Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류



Etymology The new species is dedicated io my friend and colleague Mr. GLBOR RONKAY collector of the holotype and one of the hest experis in Noctu idae, participant of severat lepido pterological expeditions in Asia.

scribed frona Afghani stan and recently also disco vered in Tadjikistan: Tui kestanMis, S hahi istan Pass). It is however, clearly different frona these by the differentshape of the thorny dorsat costa of the sacculus; by the large r hook-s haped extension of the carina of the aedeagus and main ly by the different cui ving and subba- sal diverticula of the vesica Figs li 0 li 3 and li6 vs. ill l l 2. li4 lis an dilJ-ll8). The female genitalia are also closely related to tho se of Rh. nyctim

but the characters of the ostium and ductus bursae allow an eaSy Separation. Also

the typicat 'lip-s haped V arcuate margin of the ostium stlows a different sh apethun in the O theca-eviarticiniae pair of species. Thus. it was possibie to identibthe paralype female as being conspecific with the male holotype.



Etymology The species dedicated io my friend and colleague M r. G. F BIAN, participant of numerous lepidopterological expeditions to Asia.

Diagnostic characters - Externalty the new species is rather different Domother species of Ri iacia. Superficiat ly, the relative ly broad forewings and the very Smooth Shi ny Surface of the forewings resemble sonae species of Stiandy S- Sicina BOURSIN. l 946. The wing-s hape and the smooth, Shi ny coloration alSO resemble sinalter, very light and concolorous specimens of Rhyaciti SimiliS STAUD INGER l88 l). The genitalia. however are very dissimilar with Somecharacters similar to Rh. ignobiliS STAUDINGER l888); such as the scieroti redi obes of the ostium bursae Fig. l26). but the genitalia of Rh. stibicini are much larger, broader and the ductus bursae is more scieroti Zed.

Female genitalia Figs l2J-l 30) bursa bisaccate, both corpus and cervix broad, globular ductus bursae moderate ly scieroti Zed, rugulose: ostium bursae with hi laterat; triangularly scieroti Zod appendages: sternite VIII with bilaterat. V-sormed incisions.

Taxonomic relations hips - A very distinci species with in the genus Rhyiacia. According to the characters of the fe male genitalia, it can provision allybe placed near Rh. ignobiliX. This is sonaewhat sui prising hecati se one would nothave expected a closer relations hip of the se species hom the externat characters. Distribution and hi onomics - Only known by two se males hom the type locality. Because both specimens are very fres h and were collected on the high pla-


teau of the Kopet-Dagh Mis Dushak. 2300 m a. s. l.). I consider that the habitat of this species is to be mund at hi gh altitudes. erastis laeta macini RAMOSY. l 996 Taxonomic note This species and iis new sub species was originalty dis- covered by S. and Z. KOVACS in Mac in Mis Romania. Dobrogea) oni 2. 0J.l 993, and a large series collected also on 2J-28. Os.l 994. Unfortunate ly the se specimens were not included in to the type series of the sub species mentioned above RA KOSY l 996 l 94). Specimens frona this series are figured here Figs 25 26). I have figured also the male and D male genitalia of this subspecies Pigs 25-26) becati se uia fortunate ly the figures of the original description are





Actia Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungiariciae 42 3), m. 23J-249, J996


Relative ly litile is known abolit the freshwater ieech latina os Nepai. For thenei gh bouring country of India, however, a number of publications on aquatic



Ma0 1. The rivers of Nepat with the collecting localities

pone of the Tibetan Plateau SI ARMA l 996). The Easteria Midland ri vers investigated were Bhote kosi near Nanache baZar extending up to the valley of Arun Has in at Tum lingiar. The Central Midland ri vers crossing Kathmandu-Kodari R marg mountains and the water hodies of the Kathmandu valley were also included together with the Centrat Lowland ri vers of Terai. The field work was also extended frona the lower Marsyangdi Basin to the Pokhara valley and reaching up to the Tin au waterShed, sampling along the course of the Andhi Khola. The uiatouched virgin rivers of the far-western and mid-western Zones of the counita, such as the Midland tributary of the Mali akali and the Lowland tributaryos Karnali together with Surkhet valley and Phyuthan, were also examined. The aligandaki river whicli Hows through the worid's deepest gorges and iis tribu taries hordering the Gulmi and Syantia districis of the western Zone of Nepat were also sampled during the course of the present study Map l). Collecting method1 and identisciation The method used in collecting leeches was fati ly simple i. e. hand pickingsrom iis substrate. Proper care has to be taken while picking the animal. for it clings to the substrate firmi y and care less picking may cause rupturing of the delicate paris. Initialty the leeches were properly killed in ista ethanol and latertransferred to TOR ethanot for preservation. The materiat was collected by V. GRASSER . GRA F. S. KHANAL, O. MOOG. H. NES EMANN. G. HUTTER B. PRADHAN. A. ROMER. A. SCHMIDT-KLOIBER and S. SH ARMA on different occa-


The specimens collected in Nepai resemble the European forins. There areno records of the sub species aSiaticia MOORE. l 924. whicli is listed by CHANDRA l 983) for the fauna of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. Iis relation to the nominate sub species is yet dou biful. Distribution H. marginiam is distributed widely in the Palaearctic and Oriental regions. It is known frona Europe, the easteria Mediterranean countrieS, Asia Minor, Russia, Japan and the Indian subcontinent. In India it was recordedfrona severat localities in the Ganges river has in and western Ghais Bombay) by