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The Editorial office of the Acta Zoologica
O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFANI L TAXONOMY AND ECOLOGYActa Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is publis hed quarterly DomFebruary l 994 other issues in May, August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Acade myos Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungari an Academy of Sciences.
Actia Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungiariciae 42 2). m. 89-J09. I996
can Old Worid speciOS. The present paper is devoted to the re-examination of the old Worid species of Rhipidandrus and contains distributionat data and a key to the species.
quently collected and well-defined species with clear-cut Datures so no effortwas made to obta in their types for Study. The Other Species are, howeVer, quite uniform in most respecis, although the sexes differ in sonae externat Datures s seebelow). In sonae cases females and males were described as different species. Examination of the types resulted in the synonymigation os severat names. Thetype of R. madagaScarienSiS LACORDA IRE; l866) has not been seen by the authors. A specimen determined as R. madagaScarienSis by Z. SZAB and deposited in the HNHM belongs to a species of Clidae. Because of the great deal os uniformity in the adult Datures. and in order toaVoid redundance. the old species are not re-described in detail. The authors belleve the identification key is delailed enough and includes ali diagnostic characters.
anterior end. disc moderate ly convex. Steeply si oping lateralty and posteriori y. humeruS rounded. feebly produced: surface with l0 striae: interstriae strongly carinate: l0th carina usualty present epipleura moderately wide, gradu atly tapering toward elytrat apex, inely rugul Ose. Ventral sui face glabrotis, Sparsely punctate: mesosternum with dee p. bi Oad ly rounded excavation mediobasally. intercoxat process Very narrow: mesocoxat cavities large, Oblique O Val. meSO- trochantitas exposed: metasternum moderately convex. with distinci mid- longitudinal groove and deep excavation mediobasally: metacoxat cavities large, transverse: Ventrites stightly convex: last visibi e ventri te with denser punctation and with shallow groove along apicat margin . Fore femora thick, vested with pale. Shori fetae. with shallo bluntly hordei ed groove onus per sui face: naiddie and hincl se mora longer: fore tibiae dilated apicatly apicat margin serrate and moderately bent out arcis, produced in a s hori tooth at externat angle: in ner angle with a longerand thicker lower spur and a very shori and thinner upper one: laterat margin carinate and serrate. naiddie and hi nil tibiae more flender and longer: tarsal formula seem ingly 4 4 . hut in reali ty 55 since basal segment of fore and mi dille tarsi weakly scieroti Zed and withdrawn into speciat tibial excavation so indistinctly visibie in dorsal vlew: segments 2 visibi e l-3) equat in longili last segment as long as 2-4 combined. Sexuat dimorphism - Externat apical angle of middie and hi nil tibiae with spine-like processin se males sFig. l 3), while with only smali denticles in males s Fig. id). Except for R. walheri Fig. l), sculpture of frons and clypeus more or less different belween semale and male of ali species where both Sexes are known. Females usualty with impunctate Or SparSely punctate areas Figs 8.