장음표시 사용
also followed by HACKER l 990). Nei ther the scierotigation of the papillae of the ovi positor see: KOZHANTSCHlKOV l 93 P). a clearly adaptive feature whicli cande vel op independent ly in many cases. nor the orientation of the vesica see UI BIGER l 990) which may also be rather different in obvio us ly closely related
Species, are characters of generic rank in these cases. Ali characters mentioned by UIRIGER l 990) as distinctive characters of the genus rigogia also occur in Se Verulspecies of Dichia riS, heiace they cannot serve as a basis for correct differentialdi agnOSi S. In addition. there are severat groups of taxonomical ly closely relate lspecies in both subgenera: e. g. more than a doZen only in DichiagyriS. Is we re-gard Dichia riS and yigoga as Separate genera, ali these Species groups Shouldalso he regat deis and na med as subgenera see FIBIGER R HACKER l 990), a solution which would only superfluous ly burden the nomenclature with many ne wn ames. It is obvio his that not ali leve is of phylogenetic differentiation can be reflected by nomenclatori catly fixed taxonomic categories; a fac t whicli is recent ly
distinctly marked maculation: the fine light ochi eous sui round ing of the spois is missing males have a much more scieroti Zed ovi positor . The genitalia of both sex es of this species-group are very dissimilar figured e. g. by DU FAY l 984) asCompared with those of C. hercetigi. The only truly closely related and stight lysimilar species is Ch. si Mussi SCH INGENS CHUS S. l 93J Fig. 23) which has amore elongate sit ape of the fore ing with more acute apex, lighter and moreoChreotis brown coloration. less distinctly marked maculation, shorter and os tentia distinct clavis orna spot: blackish brown markings only in the celi and at thein ner margin of the postmedian, hind wing S light ochi eous-grey, SOmetimes al-mOst whi te etc. An other related species, Ch. SordeScenS STAUD INGER. l899) ishroad-winged and less distinctly marked. the maculation and transversat lines arenot marked with light scales. The most significant differe iaces of the male genitalia are as follows: hoth related species have less scieroti Zed genitalia, non-dentate harpe. more fine ly dentate dorsal proces s of sacculus and a less pronounced cari
sCleroti Zed vesica long recurve l. with shori mediat cornutus.
Female genitalia Fig. l06): papillae os ovi positor broad triangular, basalty with long curve lsetae: ostium bursae with hi laterat U-s haped scieroti Zation: ductus bursae moderately scierotiZed rugulose: cervix bursae stightly recurve l. bursa without signa.
Taxonomic relationships and distribution - The new species appears to beclosely related to Ch. firi XSi and Ch. SordeSCEMS being the easteria sister- species of the former one. It also appears to be strict ly allopatric to the two species mentioned above. The new species is only known frona a relative ly smali area in Pakistan in the westeria part of the Himalaya Mis.
Diagnos is - The very dark. blackish brown ground -colour of the forewingand the strongly suffused hind wing are very constant characters of this sub- SpecieS. ThUS the generat appearance of this sub species is qui te distinct frona allother known populations of Ch. anatolica. The whole large series of specimensappears to be very homogeneous in ali characters mentioned.
Distribution and bio nomics - Ch. aniatolicia triariSCGUliae Occurs Only At medium hi gh alitudes in the Kopet-Dagh Mis. It is, howe Ver very common there in late summer being one of the dominant species. Chersotis nekrRSO Vi Sp. n.
Diagnos is - Phenotypicatly the new species is qui te different frona ali other species of the genus. CherSotiS friecteli PIN KER l9J4 is also autumnal. smali anilso mewhat similar in coloration. m. friecteti has, howe Ver, pectinated antenna, is bi Oad- and short-winged. Ch. ne raso vi casa be eas ity distinguis hed frona ali other related species by the narrow shape of the forewing the more distinct maculationand by severat differe iaces in the male genitalia. Ch. friecteti has Shorter uncus sonae setae of the reduced corona on the tip of the valva, Smaller juxta, more elongate dorsal extension of sacculus and nearly complete ly reduced cornuti atthe distat pari os vesica . Ch. gratissimci CORTI. l 932) has much longer dorsa lex tension os sacculus, juxta not shield-s haped and a single row of large cornuti ofnearly equat si Ze see: HACKER & VARGA l 990. Fig. l6). Ch. Stenogria haVARGA l9J9. externalty very dissimilar, has a similar. shori dorsal extension of the sacculus, but it has a complete ly different sh ape of the harpe and juxta. and has a very long row of huge cornuti see: HACKER L VARGA l 990. Fig. l ).