장음표시 사용
Diagnosis: Externalty this species differs frona H. cultes in iis sonaewhat s maller si Ze. and the lighter. less intensive violet-hrown ground colour of the fore ing. The male genitalia of H. Subi istacea Uigs l3-l l8. l 9) have stronger and wider neck of cucullus, the iube of vesica is expanded at the fit si bend. The fe- male genitalia of H. Suhviolaceia differ frona those of H. cultra by iis somewhat narrower ostium und more complex proximal part of the cervix hursae. This is the place of the expanded bend of the vesica during copulation, as indicated by an arrow in Figs l8-l9 and 24. 25.
Distributiori This species occurs in the central Hi malayas and in Tibet.
The di agnosis of the species gi ven by VARGA l 992) is correct . excepi thatone important feature is missing namely that the pectination of the antenna of the male is abo ut hals of that of H. cultes and H. SuhViolia EG.
Diagnosis. The new species is eas ity separabie frona iis close si relatives H. Ctilles. H. Sub Violiaceti and H. ali stet by iis large wide saccular extensions.
Marginal sield with a large . blackish hrown patch at tornus divi ded into two paris by subterminaland desined by a whitis h-grey palch at in ner fide. Hind wing pale cupi eous brown. marginal arcaso me hat clarker. discat spol and transverse line rather dissu se. Male genitalia Fig. l 2) Uncus stiori . tegumen narrow. vinculum rounded. ValVa with Sac- Cular extension large. wide. Neck os cucullus narro . shori, corona present. Aedeagus Stighilycurve l. vesica tubular. distat ly with a longitudinal bdit os spines. Female unknown. Distribution: Only a single male is known si ona China. Pu-tsu-sang.
Mollis of the Anaraia group occupy a particular position in the fami ly Gelech iidae: hecause of specific characters such as sexuat dimorphism in male and fe- male labial palpi, modifled scales and long scierotiZed processes on the Vul VI, and asymmetry in the genitalia os both sexes in many species. Based on these characters AM SEL l9JJ) rai sed the taxonomic rank of this group to the fami lyAnarsi idae. However the opinion that this group must be assigned to the Gelech iidae - relating to the HyPatima group with similar functional morphologicalcharacters - is more widely accepted MEYRICK l 925. JANSE l 949. PAR K l99 l. PONOMARENKO l 992). Accordi sag to literature data, at present the Aniaraia grOUp
l 995). yet the real number of species of the group can be estimated to be lessthan that hecati se sonae of them should be transferred to other genera. The present paper includes descriptions of two new Species. The type Specimens of Aniaraici gajiensiS are deposited in the collection of the Center os InsectSystematics Korea, Chuncheon): the holotype of Anarata Sihiricia is in the Institute of Biology and Pedo logy Vladi vostok), paralypes are in the collection of the Zoological Institute St. -Petersburg) and in the Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology Russia, Novos ibi rSk).
t Valva strongly asymmetrical 2- Valva almost symmetrical 52 Right valva on the lower margin os iis distat part with a longue-shaped protrusion A. bimaculata PONOMAREN ORight valva on the lower margin of iis distat part without a longue-shaped protrusion 33 Right valva with ovat cucullus, iis process almost straight Fig. 4)A. Sihi ricia Sp. n. Right valva with quadrangular cucullus, iis process curved 44 Hase of process on the lest valva near iis lower margin, right valva with thedentes bellind iis process Fig. 8) A. maritellia SCHRANK
Base of proces s on the lest valva ola the m id die of iis oti ter fide, right valva without dentes heliind iis process A. nigricana PAR K, β Membranous iobe on the naiddie of the leti valva larger than that of the right valva A. Dipinnata MEYRICHMembranous iobe on the naiddie of the lest valva sanae si Ze as that of the right valva Fig. 2) A. gGjieriSiS Sp. n.
Diagno sis. Both sexes of this species very closely resemble to Ariaraia eu- Phorodes MEYRICK and to A. amerci PAR K in the patiern of the forewings and
species by the membranous iobes on both valvae in the male genitalia and by the ovat plate on the 8th tergite in the in male genitalia.
Diagno sis. The new species is very similar to Anaraia Uartiella SCHRANK in the patieria of the forewings and the male genitalia. It casa be distinguis hedfrom it by the s hape of the uncus, test cucullus, and the la male genitalia.
hrown hue: si x light hrown streaks on costat margin, third one larger than others: severat sinali clarkhrown spois along middie part of wings. Hind wing grey. Male genitalia sFigs 4. I). Uncus stightly wider than tegumen. with a finger-s haped processat apex: without laterat iobes. whereas with rounded laterat iobes in A. martiel Fig. P). Gnathos absent. Tegumen dilated in basal pari. Valva asymmetrical. Lest valva rounded with long switch-s haped process on lower margin, hi lateralty membranous. Right valva with ovat cucullus and almost strat glit proces s on lower margin . Valva of martiella with quadrangular cucullus and denteson iis lower margin heyond the curved process s Fig. 8). Vinculum narrow, iis sternat plates triangular. Iuxta with two lobes. Aedeagus almost stra ight. narrower towards apex, inflated at basal third with the basal rounded plate. Female genitalia sFig. 6). Ovi positor shori. membrane belween 8th and 9th segments hal flength of papillae anales. Eighth tergite with a long rectangular plate, with ovat opening on base, iis
tength almost as long as apophyses anteriores. Ostium ovat, at middie of 8th sternite. Antrum scie-roti Zed near ostium. Ductus bursae narrow, almost aS long as tength of corpus bursae, membranou S. Ductus seminalis arising Dom near base of ductus bursae. CorpUS bUrSae membranous, OVal, nar-rowed at junction os ductus bursae, with a s mali crescent-Shaped Signum.