장음표시 사용
Mesoso ma) Pronotum and propleuron with dense and sine puncture. Median iobe of mesonotum denset y and deeply punctured with interSpaces about as large as a puncture but anterior marginsinooth and shining. Laterat iobes denset y and finely punctured on posterior half and more sporadi catly punctured ora posterior hal f. Punctures of mesoscutellum dense but not rough. without shining inters paceS. Mesoscutellar appendage sinooth and Shining. Melascutellum deeply and sporadicat lypunctured. Katepi meron Shining with Very fine sculpture. Metepi meron and mete pisternum very sine ly and denset y punctured. Mesosternum Sporadicat ly punctured, Shining. Distance belween cenchri about l. 4κ as long as width of cenchrus. Claws with smali in ner tooth. Postocellar and me sonotat surrows not deep but weli de ned. Pubescence white. moderately dense on head and Onthorax. Abdomen s Metaso ma) nearly bold. Hairs as long as diameter of front ocellus. Abdomen with sine transverse sursace sculpture frona 2nd tergite. Sawsheath dilated apical ly. Apical setaehrownis h. curved as in Fig. 4. Serrulae in Fig. P. Length 8. -l0.O in m. Male Very similar to se male but red margin Of mesonotat median iobes narrower, and upperlhird of mesopleuron red. Surface sculpture like se male hut temples rought y punctured. Head be-hinu eyes in dorsal vlew, strongly converging. Antenna and abdomen subequat. Pubescence as insem ale. OOL POL OCL m l .l l. 0 0. 8. Lengili os antennomere 3 l. 2κ as long as that of 4. Antennomere 8 5. X as long as iis wid th. Clypeat emargination 0. 3x as deep as median length. Distance belween cenchri aliout l. 2κ as long as width of cenchrus. Penis valve in Fig. l. Lengili
Holotype male. VS hangliai, China. Marcii P. t 935 E. Suenson , Penis valvae on stide Acc. No. 36 H. F. CHU. Paralypes one male and One se male, 'Shangliai. China Marcii T. l 935 E. Suenson ': one fe- male, 'Sangliai. China March 6. l 935 E. Suenson '. The holotype is in good condition. The holotype and the paralypes are deposited in the National Museum os Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. D. C.
This species is qui te unique and there is no similar species in the genus Dolerus. It is easy to distinguisti it frona the others by iis coloration and genitalia. Iis closest relative is Dolerus rufotorquiatus O. COSTA OMBORI l 982. BENS ONl 952). The new species belongs to the nitenX group according to GOULET's classi fication GOULET l 986).
abolit 3 κ diameter os a puncture. Pro notum and pro pleuron densely punctured without inter-s paces . Front and laterat iobes of mesonotum sit ining denset y and uniformi y punctured with inter-s paces about as large as a puncture. Front iobe litile more deeply punctured than laterat iobes. Mesoscutellum deeply. uniformi y but not rought y punctured with inters paces as large as a puncture. Mesoscutellar appendage Shining with very sine transverse furface sculpture. Melascutellum Shining. sporadicat ly punctured. Katepi meron. metepi meron and mesepi Sternum denset y and sinelypunctured. Mesopleuron with dense and moderately rough punctures. Mesosternum sit ining moderate denset y punctured, interspaces about 3 X larger than a puncture. Thorax moderate lycovered with whi te pubescence. Hairs as long as diameter of front ocellus. Distance belween cenchri abolit t. l. 3κ as long as wid th of cenchrus. First abdominat segment smooth and shining. Abdominat segments 2-9 covered with dense transverse microsculpture. Sawsheath rounded api catly. Apical setae curved inward ly as in Fig. b. Length l0. ll. 0 min. Holotypeo se malo. Japan Is hi kawa Pres. . Mi. Hakusan. li 00-l 300 meters. May l8. l 979 Collectors: I. Togas hi & D. R. Smilli V. Paralypeo se male. Japan Hyogo Pres. . Mi. Kasagata-yama. May 9. l 979. T. naito. N. Hi rose. A. Shi noli ira & D. R. Smith V. The holotype is in good condition. Both the holotype and the paralype are deposited in the National Museum os Natural History. Smith soni an Institution. Washington. D. C.
Head black. Apicat third os mandi bie brown isti recl. Prothorax. tegula. front and laterat iobes of meso notum red. Upper half of mesopleuron red. Scutellum red with black hinu margin . Other paris of thorax black. Cenchri White. Legs enti rely black. Abdomen red, including sirst segment. Basai part of fit si segment infuscate. Cerci red, sawqsheath black with red spois. Wings infuscate. stigma. and venation black. Apical and basal part os stigma brown. Clypeat e margination 0. 250.30κ as deep as median length. Head in dorsal vlew. parallel belli rad eyes and stightly narrowed atedge os temples. OOL POL OCL αl.4 l. 0 l. 4. Vertex and temples denset y and rought y punctured with short shining inters paces abolit equat to half diameter os a puncture. Pronotum and pro pleuron denset y and finely punctured without inters paces . Front and latera llobes of mesonotum and meso scutellum densely. sine ly and uniformi y punctured with sinati s hining interspaces . Meso scutellar appendage smooth and shining. Melascutellum smooth and shining with 4 or 5 puncturos. Katepi meron with dense, sine sculpture. Mesopleuron with dense and coarsedi ut not crater- like punctures. Metepi meron and mesepisternum sti ining. denset y and moderate lyrought y punctured. Mesosternum sit ining. denset y and sine ly punctured with sporadicat ly occurringinters paces abolit l-3κ diameter os punctures. Pubescence rare On the mes Onotum. HairS 0. 6-0. P as long as si Ont Ocellus on mesonotum and equat ly long on propleuron. Distance het ween cenchriabout l. i5κ longer than wid th of One. Occipital and me sonotat surrows weli de vel oped. Abdominat segments sinooth and shining. Sawsheath relative ly wide and shori in dorsal vlew. Apical setae curve d and directed out warus in obtuse angle as in Fig. 6. Lenglli ll. 5 iram.
New colour Variation. Female Head black. Clypeus. labrum recl. Apical half of mandi biebrownish red. Thorax partly black. Propleuron, prosternum. pronotum, front and laterat iobes of mesonotum, tegulae. upper third of mesopleuron red. Cenchri yellowish white. Abdomen red. First tergite and ovi positor black. Legs black. Only fore tibia and apicat third of fore femora red. wings dark infuscate. venation and stigma hiack. Data of the collection: ΡJapan: Osaka Prefccture 8 κ) m Igumi Katswi agi 24. IX. l 993 A. Freidberg & F. Kapian . Deposited in the National Museum os Natural History. Smilli soni an Institution. Washington. D. C.
The new variation differs sto in Dolerus DPonicus KIR BY by iis dark infuscate wings and entire ly red labrum and clypeus. This colour variation stightly resembles to DoleruS Pseudos Ponicus HARIS & BLANK sl 996). but the sui facesculpture and the structure of the sawsheath are complete ly different in these two
Data os collection: ' Munsun-Ni. Korea Apr. l3. l 954 Krauel V. Deposited in the NationalMuseum os Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. D. C.
Although the se male of D. albolineati S is very close tO D. yO OhamenSiSROHWER. the male is not similar to the male of yo ohamensis hut rather resembleto iis own se male. This male undou bifully belongs to atholineolatuS. This is confirmed by the furface sculpture and the coloration of the whole hody whicli correspond to tho se of the se male. In the original description os D. atholineoliatus the piis of the laterat iobes are not a specific character but are the result os muscular contraction after death. Thus, the differentiat diagnos is for the la male need sto be corrected: Laterat iobe of meso notum denset y punctured in D. yO Ohamen-SiS and nearly impunctate, or very Sporadicat ly punctured in albolineolatuS. Fronti obe very rare ly black in 'o OhamensiS and complete ly black. at most with a veryli tile spol in the in ner edge, in albolineoliatus, apices of apical setae of sawsheat hcurved inward ly in 'o OhamenSis and never curved inward ly in albolineolatuS cenchri of yo ohamensis yellowish whi te and cenchri os albolineolatus arebrown. The male of atholineolatus is very similar to the lamate, the male ofyokohamenSiX is very different hom the se male. The similar structure of the penis Valves proVes the close relations hip of these two species, as compared in Figs 2 and 3.
Achnowlecigement - The author thanks Dr DAVID R. SMITH for his valvabie suppori during the preparation of this work.
Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungiariciae 42 J). PP. I95 230. I996