장음표시 사용
riter of tho poem ma an epicuroan. his quostio the treat milhosa caret anes an confusion of thought Jacob resors o no tessthan eis passages o prove that tho poet mas a follomeri Epicurus. Five of theae meret adviso in t uso our vos an senses in Mongos What i goingin and this a stoic could do a mellis an picurean; na a bulleor in Zeno of mea, as est, a partisan os Zeno os Citium: in otherrimo passages directi dis ove ha ho assoris Not o dwello minor minis, there ars thres passages in the poem, ac distinctly
poet recommenda the 'verissima dicta' o Horaclitus obscuro book that fir mas ins en o ali ining and tho lementis at thinga his subsequens imitations of the langvago of Lucrotius no mors ino him to ben epicurean, than tho an clos imitations of tho amo rus by the stoic anilius prov6 it os him. Dinon Lucilius mas an epicurean Whenour poem a Writton, hs di not writo it. Dis Wit rosereno mainlyto his i in that Phino gono throuo Sonoea' leuora. I mill ove summar of tho resulta Phino obtainos in mereri stato in Midonceat longin Linouldaavori fili man pages Wit extracis. Lucilius appears o have been a man o literar an philosophicaltastes, HVen to muc an multifarious reading epist. illud autem
uide ne ista lectio auctorum multorum et omnis generis uoluminum
habeat aliquid uagum si instabiis' mithous as et a fixo creod, ut anxious f hais ne ready toae convinced by the argumenta of Seneca, and accepting much of What he lay dom, ut stili, a me an se stomtho orycias of Seneca's letters refusinito accepi some of the mos extrem stoica paradoxes That durin an perio of thoi correspond- enco Lucilius as a prosesse epicurean Ddo no bellove ovo in theearlies letters Seneca Osts spe Am Epicurus and liis sect ache couldhardi have dono to an intimate frien Who mas a the samo time docide epicurem. et rom foverat indication it,ould appin that Lucilius a sinour ly inclined to thia school once epist. 23 9 Seneca writos vocem tibi Epicuri tui roddere' compare tho Ouidius tuus 'alisad sp enit in the 107t episti mo have Epicurus noster' sis 68th opistis to has more than ne expression indicatim some relationbotWoen Lucilius and Epicurus But ali his is ver sarrimm homing that Lucilius Was a prosossed belleve in Epicurus an indoed homirstio las Seneca, ite in a way that Mema o me to contradici auch a supposition no epicurea could have hel in doctrines about providence, the god etc. hic Seneca attributos o his Dion ove at thoboginning of thei eorrespondeneo. I seem olear nough then that Lucilius Was, line many of his countrymon, an electic, it a distastoso tho im consistene of the Gree apoculative spirit findin muchio approve an somethingrio distili in sach of the rival sinoot of Epicurus and the Porin then the mos popular system in Romo Seneca himself inrun Dom ome of the extremes stoica paradoxes and modmuch to the more human an humane Machingis Epicurus Woclearn hom Gellius that there mors at least two more book of Seneca's lettersto Lucilius; ut at the en of the went extant Lucilius is stili adoubter of the truth of stoicism. Ho everrit is possibi enouo that furino reflexion and the subsequent deat os Seneca may have producod sol convictio in the generous spirit o Lucilius. d thon horo Was
beon fully describe a vo a Phino Hready said the minutos Vari tions es, hau boon recorded a mel as in ro ing of thorios fragmenti, o farias a comparisonis tho tW authorities on hic Phad torei permitto this to e dono: horoci di notiseem orth whilo togive in delati the variations of et, s Cauda, ω denotes olino ad of theas, togethor,ith in oditio aes o Aldus soriar as ther reano it me, uviem aures these insa areisspecialty exuepted or esse in generat comaonsus of the best and mos important of them s designate sommor allo in lais an mors of thea insorior As an oditiona si denotos in present edit . 1 in me calla o Apollo an in mussa to inspire him in singing of Aetna. 14sema toto a reminiaconoe both os uor. VI 202 rotantquo cauis flammam sernacibus intus', 681 Flamma oras uastis Aetna fornacibus mst', and of Virgira undantem ruptis ornacibus Aetnam rupti ignes s 59 per attonitas rumputitur fulmina nubes';201 fragor tota nunc rumpitur Aetna'; 362 1lammas ac fulmina ruinpunt'; 393 sontes Insectae rumpuntur aquae' a Gratius cyneg. 432 ruptique ambustis saucibus amnes' Stat Theb. XII 275 rupto igni',
both speahing of Aetna Lucri II 14 abrupti nubibus ignes', mith Moh acrobius comparos Aen. III 199 abruptis nubibus ignes Whoro Ribbook' G ha - μή acrobius iring bruptis o Lucretius. Quid Lo. Why' ἡ α, is sitor tha tho Quod of al editions Oio.
Cato 51 habent enim rationem cum terra qua numquam recusat imp rium' comΡ. Aen. I Imperis premit. . . Illi . . . Circum claustra se
munt'. 4 and 8 Phoebo duee: ho imitates tho culex 12 Phoebus erit nostri princeps et carmini auctor'. The omissionis the Vocativo iaharis, ut it icto suo out o Phoebo duce in te, Phosis duco thointerpolate mas an odition oves dexter mihi carminis auctor Apollo'. 6 Most delos tho encliticis is a continua Murce of this and likeo ruption tu insa. Paccount in theraam Wayrior man corruption in cur oem 60 I avo .HMen igniat ignis, . 96 e soli mat et solido', et solidum et is in corruption amas ut os e soli M 139 in ι minas , ruinae i. e. ruina. e. α - 194 portat operi est Roporum est tuo operust a s 231 lunaeia luna est, in lunae est I: 34 ruinaest ruinia, . 353 in tenuiat in tenui tinuiset ς 470
Κωρ- εν ἡ σιμηται πλαος Απολλων. he conspicuous position oftho poninsula in quostio mus have made his nam of Apollo ess-known in Alexandrine and Romana ea Thomam recalis haliam sanias x 32 6 says, spe ingit Magnesis Pon meander o Lethaeus,
Alexandrino imo Cyprus a more than Misbarbarian: hen itbecam the his pomosais of the gyptia omis, o uosa Apollo Hylatos, lituo known to old Gree , mouidio celebrato by othor Alo andrino vitor Maidos Lycophron, Titer no tost but accessibi to
699 in the midae M a similar addreas, die Troiam Thymbraeua habes'. But tho trus reisdingo no feel auro is Ladonis Atho auotor of Ladon' perhapa ur auctor astor Mino poetis Antioch may havo usodine form α με o the analog o Hesiod' 'Aμφιτρυωνη an similarsemale patronymi . What has ust Monisaid of the poeta an writerso Alexandria, applio more strongi to thos of Antiooh and Daphno :the havo periise in deservessi s no doubi; et there are many testimonios tora m that for sic -- centurio Daphno no ovi in splendour an beaut' ut in fame a moli, ad ahen in place of Delphi, as hie sanctuar o Apollo. ut it is nos in Euripides orPindar ina me ea of this di πω vorio gorio Philostratus Galen, tib nius, Chrysostom Sozomen Nonnus, Justin, Servius and the lino Thoor in os Apollo' Worahi there is tot is ustin x 4 1 Sole uanouus Antigono hostis accesserat auiua quoque uirtua clara et origo
admirabilis fuit; siquidom mater eius Laudico, cum nupta me Antiocho claro inter Philippi duces uiro, uia sibi ea per quietem ex concubitu Apollinis concepisso grauidamque factam cos. Ubi post mortem Alexandri occupato regno orientia urbem ondidit, ibi quoque geminas originis memoriam consecrauit nam et urbem ex Antiochi patria nomino Antiochiam uocauit et campos uicinos Apollini dicavit'. Seleucus in 300 B. c. oundod at tho samo time Antioch, hic Chrysostom anativo proudi term in κε ναλα καὶ μήτηρ of Hl the cities of the eas an a fivo miles distanco, Moeri tho Orontes, the par an sanctua o Daphno hic Chrysostom, Ammian indictor so osten ali a suburbos Antioch Daphno a nodes samous than Antioch, hic o mina,
in inscriptions and Mori is asino called Antiochi Daphno, Antiochos Daphne, a Daphne is terme Daphno by Antioch καὶ πάντα se 1 Δάαν in Σελευκω, auctabanius in his Antiochicus Chrysostom, hilo invidiouul contrastin in earint Daphne mith in heavenly Joma lem, anno conoeia What charma it M so the childron os thia, Id. To Antiooh and Daphno a transplantod the whole orshipit Apollo: unablo to creato, in Syria Gmeis mught hithor in very ames of old Hellas, Castalis and tho lium an omphalos, sar largeminamina MDelphi, mas solis is Antiochus Epiphane or Epimanos in the iddio tetrastylon of his great contria si et o colonnades Ausonius, de clanurb. 3, ava Phoebea lauri domus Anti his.' Non thoianis of tho Oronto Daphno mas alWaya calle tauotero Ladon na in very rivor a transferre ho Syria, liho Castalia. Why Was Laodios connected mn in Peloponneso an in parta frit horo in Ladon n-ed mo elso Mirono fram the ori Syria. o tho hili Silpion vas an id Syria Iono, on hic Seleucus Nicator sacrifice to eua Graunius in the wring of 300, b oro ounding
Antioch. Thia in ris to tho notion os an Argive-Athenia colonysen to recoVerao, and tomine fastoleas perversiona of the genuine --
thologr Ladon is a fine rivor, but notioster han mons othera in tho area Doria istandis Pelops' an in tho unperverte legendis known asciathor o Mesopo amous in tho mythioad histor o Thebes an Hellas: eo indar olymp. VI an his scholiast, and Diodorus IV 72. Evoti in vi and Hyginus o no Daphne ni a dinoter of Ρoneus. But Antioch change ali thia Pausanias VIII 20 1 thus rites:
ααλ. What Was told by the Syria in the rontes Philostratus in his lissis Apollonius I 16 p. 19 mill throw omedio on thia e εφοιτησε
puro Caatalia lavit Orino solutos' is ad to atho thom in the a talia of Daphne sor in a pamage of hic I Wili presenti quois more,
Ἀπόλλω φασι and thon tho Mory of tho in o and metamorphosia: τον μακολπιπτον εραστην ἀποτυχοντα των παιδικῶν περιπλακῆναί τε τω δενορι καιοικευωων- και - φυτὸν καὶ τὸν τόπον, και προσεδρευειν τι χωρ λοι- καιτο- πάκνης της γῆς μάλιστα ἀωτάζεσθαι και φιλειν κελευσαι τε τὰν βασι
pistolyn- had tho Mughtor of Ladon supplanted the dinoter of Peneus, that Pavaani , T 8 camav δῶννης δε οπεφανος επι τῶν Πυθι- ra νιπι κατ' ἄλλο μεν μοι δοκειν σπιν Ουδεν, ὁτι δε τῆς Λάμος θυγατρὸς Ἀπόλλωνα ἐρασθῆναι κατέσχηκεν et φημη. - - inodosa known to Latin ritem: Serviva Virg. LIII 63 Scimus et Daphnen Ladonis numinis Arcadisonlisim dilectam ab Apollino et Terra miseratione in laurum conversam: id Aon. II 513 Daphne filia Ladonis uuii Arcadia si Terra fuit cet.: ibid. 680 horiolis inerator of Cyparimus, ho- rolicta Creta ad rontem
os Antiooh. Thoclem a doub not was coeuia mit thorioundation ofino es , and connectod somino. Wiin ino Amitro Soleucus But thoes eum os Antiooh appeam in havo been os later celebri . Cicero, pro Arinis , spe in os this nativo o Antiooh avs se ad scribendi studium contulit, primum Antioohiae nam ibi natus os nobili loco),
celebri quondam urbe et copiosa atque eruditiasimis hominibus liberalia-aimisque studiis inuenti'. Arinia among thera may havs helpo toghve in ahormit grea colobri : vid di not nomo neglectod thias in of tho legend. A omparisonis in re iuga an commenta a Maliger Goralius Wor dors and Jacob mould Pthin oommon mino. Pierio I sim not auro that thia has no rosereno to Antiochand Daphne norin os inem and the rontea a a diatrio an a mountia both naine Pieria Strabo p. 749 Ἀντιοχεια Σ - Δώννη σὰ Σελευκεια ἡ ἐν Πιερια Plin Vas in promunturium Syria Antioohias intus ipsa Antioohia libera Epidaphnos cognominata. Oronto amne diuiditur in promunturio autom Seleucia libera Pieria appellata: Strabo p. 751 προς θαλαττη δε τουτων ἐστὶν ἡ Σελευκεια καὶ ἡ Πιερία, - - ες τῶ μιαρο. 8 υι- it is frango a many edition a vid prosemine ill-atteator usua. 9-28 tho Midon ag and the legendam es times havolson sung
44GHL 1 28 3 tho es mss. have fructibus, tho interpolato frugaras:
Nipperde p. 55 ψVes abundant illustration. 12 Murme in sacrae of s Scaligor an many edition is a mero corruption arising rom the
and tho liho. 13 suo pede Bacchus an into in is his o- -t; i. e. ho did not require toto trodden ut is the ee of the readem, Me laine is umebus and thera. e consound is a metonymycommon in tho poeta tho god the vine and the in iiseu but oumili tardi find olaowhere so ars an instanos of Bacchi nomino uti Penderent foliis bolare Iupiter ut an on to this age, Μellaque decussit foliis', a Virgil geor. I 131 sua. 1 Se cretos, L e. a s ortoa, I hine rithon, a I Res no soro in Secretos also linsom hesitation aleret: alias inve iri to an kepto a suppi ofriversis ot so the rich olivo: horai sor il What Bacchus id sorvine sum gratia ruris i. e. ei erat the tho ount ata charma sorher an ahe had not et seomo a town-haunianilah. O seems again to resor o Virgirs Pallas qua condidit ames Ipsa colat nobis placeant ante omnia silvae' comp. too Claudian in Rufin i 38M passim Vina fluent otiique lacus: It is perhapa possibi to defendisseret, set in motion, is suo passages a Aen. I 8ὲν sudor Liquitur et piceum ...1lumen agit'; Lucri II 676 Scintillasque agere: Homovero hine changedaut a single letter of the m. Wheroas De Booy solio ed by Haum in his program o 1859 p. 7, reada oliva, Securo omnes aleret cum gratia ruris': i. e. the ero, personine by Pallas, hunco thotreo an anticlimax Aurer lae the olde age; a that is me of tho
17 uim Jacob πῶ illustratos is in proverb in Strabo p. 497Eις Φασιν θα να-ὶ ωχατος δρομος comp. Lucri I 69 si quis procurrat ad oras Vltimu orirem aliger hero is quit beside thomath. 18 19 a v. seem to M lori hctro suo a this Incensum, aut Sipylo bis sex ad busta nivali Inpositam': Pergamon is neuter in b89 flebilo uictis Pergamon' again inposit- igni has heroo meaning ;an a disjunctive particis is anted Niobea bello to bo spolienis in 18 though many ther heroi tames have been suggested comp.
Nemesian cyneg. 15 - seema toto imitating our poem, 'Nam quia non Nioben numeroso funere maestam a cecinit' an Proport.1i u 20 7 Nec tantum Nioba bis sex ad busta superbae Sollicitolaorimae defluit a Sipylo'. 20 in L ovi amores III 12 39 Aus
sumque diem mensi furialibus Atrei par in sem deri in viri. l. 35 Thebanaque semina dentea' in semina, pro seminibus a senae hic in semine of mss. could notame. ut perhaps Jacob' misprint Spartumus in semine', i. e. Spartorum in semine, may be What the poet mrote thoi