Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류


Remarks: The avat labie males frona Nepat have the parameres stightly dinferent frona those of the type series Figs 48 9) and sonaewhat similar to tho se in scotti Fig. 43). but ali other characters in particular setation on mentum androw of granules on the protibia in males) correspond to the types frona Bh utan. Is

fui ther studies Show, that absence or presence of the setation on the male mentum and absence or presence of the row of granules on the male protibia are only in Daspecific variatioris, then UinmeS must he considered a synonym of Scitia.

Distribution: Restricted to the Himalayas. described si ona Bhutan and known stom at leasteasteria Nepai. Ulomia Sp. Material: India. E Sikkim. Rongay, t 800 m. 23. IV. l 985 leg. C. RAI. 3 females NHMB.

l Pro notum without impression or other sexuat dimorphism 2 Pro notum os males with a mediat impression in the anterior half 42 Protibia with a narrow hasal third and with a broad. more or less parallel



Ulomia species are characteristic elements of wooded habitats. They usuallylive together with their larvae under the bark or in rotten wood os different de-


Composition. They Seem to have a wide ecological plastici ty. because at least in Nepat the fame species osten occurs in different forest types. Humidi ty and thecondition of the rotten wood might be important limiting factors. rather than thetree species. It is striking that in Nepai. Uloma has been actualty found only in subtropical forest and agri cultural land below l000 m. just as in motintainous mixed forests up to 2800 m. but is obvio us ly lacking in subal pine Ahies Rhododendron fore sis above 3000 m. Uloma scitia is described frona Sri Lanka. i. e. Dona tropical forests whichmight be similar also in the northeasteria Indian Meghalay a. But the Same specieS at least with the present taxonomic knowledge) is recorded here in also homdrier motintainous forests of the western Himalayas with a qui te different composition os trees. Uloma rubrmes silows a wider ecological spectrum too, in Nepalit is recorded fro in subtropical forests of altitudes below l000 m but also stomquite different mountainous forests up to 2800 m. I found rubripes in the Myagdi hola valley in a forest at about l400 m altitude in a rotten PinuS log. Uloma olita with iis wide distribution in the Oriental region in Nepat is an element on lyof the lowland Zones up to about l000 m, here occuring in native fore sis just as inculti valed land with single trees. The number of Uloma species in the Hima layas increases hom west to east. This generat statement is valid for many groups of planis and animais, based main ly on different ecological conditions sin particular higher humidi ty in theeast) and different Zoogeographical origin. Concerning Uloma, it cannot yet bedecided whether ali species have penetrated in to the young upri Sing Himalayas and Dona which Zoogeographical region or is they or at least sonae of them have evolved locatly by new i solations frona an ancient penetrating ancestor. Their phylogenetical relations are stili unknown.





Calaisque os Palaearctic Di te ra

The Catalogue contains the basic taxonomic, nomenclatorial and distribution data os ali species occurring in the Palaearctic Region il Willi the fundamental morphological features for the majority of the





Diplos mittia forficatu Sp. n.


l 30



328 348l29 44929 25

4. 9


One of the new SpecieS, D. forficiam Sp. n. , is tentati vely placed in Dolos- mittiti. It appears to have a mur- segmented palp. resulting Dona segment mur and sive being fused. but more materiat is needed to ensum that a fifth palp segmentis not broken off. Among related genera a Shori, mur-Segmented palp i S et se-where only found in Colosmittia ANDERSEN & STTHER. l 994. Furthermore, D. forficiam Sp. n. is the only DoloSmittia species whicli has the two iobes of the gonostylus partly fused and it has a comparative ly short virga. The tarso meres of the front leg are also longer than in the other species: the ratio 'Be invertiatinisse

Key to male imagines of DiploSmittia SHTHER

l Antennae with l3 segments. costa not or bare ly extended Antennae with 9 or lo segmenis, costat extension preSent