장음표시 사용
known that whoeve destres tote receivedas a Brother, is no welcomesamong them,
original, above translated, it is thus: Si l uennen, ei reu
stengor himself gives iis in his Appendixto his Natura Resections, c. rote in the
therans, hom, nevertheles bring to the Augsburg Confession, and indeed, e cannot recommendis them a belle Constitution, han
9 In the Original bove translate it is thus
fame a ture a those, that re effected Sword in Harid. very Acquisition fur-nimes Means to malae stillii eater ones. relate this Detail, in the sanae Manne as
find it reported by Count laetendorf1here may be possibi an Hyperbole incit
The ob great Esteem, an notis ali suspected of Vy- differ froin the Confession of Augsburg vhςyδisto li, Re ason, sor,hicli the Theo logica Faculi a Tubingen, didio scrupleto grant them hos Testimoniais, o,hicli Count Zinetendorf, has suac that Time al-Ways referrediimself, o prove the Sound-nes of his Doctrine. The Reader illfind in the Appendix the Judgment of thesaid Faculty afterward gien by them, date Ma 8, 1747, concerning the rosis Error of this Sect, hich had they knownat rst, hey never ould me granted thos Testimoniais, unde the Sanction ofwhicli si much Misclites has been done. I
Societyla Herrnhut it seem more likely, that as he enlarged hi silan, he enlarged his otions also Thus much is certain, that it is no asy alter o come a the Tenet of this Sect, o Account of the great obscurity affected by thei Teachers. They ake it thei Sthidy, o speali and write, that they may no b understood. Tis a Rule among them, o spea to those, that are no initiated into the Maseries of
et Appendix to the Natura Refections page 7.
ger Ach nichi dieii e gehen i ird nachzubsen Englisti. A the present implous Times iis a much necessar tospeat paradoxi cally, and to expressi the Divine Truthsto ali such, as are not initiated into the Myster of the Theology o Blood and wounds, in a Manner, thatthey ma noti ablesto repea them, ascit is necessaryto formis Character, which another cannot imitate, Or
telligibie. At ther Times the begin to
deed, hos Thing that escape them andare asy to e understood, o nomonoureithe to thei Judgmenti Understanding. The Reader,illie convincedis it by the Specimen Pana goinito a besore him. I hali ake a great umber of them frona Count Zinetendor Theologica Opinion, and his Semons reachia in erica, and at Zeis in the Province of trecht These last, to the Νumber of fifty-six, ere delivered to the Synod of the Brethren, held at the last mentioned Place in 17 6, and are printed and publisti 'd by the Societ in ne Volume. The Count has not ut his ame to it for accordinito a Leiter, inserte in Sie ried's escheirine eleuchiung, directed by him to ali ings, Electors, Princes, C. he has est os long ago, to ut his amet his ritings. ut 'tis impossibi torea these Sermons, ithout perceivinghim to e the Author besides his, hedescribes himself very clearly in the Presace, Where he says that the Busines of the Author of these Sermons, is to exercise the office of Syndic of the Synods, o super- intend the Records, o administer the Li-
turgy, to repare atters and proposithem. the more, illingi malle se of
these Sermons, a the have been preached for the Instruction os severat elum La-hourres, Engli land Dutch, latet received amongst the edt, an stac the reacher proposses there o hi inseis, o ut into belle Light certain centra Ideas by whichone ought to regulate one's Actions, oriis
hutim, it musti in them. I begin with the Idea, this Sed has of Doctrine in Scripture Though Count Zinetendors of thedoth not, as et, thini prope directi todisown the Scripture 'et the indifferent hinsiij
Μanner, in Whicli herii ves his opinion op
it, hews,hat helaim at He says in a Sermon reached a Philadelphia that the Stile of the Scripture is sonaetimes like that os a Peassent, ometimes like that ofa Carpenter, somelimes ille that os a Fisherman or os a Toll-gatherer Α). Christ imself ad spoli ver meanly, and used many a Phraseiecominia Pea-sant, hicli is no lookedipon to implysometh in os qui te a different Nature,
ne of speaking used by the ourneymen a Nazareth 5 . He rescribes a Method
Collection o public Sermons reached by
thod to his Missionaries, hoW to deat withthe Comptrollers of the Scripture by whomhe means hoste, that destre roos ofever Doctrine ut of the Scripture' ta. that they ought to prove ali sicli Things by the Defect o Imperfections of these Writings, hicii thos Comptrollers pretendesto mali good by the wersection and
Concern Accordinito Count Zimendorf, theing the Doctrine that God the Father is our Crea- ΠηδU tor, the Sota ui Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost iu Sancti fier, is a false Doctrine andine of the capital Errors that reigia in Christendom. Creation and Sanctification ought no to e ascribed to the
io Christ, illi ho alone e have odo. The Ancient neve dream os a Trinit Whoeve adores the Fathe and the Holy host differs no froni a Servanto Pupiter, Mercu , Apollo, or of any great Hero to hom the Ancients avethe ille o God Our grea Doctor appear so positive of the orthodox of hisne opinion, that he calis the Theologyreceived among Christians, a dry one and goodior nothinielse than to amus Dogs and wine, Unbellevers and Atheisis, invented by the Devit and that such acteachi are Satan 's Professiora Satan has thought within himself, sayche, Men Rasi not cometio se the Father, that is, the rue Father, who is the aviour, accordinito Count