장음표시 사용
Remari s - The synonymy of Bolito 'erthia novem DSicisci is obvio us. In ali probability. V INSON had not seen GEBIEN's type or any other specimen identis tedas foliis eriliti MOVE MCDSI citci but apparently presumed that his species describe lfrona the Mascarene Is lancis had a much wider distribution VINSON l 953) 'Il est de plus probabie que Cette e spece in 'est pas propre avx iles Mascare ignes: dans lacollection du Britisti Museum se trouvent Cinq exemplaires non determines pro venant de l' Afrique dii Sud qui soni apparem ment identique s. Dissection of the genitalia of severat specimens made it clear that both GE-
Remai ks - R. creni ennis is distinguis hed from R. Ueculi frons by the absence of the l0th elytral carina Fig. P) and the shining but sparsely punctate clypeus Figs β-6). Both males and se males have a s hining impunctate area on thesrons whicli is fine ly separated frona the clypeus by the frontoclypeal suture. Thisarea is more expanded in the se males.
The average siZe of R. crerimen riS is larger than that Os R. SPeculi fronS. This is es pecialty apparent in a series of RhipidandruS specimens collected at Benakat. South Sum atra, whicli consisted of both species. The synonymy of R. SimiliS is obvio us and the fame holds for the recent lydescribed gailrevi. It needs to be said in the present aut hors' excuse, that they hadno possibili ty to examine the type of R. crerimen riS while describing gaitzevi. The type material of R. crenipenni3 is now avat labie and it is clear that ali speci
Female. Frons flattened anteriori y, more than three times wider than diameter of eye: clypeus moderately convex and reflexed, weakly punctate. with a caenulate transverse carina meSally Fig. 22): frontoclypeal suture distinct: vertex Strongly convex, coarsely punctate: antennae with β-