De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


foro brought into prominence both here and ch. 39. 1. Am

universat the rising WaS. 5. qui ...dissidant, as being themselves in like mannorattached. inveterascere. The Belgae thought just tho Same, ii. 1. 3. 6. per se goes With licere. incolumibus, for the attraction

7. molo, ' Only,' very rarely ad ded to unus or indoed tonumerals at nil, cp. i. 9. I; iii. 17. 5 n. 8. iustitia, flairness,' sense Oi What Was right.' 42.-1. Spe, Vi Z., to entraΡ him as they had Titurius. pedum 1X., in height. Pedum XV., in breadth: Aee ii. 5. 6 n. 3. nulla copia, abi. abs. Beli. Cis. iii. 101. 2, perturbαtum eum nαctus nullis custodiis neque Or dinibus certis. ferramenta, iron Ahoveis and the like. quae esset, of such


13. rursus, in his furn. 14. VersaVit, lis. turned round . '

3. eum, i. e. , On the arriVal Of. Fabius Was stationed in tholand of the Μorini, c. 24. 2. scit son the present tense See vi. 4. 3 n. 3, understand ine8αr. Fabius actually mei Caesar

o. s. 3) in itinere. 4. Labienus see c. 24. 23 had a dangerous post near therool ted Treveri ; henue are ad ded the wOrdA 8i. . Fo88et. Withtho formula ep. i. 35. 4. si posset. . . Veniat radirect 8i poteri8 veni; cp. iii. 11. 5 n. reliquam partem, the legions under Roscius c. 24. 2. and 7 and Ρlancus c. 25. 4). equites coco. From the Acantineses of this number, and iromo. 57. 2, nuntio8 mittit equitesque undique evocαt, me misy conclude that the cinalry were for the most pari sent in the winter to their homes. 47. I, 2. On the arrival of Crassus' advancod guard saniecur8Ore8, αntece88Ore8ὶ, haSte Was neceSSary. C. teit the town in charge of Trebonius' legion, Without Walfing for tho actualarrival of the legion os Crassus, to whom ho ontrusted tho command . AS Crassus recei Ved this commission on his arrivat, and alter C. 'a departure, We need nos be Aurpri sed


3. hostes is the subjeci, multitudinem the object, oi convertisse ep. i. 51. 2 ; V. 22. 2, no8tri 8uO8 Ueduaeerunt. 4. caesar, placed as ii. 11. 2 n. animo, in mind, ' abi. Oi respect. Beli. Cis. ii. 4. 5, rumus ερ αd configendum αnimo confirmαnt. trans Vallem With conspicαtur. 6. tantulis copiis, abi. os attendant circumstance, as 42. 3, nullα copia. tum, furthermore,' marhing the transition to Caesar's second reason ior declining a batile. consedit, hethere fore haltod '; the result of the doliberations is put Without any connecting participie, just as i. 23. 1 n. 7. For the change of tenses comedit, communit, contrαhit)cp. D. 18. 3; Vii. 4. 3. Beli. Cis. iii. 55. 1, lenum misit eique binum α diu nyit. mulum septem. The two legiona c. 48. I in must have been greatly reduced : they had iought nearly the whole year longin Britain and Gaul. nullis impedimentis, this being at

3. a1 forte, nos to see ii ' as i. 8. 4, si perrumpere possent conαti , but qualitying ut . . . contenderet, just as si id es . non posset quali fies ut ... eaeiret. TWO POSSible chances are contrasted Withoach other. The conditionat clause is placed liko that in ii. 9. 1, g. v. Suum, MVOurable to them '; cp. i. 15. 2, alieno loco. Plui. Care. 24, χωρία ἐπιτηδείοos προς

vallum detrα here coe perunt. 5. eruptione facta, With the legionarios, as the word sequitαtuque emi889 Sho . pugnandi causa is a necessary addi-


tho land of tho Remi. horam 1X., i. 26. 2.3. Fabium, c. 24. 2, and 47. 3. 4. perlato, notSed abroad.' de S. morte, a more preciae description of the generat Word incommodum: see c. 27. 3 ;vii. 9. I ; Be l. Cis. i. 33. I, probαι rem de mittendis legαtis. reliqui, nom. Ρl., mere trying to disco ver What plan theothera mere adopting. '6. in his, among these messages ' among the restin Wasalso the one he received hom Roscius. quem praefecerat, c. 24. 2. earum civitatum, numbers of Gauis belonging tothose states'; qui Sunt eαrum c., quαρ. Aremoricae, Vii. 75. 4. They are enumerated ii. 34. 7. 1ongius mula, i. 22. 1 n. aleo, Eo hurriedly.'

57. 3; cp. ii. 29. 5 n. Reid on Cic. LαQ. 1.2. tamen, So placed for emΡhasis, as c. 35. 5. adventu, αι the time of Caesar's arrival. ' Notico that the Words in Galliam quali sy aoentu as an attribute cp. iv. 33. 1 n. . This is common With bus nos confined toὶ verbal substantivos, Whichindicate activity Or direction to Some Objeci; Ao c. 2. 3, in Britαnniαm trαiectum ς Cic. f m. 2. I. 2, erga me meritorum. Further, αdventu is so placed, the idea of the timo boingmost important in the clause. LiV. 26. 21. 14, post profectionem eae Sicilia Imrcelli. intersscere conati, astho Carnutes actualty did to TasgetiuS, c. 25. 3.


3. Senatum, See ii. 5. 14. principes inferendi be111, to talis tho Ioad in Waging ' and by their example causing othera to do the Same). Cic. de O . 2. 4. 14, qui principes inveniendi fuerunt qui primi invenerunt. Lis. 40. 53. 6, qui principes et αuctores ιν αnscendendi Alpes fuissent. commutationem, he hadhitherio succeoded in heeping the greater part oi Gaul Ioyal, g I. praecipuo honore habuit, See note on l. 26. 6, eodem loco. . Hibiturum. RueTOS i. 11. 3, 33. 2, 43. 63. . . alteros, ii. 3-5, 9. 5. They both remained loyal to Romo in the generalrising of Gaul: vii. 63. 7. Gallici belli, good services Oi performed inὶ the si rillic War,' cp. iv. 16. 6, Occumtiones

trust both tribes the more implicitly inasmucti sta they

concors With Whom they nearly ut Ways acted. So at Tac. Ann. i. 5I Where aee M r. Furneaux'S note), Bructeros, Tubantes, Vsipetes, the Tencteri must be underatood. 4. in tho name of the State and of themaelves,' Eo publice, i. 16. 1. 56. I. ultro, A Without his command.' conscientia tacinoris, Q. 54. 2, 25. 3.


2. equites e cat, c. 46. 4 n. 3. alias . . . alias, ii. 29. 5 n. plerumque, ior the mostpari'; With coniciebαnt fnot as Schneider With omnes ras ne omnes, cΡ. Ter. Phorm. I92, plerique omne8J. For the ordor of the worda see Vii. 84. 5, Omnis enim plerumque, etc. 4. Labienus acts like Sabinus, iii. 17. 6, and Caesar himself, c. 50. 5.58. - . nocte una, in a single nios, ' as unus is usodo. 45. 2. The object oi letting them au in during the ononight was of course that the Gauis might know nothing of

their preSenee. 4. praecipit belongs to unum omnes peterent, interdicit toneu quia vulneret; See c. 22. 5. On the Sequence of tenses

cp. i. 3. 5 n. Teliquorum, occasioned by the pursuit oi thorest, ' a concise phrase like c. 54. 4, belli ossetα. 6. comprobat, approVes ' by iis success), shows that itWas ieasi ble and good. hominis in reference to analready mentioned person, as c. 7. 9, illi circumsistunt hominem. Aa homo tahes the place of a pronoun, it is notqualisied by hic or any like Word. ipso serves to AhoW ho nearly he succeeded in escaping. In the uncertainty as tothe exact position of the camp c. 24. 7 n. in it is impossibio tosay With any certainty What river is meant. 7. pauloque ... Galliam. For the Order of Worda cp. ii. 21. 6, quαm quisque αb opere in kαrtem cα8u devenit; V. 4. 4, id tulit factum grαviter Indutiomarus. See also Vii. 35. I, 36. 4, 84. 2.



tho h hin opinion held by the Gauis as to the inexhaustibio

οπλιτῶν δυναμιιν Καισαρι κέ 'κεν εἰς Γαλατίαν ' a οὐτ'εκεῖνος ἴτησε παρ' υμιῶν, ἀλλα δυνάμεις τηλικαυται καὶ ὁπλα καὶ retrποι χάριτές εἰσιν ἰδμοτων καὶ ἀντιδισεις. This legion callod


number of his legions had beon reduced to Seven; noW hel, ad ten. Cp. c. 32. 5; ΙΠtr. P. XXVii. 2.-1. ut docuimus: at v. 58. 6. ad eius propinquos: according to V. 4. 2, ali the relations Oi Indutiomarus Were With Caesar res hosfages. He must have givon them bach On his return irom Britain, or Indutiomarus Would Acarcely have dared to revolt. 2. inter se conssmant: in this phrase the object os con- mαnt is coniurαtionem, to be supplied iroin the contexi cp. V. 27. 10, illud. .. 8e iureiurando confrm-ρὶ. Contrast cohortαti inter se, V. 25. 5 n. cinent, talio securi ty by the intercliange of hostages, ' Ao vii. 2. 2. obsidibus, abi. of the

3. cisrhenania Germanis, see ii. 4. 10. Senones, See v. 54. al, in obedience to, ' ' at '; So αd edictum, αd te M. consula communicare, Vii. 63. 4 n.

Onesin, SO RS to malie One State, nos had made an alliance. hoc consillo, defectionis. 6. hac re, the adjoumment of the counci l. pro suggestu,