장음표시 사용
clark irroration of the ground-colour). Nei ther of those species have, howe Ver bulbed cornuti and they have a different cui ving of vesica, longer and more ungulate sit ape of Valva etc. Dichia riS D.) mellinuria sKOLLAR. t 846). dissimilar in externat Datures; has similar male genitalia with a bulbed cornutus on the subba- sal diverticulum. hut the vesica of the new species is more cui Ved and twisted valvae broader with stronger harpe anil ampulla, clavus longer and acute. Dichia
l 990). also has a bulbed cornutus hut the ventral costa of iis valvae is concave with an angular edge of the sacculus, while this pari is convex and more roundecl
& FIBIGER. l 990 bona Sp., Stal. rev.) have a simple, not bulbed cornutus in thesanae position. The taxonomic and phylogenetic relations hips of this species group will be discus sed in a fontico ming paper on the phylogenetic-taxonomicsubdivision of the genus DichagyriS LEDERER and related genera. Distribution and bio nomics - The new species is known only frona of the Kopet-Dagh Mis in Turkmeni stan where it was mund main ly in two localities. Itappe ars to be a late flying species; being abundant frona the end of June to them id ille of August. mostly at elevations bet ween l500-l800 m a. s. l. It cloes notOCCur, however, in the low-lying sites se. g. Kara-Kala).
males. VARGA). Etymology The new species is dedicated to one of the collectors.
VARGA. l 990 have more distinct markings and severat distinctive features in the
and plates IV V). In this grotis'. the most important distinctive features can bes ound in the carina: forna and dentation of the 'baculumV- like crest and in thes hape, si Ze and orientation of the basal and subbasal diverticula. In addition. in this grotis' se males usual ly have strongly scieroti Zed, acute papillae anales, while the papillae of D. D.) himal ensis are rounded and only weakly scieroti Zed. D. D.) Gutti Sp. n. appe ars to be smaller on the average than the closely related Species, eSpecialty D. D.) SCOIOgria hia whicli has mostly similar genitalia. bulvery dissimilar externat Datures.
subg. Dichiagyris). Valva elongate with narrow cucullus and corona. Harpe Sirong. nearly Struight. exceecling costa. Aedeagus long, straight. carina with a Phaculum ' - like dentate. heavi ly scieroti Zed crest. Vesica tubular, broad: with a s hori pyramide-like hasal and with a tubercle- like subbasal diverticulum. The hasal diverticulum is broad. globular in Dichtigyris D.) XCotogres lici VARGA.l990.) Cornutus on the subbasal diverticulum long, strai ghl. acute. Distat ly with tubercle- like terminal diverticulum. Female genitalia: in generat similar to those of Other species os cliaria-grou p. papillae anales relatively shorter, scieroti Zed, with numerous Strongly scieroti Zed Selae.
malay a Mis Northeria India. Hi machai Praclesii: a detailed description of the habitat is gi ven by HACKER et al. l 996) and it is also geographi catly weli separ
ated frona the species mentioned abo Ue. Dicha gyris clara gobinlinicu SSp. n.
Diagno sis: The most imponant distinctive characters are as follows. Thenew species is On the average smaller than the other species of the DichagyriS
similar in coloratiota to D. D.) umbrifera hut the terminal shadow of the fore-wing is lighter and less concolorous. the hind wing and the undet si de are less suffused. D. D.) ΩSrtibi appears to be closely related to D. D.) umbrifera. but is more robust, reddi Sh in coloratiota. D. D.) jacobsoni KOZHANTSCHIKOV. l 930shows a rather contrasting whit isti ochreous to dark sepia-hrown coloratio iawhicli differs frona the new SpecieS. The male genitalia are also different. The valva is narrower than in D. D.)umhrifera hut also more rounded than in D. D.) jacobSoni. The harpe is relative-ly stra ight and not acute, compared to that in the closely related species. The vesica is not as broad and ample as in related species, the subbasal cornutus is siner, thinner and more acute than in other species of this groti p. It differs also in the smaller clavus and by the protuberance of the subterminal diverticulum of the vesica. D. D.) kaSriabi can be distinguis hed by the very broad and angulate formos the valva and the very ample . huge vesica Figs 59-64 and 68-69).
suffusion of the forewings and by the dentate carina on the aedeagus. Dichia riS D.) hereti KOZHANI SCHIKOV. l 930). described only Dona two se males, appeni sto be very closely related to D. D.) aclitia lenSis but is larger, and willi more concolorous and darker reddisti suffusion . in the male genitalia with smali differen-ces in the s hape of the harpe and the dentation os carina only. and with a different orientation of the subbasal diverticulum having a stronger cornutus. A male para- type os D. D.) GChtalenSiS. a further male frona easteria Tui key Transcaucasia)and severat specimens of D. D.) herri collected in Turkmeni stan near Mara-Kala) clearly dis play the se externat characters anil also the characters of the male genitalia described above Figs 65-6J and Pl). Dichtigyris si .) boursini BRANDT. l 94l Xltil. rei .) is a lowland species frona solitheria Iran being rat herili stant frona the other members of this species grotis' in iis thic k harpe and long
tubular vesica without terminal diverticula. Heiace. the synonymisation of this
iis ted. Distribution and bio non ics - This new species was taken in medium hi gh altitudes in an istand- like mounta in massis in easteriamost Tui kmeni stan and in northeria A fghanistan, hordei ing UZbekistan. It seems to be an early flyingspecies smid-May and early June), just as the other species of the umbriferia-groti p. with the exception of D. ktisrahi whicli occurs at higher elevations of the
species, known only by two males from Armenia and frona E. Turkey, pro V. Van respective ly see: mxonomic note). It differs also frona the easteria most sub- species of D. D.) iargentea, known to me only by a s hori series Dona E. Afghan- istan. by the less broad and rounded shape of the valva; by the more curved an dpo in ted harpe, by the more angular forna of the juxta and the finer subbasal cornutus of the vesica. The differences of the new sub species frona D. D.) argentea diarius are nearly the fame as the differe iaces of the new subspecies Dona the D. D.) argentea population of Afghanistan. but the Valva os D. D.) argentea diarii Sis more elongate than in the lalter sub species. The valva of the unde scribed sub- species frona Armenia and E Tui key is narrower, nearly acute at the cucullus. Itappears to be important that in ali other subspecies the harpe nearly reaches theend of the valva; but in the new sub species it keeps a distance of abo ut one-thii dos the harpe Figs J2- 4 vs. Jβ-J6). The differen ces in the male genitalia seemto be smali hut rather constant in this group, whose members are considered hereon ly as allopatric sub species of a widely distributed polytypic species, hecati se the avat labie material of this group is very limite l.
Taxonomic relations hips - The D. argentea specimens collected in Dasht-i-
nominate Subspecies rem nins sonaewhat uncertain. Howe Ver, populations frona
pite iis externat differen ces, the polytypic species D. D.) argentea be longs to agroup of late Summer or early autumnal species whicli dis play the similar hasic structure of the male genitalia: Dichagyris D.) Singularis STAUD INGER. l8J J)
os species sand to a different sub genus l) than the former ones and they are notclosely related with them. Taxonomic note - The late CH. BOURSIN l 940) mentioned a specimen ofD. D.) argentea, identi fled as 'argentea ' by KOZHANI SCHIKOV. which was collected near Daras ham Armenia). He separated it hy externat characters frona D. iargentea dariuS without giving a subspecific name for this specimen. Jud gingi rom the figures. publis hed by BOURSIN. this unde scribed taxon was also collected in easteria Tui key. but uia fortunate ly only by a single specimen. The data ofiliis new specimen are as follows: Tui key. pro V. Van Catak. KaVUSsahap daglari 8-9. 9. l99 l. leg. 9 coli. GYULAI, slide: 6862 VARGA) male. The male genitalia shows the sanae basic features as the former subspecies, hut the valva is nar-rower, nearly po in ted at the cucullus, the harpe nearly reaches the end of the Valva juxta te Ss angular: vesica and Cornutus appear to he identicat with those of the Tui kmenian sub species sFigs J3. 80). In any case, it appears to be more closely related to them than to the nominate subspecies and to D. D.) argenteia
dariHS frona Iran. Howe Ver, more materiat is nee led for a correct taxonomical description.