장음표시 사용
Taxonomic relations hips - DichagyriS D.) Longur Sp. n. is the cloSest relative of D. D.) celebriam. whicli is a widely distributed polytypic species stomNW Kagakli stan Uralsi ) and Central Tui key pro v. An kara) to the Himalaya region. Iis nominate sub species occurs in Turkmen istan. It is a large, contrastingmai ked. hroad inged moth. Populations frona Tadjikistan. Afghanistan. Pal istanliave a dulter coloration. more obsolescent markings and more acute ly shapedforewings. This subspecies will be described subsequently. The new species isalso externalty similar to D. D.) irghiXti EVERS MANN. l8β6) whicli is a species hi therio incomplete ly studi ed. not collected recent ly and also not represented in most large collections. I could stud y a male syntype frona the CORTI collection
I consider the specimens occurring in E-NE Afghani stan also to be long tot he new sub species, but hecause of the enormotis externat variabili ty of D. D.)celebrata. I designate a homogeneous series of Specimens aS paralype S. Elymology the nanae refers to the Pastitu peopte inhabiting the ne igh bouring paris of Afghani stan and Pakistan. Diagnostic characters - Slightly larger and more acute-winged than thenominate sub species Figs i5-l6 vs. lo). The coloration is darker throughout an dies s contrasting. the dark brown isti suffusion on the thorax and forewings is much stronger, hut the terminal shaclow is tess expressed. than transversat linesare more obsolescent. The series collected in the Karakoram Mis appears to herather homogeneous and is clearly distinct frona the nominate sub species. The specimens collected in the easteria, motintaneotis part of Afghani stan Paghman Mis, Salang Pass. Hindu kush Mis) also dis play the fame phenotypical charactershut I have not examin ed long any series frona these localities. Thus. I decided notio include these in the series of paralypes. The subspecies occurring localty in thecentral paris of Asia Minor smain ly near lake Tu Z Golu) has a much shorter more rounded shape of the forewings, a light ochi eous grey coloration with scarce dark suffusion and a dark terminal shadow. Based on these externat characters, it cata be mostly referre d to D. D.) celebratia assimilata KOZHANTSCHI KOV. t 9 29) described frona Transcaucasia. Unfortunate ly, ali sub specific taxa os D. celebrata described by KOZHANI SCHIKOV l 929) are based ora single or a fewSpecimen S Only and do not represent the range of Variation of the populations
Distributiori and hi onomics - The nominate sub species of D. D.) celebrata appe ars to occur ut moderate altitudes and inhabiis semi-desert- like rocky habitat s. The sub species occurring near the Lal e Tu Z Golu also inhabits low-lying. semi- deseri- like . hut halophytic habitat s. On the other hanil the new sub species inhabiis hi glier altitudes in a coliter anil more continental part of Central Asia. Thus, it represents a well- differentiat ed sub species of D. D.) celebriatia. Dicha gyris Yigoga in hi SSurienSi, Sp. n.
talia scompared to D. ) tu ina) the cucullus is tess tapering the corona isbroader, the harpe is more potiated and curved forming a different angle with the
materiat is needed to decide whether these specimens represent only a Sub SpecieS
structures of both sexes in DichagyriS and yigogia, I re turn to the original taxonomical treat ment of hoth as subgenera os one genus; as gi ven by BOURSIN and