
발행: 1867년

분량: 109페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


- laborato editions of this inor mom hine appeam a Very differentiori s during tho last thro Oenturias thre of them extendi t hundreda os pagos ach in other, fidit aliis in imo an merit, though os inuo Ioas es than ita suco sors lo a formidabie nouo hon compared .ith in texi .hio it illustrat . A lammonina ago nothing ma sarthis mi in thoughta than his poem to arda thoend of las October Phad si plosis o os collatinisor Prosemor Bibbook man cript of in Culo in ur publio library an on finishiniit Ilo in through in Aetna Moh oam inor an Mon found - -- pariniit it Jao a ditio that uisur med inor collate man scripta in merit a Ioas a much as in ago; that it supplis severia entire versea antis in them, an o ne stili hau sine or inglo Hs, m in sens at ono of amago hithorto unintelligibis and hopolemi corrum. Stimulato by this' mado a transcript a lessure houm during November of tho holo poem, coning the manuscrimpnge is pago Aner ard Whilo absent hom Cambri o in tho monstes Januarya sermod hom thia copy a provisiona texi, appendiu to ita complete collation of this codex an addinges in Jacob a iussio in re iuga of his Wo manuscripta, in Hesmataodi and tho


attraction: solio in the olde Italian authorities, no the more cautio , Aldino editor, he attributo it to Ovid' stion Cornelius ovorus and theresore to tho age of Augustus o Tiberius: quo neque post tempora Tiberii Caesaris cultius poema neque mendosius ullum ad nos peruenit', he sva at tho end of his notes The latior clauae is trus nough thos morae id findriem to approve Acis osten seen in V orous halera, his antipatis o Lucan inade his contrast ur poet amur ly With isti pingues Cordubenses poetae, Musarum κτρωματα. He et himselftherosor earn urat Wor to correo an explain ur poem Haring bosidos in printe edition onlrone late an interpolate manuscrip ho must Reu hom the natur of tho inae go id astra' et in nota se instances it the glauco os genius ho descries the truι throuo


Scaliger long hol undisputo sWay unti in 1703 the wellano nJoh Loolor docido that in time had como sor amem recension and publiine his prolix edition unde the assume nam o Theodorus Goraliua, Whichiivos a Greeli equivalent for the Hebre , a Hebro sor tho Gros par of his nam Ioannes loricus. e clearly meant i t QVance his citam to universa excellenco mith his Viem heri glad nouo tofin Scaligor, hos notos lie prinis at lenob, in the rong buta dono detect an moremn ortis motivo in his saui,finding and tho formos his book ovos in reade ample opportunit of seeinchom nequalhoris to his predecessori et hecis a manis Eound aense an extensivo erudition his interpretatio indoed is reciso nouo Where the originalis asy, osten ame an unmeaning here in other is corrupi orobscure; ut though he neve minea a rilliant mendation his mod ense enabies him to correct no a se passages, an his illustrations aroostin happy an to the purpose Theae his successor mador and Jacob borro. Without achnoMedment, hilo tho assail Without mercyhis desecta, gla to trample ou ono hoci domn. e neri come toWrensdores oditioni tishod in thoriourth volume of his posta Latini minore Wit amplo introductions note an excursuses. He is notainin s acuto a Loclero, homa inali hericosorth ad oratius; ut his leaminiis great in ali that concerna the literatur of his subjecti His oritica powercisa thin vor smail What chion distinguishos his edition is this that he was th fidit tori e rom Cornelius Severus and conseris Seneca' frien Lucilius in authorini of tho Dem. hoonlrother edition to e montione is rid. Jacob publi od in 1826. It forma a considerabio Volumo an contain a fuli collatio of the Helistaedi and resta manuscripta. his ork like his Manilius, is sadi Wantinii precisio an acumen an iis prolixit excoed aubound of toloration great earinos of the fles it ostencis to eadnotea covering severat pages Dolose prius, ullis Greek, Latin, Fronch, Englis an Gorma quotationa in illustratio of things it WhichthonMus no thocleas connexion to go through argumenta designeat ine that in author mus havo ritton hat is no possibili homul hine rition to ta in editor askih triumphantly . at tho end


mith in another, I denote them is a Asa inali explain bolo. Bosoro Loomo to tho los Florentino fragment Whicha callo, Pinust discribo, more sul the different pie a hic tho manuscript containa aro


tho fidit pago of tho las imporseo lea: ago ono contians the ho ingos the poein and 19 vorsos tho nextra contain 20 Vorae oach, tho last pago hac vorsos of tho mom an in subscription Theclines in his edition are numbered in tho ordor the como in Q hic has 645 verses:

miel Writton; in morda aro correcti dividia, excepi that in consormit Wisi in ancient pronunciation themtonios, Auch - ει, qui, NON, and the monosyllabi proposition are non united mit in mor that sollama odor ut so Odor in opstra erudiaua sor σε - - bus, verseue os for ageret uentos, inesuria Olidum for inerua assidum standriuito by thomaeises There are se oontractiona, except thom hic are common in tho oldest an best codicos inua, osten, ut is no means alma , meo mit in usual abbreriations os per pro, me, με, 68 quod, of the finia in and mm in tho mides of morda, of ων in the present passivo, and -- in tho dati or abi pluri ingle or raro in ano is G, Om' σε sis, uria, amita amentia occuri ho Apollincis o thomholo very good an Phino soliomed it in ali but palpabio corruptions: Men humor an sulphura hine rotiane a tho may bo Boin tho


ou in poem iura places it m es fons of What in thom is quilounintelligibis an in au Otho places prendi ut the right rota toemendation; hile it is ni in a se. trivialis accidental cases herethv have any advantago veris, as in I Where tho copyis for matrem reada mentem, in dentem o 20 limin cauo his sys. hus, alonogivos 5 an 6 in tho right ordor a alano has the wholo Versea 61 In commune Pallaa', 46 470 Illinc pugnao'; tho hiat linos 53 quo sinu , 60 Atque in bellandum', 327 siphonibus actus', 355 plantis raedas', 445 Siculi uicinia montis', 384 Si comata diu referunt'; tho solio ing morda an phrasea, mahing ense ut os in nonsens Motho mas. 69 oesint', 85 Nec tu, terra', M incingitur', 105 tortis', 107 oharybdis', 121 uonas', 310 crescere', 312 abluit i. e. adluit', 332 fulgeat', 352 nostris', 373 quas rumpat iter antici ted by the acumen o Scaliger, 435 bitumine', 436 generandis', 457 Acis', 461 uiris', 476 saex', 483 seruere', 485 prunis i. o. pronis', 490 amnia', 507 Symaothi', 512 fluore', 13 Flumina', 538 Heraclito, tui', 549 praeclususquo', 575 intersiimus', 582 soli', 586 'ost philomela AEQ

Sed curae i. e. Securae'. In a se is exsomo of tho more interpolatodo the late mas aro right omnearly right With hilo et 34 aro ali corrum,as 117 non credit inanis', 138 Intoreopta', 430 tostisque', 526 refellit', 60 potentia divum' in 625 the correct Amphinomus of an . probabi comes rom conjecturo. Whata have quoto is but a par of What, does ortu poem; et great a iis excellenoeci compared Mihineminers, it is olear stom Ver page of m crificat notes that the anda ali elon to the fame amij somo origines rom hic et 84 Detc. come, go mutilate in parta: his original and α had both Homo common progenitor, remoVed rom them nos many dogroes. his mill o stillplainor,hona have describe the fragmon Loia p. Tho histor of this fragment hic has long dis pestre is eo obscure an uncertain: it is no alWay eas to dotermine hat ita mad-inga re, Wing to the clumsy Way in Which theylavo boon hande domni tW different repertories, ne ineant tot supplementary to the other. The older of theseris michius Acta societ. Ionensis Vol. V sor 1756,pp. 3-6, a Ver imperfect collation ine secon is ound in tho Nouo Bibliothe de schoene Wissenschalion via. 594R. 311-327, hero F. C. Matthiae supplies hat sta omitte in in other placo hom a fuller collatio son to him is Rulenhamp and ahen Dom in margin


Ρage mas ritte In Aetna V. significat cod. Florentinum, quem inde habuit Ernatius, nempe solum partem illam'. atthia thinis thocollation is no Ernstius', ut N. Heinatus', a Burmann n. to vidmet. 1 85, oves Woi ita re iuga mit thea mord 'sed legendum axantiquo codice odice quem Heinsius contulit'. ne Henr Ernatius publiino in 164 a vor brios catalogue of tho Laurentian librisy in itI in no montion of this codex he enumerates meres the anm mss. MVirgil Which Bandini describes Lucca ould mem to e the placo Where it reali existed Phavori in great pianari get hom in o tWosources a completo a collatio a Loouid of this fragment of 150 lines: it boon mith v. 138 and end wit 286 ut me have no stomunt .ha, ove os ita condition ita age, ita orthography so the ono o tW notabis instances a causata, erranteis, hic the collationa recordo seo com Vince come meret Domitio oditionis Pithoo , hic so prinis theso morda notisne remarhabio pellinc besisve is ove disserini in Pithoeus. emsdors suspecta ita bea re iuga and scareel maho any use of them Jacob emplo thom osten very unshilfully. et for this par of tho poem hic chaneo to e obscuro, his fragmen is quilo inValuabie many amage aro no intelligibi mithout it To do hiis essentia genuinenescia monstrous in 15 Vas it ivea ten imo asmany brilliant and certain corrections os in Otho maa. M a Scaliger canmino in tho holoiuom. Quito a incontostabis in m opinion is ita

superiorit omeris in these m acta in superiorit of α ove allisthermas. When one findam muc here that an bo underatood ni fr- , ono uombios to thin hominuin must remia uno rected in the est of the poem ' grues us Wo lines, found in no therma. - α in in other parta gives other m. Which, i. e. at tho Other inas mant, Iinser that to suppos a lacuna Pone or mors Vas in somo other dissiculi passages is a legitimato an simplo method of emendation Ono oortaintest, intest o anted of the genuinen sis Dis his in ome of thopassages in hic it is right, alone agroes mit it Waro ali disserent: in stili more it is right omnearly so then sollowsis, inen come , much

140, 141, 153, 158, 159, 160 161 166, 175, 82, 183, 184, 187, 192, 194, 199 206, 209, 14, 216, 220, 22l 224, 27, 233, 238, 246, 248,253, 264, 279, 284, 286 again malon has 276 27 278 in thois right


unoertain to nablo uario docido suo a quoation, o to determine histis in exactisolation be-son ' an αω advico an correctionis thia

this tot M omplo si further argument that severia Vas hine been lost in and an assumption peremptorii calle so by ther

se morda hino no to bo sat of tho reputo authors of our Poem. t eam do. amon ino mallor oris attributo to Virgil; to hom it is a igne is our bos mss. α τε ε ha simN etna monto. Aa i has inanisosti no cliam ha ver, lem Von than theoulex or ciris to bo hi Wor o nee no controvor What nono illno maintain. ho nam os Cornelius Severus has ound more acceptance in moderitimos to him it mas ove is somo Italia scholarat Ioas as early a the loth contuo; sor myri Marchia nam ouit titio, an Fulvius Ursinua in his Virgil. c. ω sor coli. p. 72M 156 tolla us that ho ound a rus wrius by Pomponius Laetus Wit tho heading ORNELI EVERI AETNA. Tho arly edition have Viror nam togother With the w dc a quibusdam Cornelio tribuitur'; and though the inore cautious Aldino editor cassa it incerti auctoris', Scaligor in his passionate exaggerationi in moris of the poem gladiygave iis authorahi to a poetis a good in age a Cornelius Severus. His judgmen Boin hic there a no appea solve tho questionfor tW eenturios, untii ominor tu 1785 Mough sor aes a noW


t describe Elna in his posin, hunc sollemnom omnibus poetia locum': quem quominus Ouidius motaro nihil obstitit quod iam Vergilius impleuerat ne Seuerum qui in Cornelium uterque detorruit'. ut the natura meaning of Sonooca morda, ac mador has seen is that Severucta insorio in his bollum Siculum' a hori pisodo a utrina, a Virgilaad dotio in his Asnoid an Ovid in his metamorphoses. is assage thor ore is is no insana in famur of his laima, as urpoem forma a distino an completo hole. Thea very morda of Seneca o ove led er dors, and avo inco induoed Jacob and many thera to maintainis esitatino that Lucilius himself is honuinor: it What ruinis have nox t examine. For tho solo Purpose of throming somedio ominis quoslion Phino in through inoisole of Seneca's lotiora. ho resulta obhaino Phad intendo a fiditi stato a solo longis bufa hau since come to the conclusion that in matto is no important nouo se thia audes have aecordinglycompremo Whata haveri avrint a brios arapace a possibie. In his is spisti Sotioca sua quod Epicurus amico suo potuit promittere, hoc tibi promitto, Lucili habebo apud posteros gratiam,

Pomum mecum duratura nomina educere' and he has hep hi Word: but for Sonoca's .ritingit iamo of Lucilius Would have been unknownto us Aa ici' me ae him in areat Vario is aspecta sor to him ars Addrosae the whol of Sonsca's lotiora the fim book of the dialoguos,und tho aevo book of naturales qua tiones, in ali muc more hanhalf hia Oxtant moris. From these Various ourcos Wocleam muta about Lucilius hi cognomen a Iunior, ho a procuratoris Sicunduring

the wholo time tha Sonoca cor spondea mith him; Phumbio biri heha ratio himself to this placo is his se merita in medium te Protulit ingenii vigor, scriptorum elegantia, clarae et nobile amicitiae'. Heia aeon much servios, had orome tho Groat an Littio St Bernard


and tho Illyria passos; tho tyrann o Gaius ad nos se ableto soro him to abando Gaetulicua, nor tho Deedmon o Claudius inads him unsaithful to other Dionds Seneca hos letters appea tohavo boon writis in old age, inlla him iuuenis in contrast milha aias ut as homus havo arriso a Dara os discretion in 39, When Gaetulicus portis , ho mus have passe th age of fori some Darabolare Sensca' death. Seneca apeata of his philosophica instes, and thos are suffcienti proved by the Whole tenour of thei correspondenoe. Η also alis him in poet an cites severat of his versos an in the 79in tester of Whic me have at ad spolien, he allude to Lucilius' designis doscribing Elna in his poem, a trito opic illi poeta, as vidha dono aster Virgil, Severus after vid: aut ego te non noui aut Aetna tibi saliuam mouet iam cupis grando aliquid et par prioribus scribere'. his pansam impliea that ina acto formis episode insomo poem, ascit had done in the Aeneid, in metamorphosos and themork of Cornelius Severus, and would Aeem a fimi sio to oppos thoolaima of Lucilius a much a thos of Severus But therocis his disserenoe: tho oem of Sevorus si Hready rithen that of Lucilius mas nos and as his materiata an interest in the subject inomasod homantave o se to rite an independent mor on tua. Novid hon

it virtuos are, is independent enovo o the hole in iis mattis and manner That Lucilius a land of Ovid Would appea fro Seneca uat quaest. IV 2 2 quare non cum poeta meo iocor et illi uidium suum impingo'. t contain hoWevera hin stili more positive evidono ofus age: Morasdor has note that the artificia Triton mentions in 293 seem to allude to a mechanica contrivance of the age of Claudius; andas and Jacob allego this as a certain proo that tho oem a nos writtoni ore this time. Very lihol tho post may allude to this e machino; ut this is by no moans certain, Raa have hem in m noteato the passage that similararitons, a meli a malo organs, are describedis Horon o Alexandria long efore. Agal in Writer, anxioua toillustrat his aulaeo in very Way, carosully describes an the extinc ornearly extinc Volcanoo heanows, hos of tho Aeolia istanda, Ischia, and tho region et son visa an Cumas hic he had himself inspocted. f the the aeui Hesperias letalis apex had When ho roto, Hready burat omine restonishe Worid, homould nos possibinhino