장음표시 사용
ate and the longitudinalty wrin kled laterat portion of pro notum. However, it differs frona ali described congeners in the unique sculptural elements of the clypeus
The species is dedicated to Dr. ROY A. CRO SON; one of the most ouistanding figures of present- lay coleopterology, who called the attention of one of the authors T. K.) to this species.
types are males and , hecause the females are usu atly cruciat for separation of the species of this genus. R. nudus cannot be identi ed and keyed correctiy. An ade- quate resolution should he postponed untii females associaled to males similar tothe primary type of R. nuduS hecome aVallabie.
Type materiai examined - None.
Remarks. - The extent of the impunctate frontal area of the se male is vari- able. In sonae specimens this area is vague and qui te similar to that in the male.
The cranium sincluding frons and clypeus) of males is coarsely and uniformi ypuncta te Fig. 9) while females have a common fronto-clypeat area whicli is glis- te ning and completely impunctate Fig. 8). The frontoclypeal suture is complete-ly obsolete on females. A distinct albeit short) l0th carina is almost always present on the elytra Fig. l0). However, the differen ce belween R. SPeculi fronS and R. crerimen etiS in the presence or absence of the loth carina is not clear-cut. Although ali studied specimens of R. crenipenniS have no l0th carina, the Only R. speculi frons specimen frona Vietnam also lacks this carina. Therefore, in separation of R. Ueculi fronS and R. crenmennis the craniat furface is considered to hethe most decisive Dature. The synonymy of R. dybaSi and R. ScolytoideS is obvious. HoweVer, thethree paralypes of R. sodalis differ frona ali other examined specimens in the sur- face of the head. Based on the absence of long apicat spine on the tibiae and the presence of the loth carina of the elytra they are males of R. SPeculi fronS buttheir clypeus is weakly shining and the coarse punctures typicat for male R. SPE culi fronX are obsolete. Craniat sursace of RhmidandruS must be subject to wear, hecati se these beet les are internat laeders of hard fungat sporocarps. According to the labeis, the second paralype of R. dyhaSi is frona the fame series as the three dubiotis males and this specimen is a se male R. Ueculi fronS without any doubi. We belle ve therefore, that paralypes of R. haSi are specimens of R. SPeculi- frons with abraded clypeu S. Although CHUJO's R. Scolytoides was proved to he synonymous with R. SPeculi fronS, he was the first to recogniZe that the specimens with uniformi ypunctate head and those with the glossy area are conspecific and represent different sexes of the fame species CHUJO l 98 ). R. Ueculi fronS was described froin the Seychelles but iis known range extends hom the Ryukyus and Micronesia to the north and acros f the Indo-Australi an Reaim as far south as Queens land . The occurrence on the Seychelles seemsto be iso lated hiat beet les of Oriental origin have long been known in the is laniis of the western Indian Ocean, including Madagascar. In CRO SON's l98l 623)categories of distributional patieria, Rhipidandri S may fali into the murth ca
Remarks - The frontal concavity vested with goiden pubescence is distinctive for this species and makes it uiam ista kable .
Publications of the Hungarian Natural History Mus eum are aVail able
The genus Uloma DEJEAN l82l is a tenebrion id genus distribu ted in nearly ait Zoogeographical regions. More than 200 species have been described. hut
very osten based on only typological aspecis, thus the taxonomic status of many species is stili dou bifui. Recent revisions exist Only for a few regions , as for Aus
at hand froni the Himalayas. I attempt to summari Ze in this paper ali known species hom that region. Much taxonomic confusion exi sis hecati se of the relati Vely uniform externa lappearance of the species. KASZAB sl 982) was the fit si to use severat distinctspecies characters see the following chapter) main ly secondary Sexuat characters, whicli allow one to recogniZe at least the males With certa in ty. For phylo- genetical discussions ali Oriental species should be revi sed and Potit-groups must be studied for Judging the morphological Species characterS. The species of Uloma occur in rotten wood or under the bark of trees andare distributed both in temperate and tropical forests. They are absent in aridbiotopes. Pine troes as weli as broad- leaved trees are inhabited by the differens Specie S. In generat, the congeners can be considered as indicators of mature