P) with a law sparse setae. Pronotum in males Fig. 24) anteriori ywith a laebie impression. basal margin uiabordered. punctation coarser in impression, Surface bel-ween punctation with micropunctation 25κ magnification). Punctures of elytral rows smali and notbroader than stripes, elytral intervals flat. Last visi hie sternite unbordered. Protibia in males silown in Fig. 25. ventres side with dilatation. Aedeagus as in Fig. 28. Distribution: Restricted to the central Hi malayas, known Only fro in the type series DomNepat solithwest of Dhau lagiri.





few sparse setae. Pronotum without sexuat dimorphis in and without impression, hasal margin un-bordered. punctation distinctly coarser at Sides. mediat part nearly unpunctured, Surface belween punctation without micropunctation 25X magnification). Punctures of elytral rows smali and nothroader than stri pes, mediat elytral intervals flat and laterat ones convex. Last visibie sternite un- hordei ed. Protibia in males see Fig. 8. Aedeagus as in Fig. ll.



t he similari ty with rubroeS and he noted differences main ly in the structure of the male mentum, the s hape of the protibia in males and the shape of the aedea-gus inigs 22 23). These differen ces fulty fall with in the range of infraspecificmorphological variation of the widespread rubriseeX and are not considered here inas specific.

ferent male antennu. Distribution widespread in the Oriental region Nepat, Thalland. Borraeo. Sumatra, Bali and other Sunda Isiands GEBIEN l92 ), records hom New Guinea and the Philippines should be re-Vised . Uloma Prehimal ania was described hom Bhutan and Assam. In the Himalayas distributed Dom Uttar Pradesh in the west to Bhutan and Indian Meghalaya in the east.



intervals stightly convex. Last visibie sternite unbordered. Protibia in males depicted in Fig. 3. Aedeagus as in Fig. 6.

Remarks: Uloma huteteri ARDOIN. l 960 is considered a junior synonym of loma ruscorniS ALLAR D. l896 although the holotype of ruficornis is a female. Body siZe, shape and punctation of the pro notum, the patieria os elytral rows and

the structure of legs show no specific differe iaces . Furthermore, the type localitiesare situ aled close to each other.

Distribution: Restricted to the easteria Hi malayas, known froin the Indian Sikkim. Dadeelingand west Bengat.

Remai ks: The above-listed materiai coincides with materiai frona Sumatra locus typicus) and other Oriental regions identis ted by the late Dr. KASZAB, andalso sits with the description. Howe Ver, the original description is qui te cursory FAIRMAIRE; l882) and gives no information abolit the male mentum and theaedeagus. Furthermore, the differen ces to contracta FAIRMAIRE. t 882, describedalso frona Sumatra, Seem qui te dotibi fui.

Distribution: The species was described frona Sumatra and is obviousty widely distributed in the Oriental region Other Sunda Isiands, Indian subcontinent. Thalland saccording to material in HNHM and SMNS). In the Himalayas. distributed frona Uttar Pradesh in the west to Assam in the east.


Figs 29 49. 29 33 α Uloma hhulanensis. 29 α dorsal vlew of male paralype, 30 male protibia 3l α male antenna. 32 α male mentum and ligula, 33 α aedeagus. 3 38 Umma rustiabris. 34 α dorsal vlew of male. 35 α male protibia, 36 α male antenna. 3T α male mentum and ligula 38 α aedeagus. 39 3 α Umma scitia. 39 α dorsal vlew of male. 40 α male protibia, di m male antenna, 42 α male mentum and ligula, 43 aedeagus. 44 9 α Uloma vini es. 44 α dorsal vlew of male paralype. 45 α male protibia; 46 α male antenna. 47 α male mentum and ligula. 48 aedeagus of paralype, 49 α aedeagus os male frona Nepat: Hedagna. Scales as in Figs i id



close similari ty to Scitia concerning the externat appearance, and potia ted to significant differences shape of aedeagus, patieria Os Setation On mentum and struC- ture of protibia in males). The abo ve-listed specimens correspond to material in

HNHM identi fled by the late Dr. KASZAB. A qui te similar species occurs in Balistin publis hed material in SMNS). having the protibia with a row of granules anda male mentum like S in meS. but the paranae res have a lip even longer than in Scitia. See also remari S under SViri seS.

The taxonomic status of Uloma Picicornis FAIRMAIRE. t 882 frona Sumati aseenas dotibilat and probab ly this species is a synonym of Scitia WALKER. l858. KAS ZAB sl 939) figured the aedeagus os PicicorniS but gave no informationwhether this was based on the type s). Judging Dona this figure, Picicornis is distinctly different frona scita, but the specimens whicli I have avat labie froni Suma-tra have the parameres like Scim. Howe ver the specimens in HNHM and SMNSi rom Borneo identi fled by Dr. KASZAB as Picicorni3 have the paranae res like theabo ve-cited illustration. So it cannot be excluded that PicicorniS locuS PicuSSumati a) is a synonym of Scita loci S Picus Sri Lan ka) and the population in Borneo represents a different described or undescribed species. To clarisy this Confusion. a revision Os ali Indo-Malay an Ulomia is nee led.


notum in feniales with a weak impression without swellings. basal margin Unbordered, punctation coarser in and sparser belli Iad impression, furface belween punctation without micropunctation 25N magnification). Punctures of elytral rows sonae hal broader than stripes, elytral intervals stightly convex. Last visibie stemite utabo ei ed. Protibia in males as in Fig. l3. FOr aede his. see Fig. l6.

Distributiora: Restricted to the easteria Hi malayas. known ora ly frona the type localities in eas- terra Nepai. Daiseeling and Bhulan.