장음표시 사용
The Catalogue containS the basic taxonomic, nomenclatorial and distribution data of ali species occurring in the Palaearctic Regionwith the fundamental morphological features for the majority of the ny grou PS. Volume l3 lisis the names of 460 genera, 38 subgenera and 2389 species assigned to three fami lieS. Furthermore, 6J2 Synonymous generic and 24JJ Specific names, l80d emendationS, errorS, nomina dubia and dou biful genera and species are listed. The period of the Catalogue extendS Dona id 8 to 3l December, l982. Conteriis: Explication to distribution. Type-Species deSignations in Volume l3. New name proposed in Volume l3. Families: Antho- mytidae A. DELY-DRASKΟVIJ S). Rhinophoridae B. HERTING). Tachinidae s B. HERTING and L. DELY-DRASKOVITS). Biblio
In the insect materiai collected by the scientific expedition of the Zoological Museum os Bergen Universi ty ZMB) to Tan Zania - among many other insectS there were so me coni opterygid specimens as weli. The collecting sites were siluated in the valley of the Kaputu Stream. in the Magum bai Forest Reserve in the west Usam hara Mounta in s. bet ween l53β-l650 m above the sea levet, in a mounta in ratia forest. The in Sects were captured
nae. Se Ven Of them are males and these represent one known and three hi therio undescribed specieS. Nimhoa pallida Sp. n.
sclerotiZed ductus ejaculatorius connected to the dorsal part of the penal scierite. Large processus terminalis of hypandrium couered by shori, but thick spines with strong hasal knobs. Median incision deep.
The main distinctive characteristi cs of Nimhsa Pallida Sp. n. Ire se large, Spiny proce SSUS terminalis of hypandrium:
Apodeme along the anterior margin ventralty thinned. Processus terminalis stiori, with a dorsallydirected. hairless caudat projection. This projection in laterat View curved, claw-like. Iis median incision deep. Processus lateralis strongly scierotiZed, large, with rather acute dorso-caudat comer. Conarcus smali, weakly chiliniged. Styli forked. Iis Outer branches very long and potiated. inner branches forming an acute median projection. Parameres rather long and flender with well-de-Veloped processus Ventralis. Processus apicalis with a dorsal and a ventral projection: in lateratvlew both are potnted, while in caudat view the dorsal one rounded. Penis scierites stiori and moderately potnted.
Because of the forked styli, the caudat structure of the paramere, and thesetting of the scale- like hairs on the flagellar segments and pedicet, this new
FixS 6-10. Conis Ierra unguiccaudiata Sp. n. 6 male terminalia, laterat View, P paramere, latera lview. 8 α male internat genitalia, Ventral View, 9 hypandrium, ventral Vie , t 0 α male internalgenitalia, caudat View. Scale 0. 03 nam.
- acute median projectiori of the in ner branches of the deeply forked styli: - hairles s. dors atly directed. in laterat vi e w curved claw- like caudat projectionos hypandrium - smali penis scierites.
Holotype male. TanZania. Tanga region, W Usambara Mis. MaZumbat, stream-side. i540 ma. S. l. , Malal Se trap. NOVember 2, l990, leg. ZMB's TanZania Exp. Deposited in the Zoological Mu-seum of the Universi ty of Bergen ZMBN Type No. 242). Paralypes l male, Same data as in the case of holotype, hut i535 m a. S. l. . Ianuary 4-l3,l99l. Deposited in the Zoological Museum of the Universi ty of Bergen . t male, same data as in holotype. but about 30 in Do m the stream-side. i550 m a. s. l. . November l, l990. Deposited in the Zoological Depariment of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest. Description: Structure os frons and palpi normat. Colour of head dark brown. Eyes black. Antennae 2.5-2.6 inm, 33-3J-segmented. mostly dark hrown, but last 6-8 segments light brown. Scape, pedicet and median flagellar segments as long as broad. Terminal segment about 2.5 timesas long as broad and potnted apicatly Fig. li). In addition to ordinary hairs, Setae also present onflagellar segmentS. Scierites on dorsal part of thorax. thoracal sutures, coxae, tarsi and joints of legs dark brown. Other paris of thorax and legs, together with abdomen, pale ochreous. First femur Fig. l 2) distinct-ly thickened. and provided with two longitudinal rows of stout spines. Length of fore wing 3. I nam, of hind wing 2. 8-3. 0 min. Wing membrane light. longitudinalvetias dark brown. Cul sonaewhat stronger and darker than the other Velias. CrossVein Ri-Rs strong-ly oblique. Male terminalia: as in Figs l3-l P. Ectoproci stiori and broad ly rounded with a s hori thornmediat ly, but without ventral in ner process. First pari os nilath segment synscieritous and with awell-de vel oped anterior apode me. Nintli tergite partly Separated isto in ectoproci by a vertical apodeme encling ventralty in a minute knob. Besore this apodeme a wide iobe ventralty hordered by a strong longitudinal apode me. Hypandrium short with two setae. Iis caudat edge rounded in ventral vlew. Paramere flender, terminal pari forming a Very large, potiated hook curVing upward S. Middie part of paramere with three other dorsal projections one large on in ner, another large and ali ille one On outer si de s Figs l3, ib). Desinite uncini absent. but a pair of large ventral plates withstrongly scieroti Zed in ner ridge below parameres.' Ductus ejaculatorius distinctly scieroti Zed.
Remarks: The new species is clo se to Semida liS maculmennis hecati se of the similari ty in the structure of the parameres, hecati se of the absence of definite uncini and the prese iace of similar plate- like scierites below the parum eres. The main distinctive characteristi cs of Semida liS ObSCuria Sp. n. are clasping fit si leg in the males: - shori and bro ad ly rounded ectoproci. The ectoproci of S. maculmennis has afairly acute, Subtriangular OUter prOCeSS.) - presen ce of the laterat iobe of nintli tergite with speciat structure:
- preSence of a large, acute Outer and a sanae in ner dorsal projection at themiddie part of the paramere. In the case of S. maculmennis there is not at alidorsal projection on the in ner fide of the paramere.)Further differences between the two related species areo the fore wings of S. maculmenritS Ire spolied, while those of S. OhScura sp. n. unspolied: the head of S. maculmen riS is Ochreous brown while that of S. obscura is dark hrown. Atransverse kn ob is present on the ninth sternite of S. maculmen riS. whicli is absent in the case of S. OBSCuria. The structure of the first leg of S. OBScum Sp. n. clearly Sugge StS a ClaSpingstinction. The fame structure is well-known in the case of males of the genus Co
The genitalia of the examin ed specimen complete ly agree with those of S. terminalis K IMMIN S. l95l, figured by MEI NANDER l9J2). whicli species laterwas synonymi Zed ME INANDER l 990) with S. africana. The three other localities where this species h ad hi theno been collected. are sit ualed also in Tan Zania an din Keny a.
Two of the three se male specimens occurring in the examined materiat be- long to the genus Conimie . As they were captured at the sanae locali ty as thelio lotype and the paralype Os Gnimterra unguicaudiam Sp. n. , poSSibly they are conspecific. Howe ver the uincertain ty of this possibili ty is too large to handi ethese se male S aS paralypes of C. ungui audiam. In the case of the single Semidalisse male. which was collected at the fame si te as the holotype of S. obscura and thecaptured male Specimen of S. africana, the uncerta in ty e Ven i S greater.
Submission os a paper impli es that it has not been publisheu previous ly. that is not under consideration sor publication et sewhere, and that is accepted for the Acta Zoologica Hungarica, theauthors will transfer copyright to the Hungari an Academy of Sciencesithe Hungarian Natural History Museum as is customary. Articles and illustrations hecome the property of the HASIHNHM. Papers must be in English with Britisti spei ling. and he original contributions in the sield os animal taxonomy, SyStematicS, ZOOgeography and ecology. Ali manu scripis must be submitted to oneof the editors seditor. assistant editor). Entire manu scripis must be submitted on IBM compati bie Roppy disk and in duplicate printed copies and the author Should retain a copy. In the case of multiple authors, the correspondingauthor should be indicatecl. Series of numhered papers will not he considerecl. Manu scripis must be printed with doubie spacing including the referetice list). and with wide margins 30-35 min) on the lest si de of the paper Only. Authors are requested to keep their communications as concise as possibi e . Footnotes s hould he a voided or minimiZed, and italics should not be used for emphasis. A running head os not more than 30 letters should he supplied. The manu script should contain the illowing information Titie should be sol lowed by the naine and fuit ad dress of the aut hor s). Where possibi e . the saxandior e-mail number of the corresponding author should he supplied with the manu script . for use by the publi Sher. Λbstruct should he a bries summary of the contenis and conclusions os the paper, and should not he longer than 200 words and should not contain references. Key wOrils should not be more than sive sexceptionalty 6) key word entries. Introduction should contain a brief survey of the relevant literature and the reasons for doing
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