장음표시 사용
Corinth an Carthage in 1 6 B. C. Numantia in I 3 The disregardo Chronological orde is characteristic of Sen. se n. O Paul. . f. altius may be ei ther adj cf. mirabiliora bove), o adu Cf.
Sen is thinhingis the letter hicli Servius rote to Cicero aster the death o Tullia Ad Fam iv post me erat Aegina, ante
me M ara, dextra Piraeeus, sinistra Corinthus, quae ossida quodam tempore forentissima fuerunt, nunc rostrata et diruta ante oculos iacent coepi Domet mecum sic coxitare hem l nos homunciιli indignamur, si quis nostrum interiit aut occisus St, quorum uita breuior esse debet, cum uno loco tot ossi forum a uera proiectu iacenti Sen. using the illustrationis Servius, tries to vio ne Letter.'I7. oe, quod non habet quo cadat, 'his, hici has no placeinto hich to ait, ' ecause there is nothin ovisi de the Universe. This argument he se et se here, to prove that the Universe cannot be destroyedri De Ben. v 8, 5 rerum natura nihil aeicitur perdere,. . . nec ferire quidquam potest, quod, quo excidat, non habet cf. too
Lucr. iii 1 nulla loci sit copia circum, quo quasi res possint discedere dissoluique sicut summarum summa the Universe es aeterna, neque extra i quis locus est quo ugiant.
I conqueratur, repine': CL Taul. I I the compound cannot have here the sense hicli it has in et g q. a. et impotentis, incontroited se n. O Paul. Ioa . in i in te of5. imminenti, whicli threatens ' a common sense of the verti:
cf. Ovid et i 1 6 imminet exitio nis coniugis, illa mariti. aliquam domum, in single fami ly' domtim is sed illi referen e to ruinae, hicli commoni mali sali os a lious cf. Pli ny Nat. His tortoi se-sheli dropti an ea te ille Aeschylus, praedictam faris eius Hie ruinam secura caeli fide cauentem i. e. eunderstood that his hous would fallis no oo precaution byaeepingout os cloors, ut in aln).
4. . Solacium: his opinion, strange torus, sisten expressed by the ancients cf. at OuaeSt. vi , 9 non mortis Solacium est, terram quoque uitare mortalem Plin E . vi cio, es nisi me
cum omnibus, omnia mecum perire, misero, quo tamen mortalitatis solacio, crediiSSem. 7. sunt sint ould e more normal, a this is par of the reflexion. 8. Terum Riura is the fame a natura above ut the Romansten to se the longe sorin, hen the mali Nature et ther a con-Sci Ou agent, a here, illi a purpos in ieW, or a PerSon ho
good froni prycere : cf. Philemon Kock ol. II p. 97 ei τα
I 5. fortunae, calami ty i. e. his exile See Introd. p. XXXii foll. 16. etiamnunc, even et ' Se n. to Paul. 34 3.
eoaustos iam stetibus domesticis, iratiae do atready byweepin sor heir owner . 'domesticis pro domino, a man e in dominus of his hodii paris and ower cf. Ovid et xiii 137 meaque haec facundia, siqua
est, i quae nunc pro domino i. e. pro me ipso), pro uobis saepe locuta est, i inuidia careat.
Sen. adopis a very different tone in urit in t hi mollier See Introd. P. XXXiii. I 8. Si modo : cf. Paul. Iag7 Hem. 16 LM: Ommon in Sen.: classica Latin ould have ei ther i. . . t O modo . . . Sit S therelative pron is osten followed by modo an ind. cf. Hem. II D . a. 9. conqueramur, let u lament together': that thisis the meanin here, is prove by hat follows. atque adeo, Oroather 'ci speciali common in the earlier Speeches O Cicer e. g. Verri ii 3, 1 a nova leo atque adeo nulla lego. In Latin generat ly, ac potius S commoner.eti in eo nomine, in the case of that human eing. 'te continuisse, have urbe your fury. 'a a munere tuo, thanks t you like lenescio II se n. to
23. felicitas. . . inuidiam the secon is, S a rute, the hado of the firs : cf. Mart. v , , addressin an imperia favori rite et sis nutata fauente felix may ou e prosperous and ma EnVysmile on o in spite oscit j. et . e cera lutio 'ri f. Paul. 13 Q. saluo Caesare, ,hil Caesar lived ': the se of saluus in thesenSe os tars o superstes is constant in ali silver-age writers Onlythe deat his Claudius, says Sen. could have ouche Polybius stili
26. circuisses Pol is comparedo a besiege city, Fortune to the enem who mahes a circuit of the walis, o py ut eali potnt cf. Stat Sim. ii 6 68 gnara dolorum Inuidia infelix animini alia nidi i Desudique uias. 27. faceres, could yo have done. 'Da. 28. Hi obnoXius, dependent on it ' cf. Tac. Aun. xvi amori uxoris obnoxius erat the dat aster obnoxius in his Sense is generali of a ad thing, e .g. obnoxius morio, diable toclisease'. and the sanie is implied here.
I. quantum Potest: i. e. he cannot always repet the emperor 's munificence.
Lipsius is ronical in his note cre mus, et praesertim in be= to Claudii, qui omnes certatim aureos socco a illa secutae te ebant.
et in tanta facilitate, though it is o eas sortim ci this in is diomati and cannot be translate literati : s. Paul. 9g3.
adquirendi, rio mali money this absolute se os the verticis Common in Silver-age Latin cf. Juv. I , 25 mox adquirendi docet insatiabile uotum Quint. xii , Io neque enim MEO, quae iustior adquirendi ratio quam ex honestissimo labore. 3. contemstum eius, the o vera despis it.' Q. . unum, alone. Considering ho many owerfulsreedmen there ere in the palace of Claudius, his statement Seem rather imprudent in an exile' mouiti. in principali domo, in the palace Aen. Vi 32, . G. . Osinionem famam, existimationem : it is sed by Cicero in his ense illi a geri. e. g. opinio liberalitatis a
reputatio sor generosity De O . ii et ut in the silve age itis Deely used illi both the senses of δόξα s. De Ben ii 23, 3 opinionem clientium timent the fear o pas for dependenis :again, heia Livia is describe Dial vi , 3 as opinionis suae
custos Histentissima, the meanin is not a the olin translator supposes that he was Aelf- opinionaled.
ipsa is no neede aster rioque even ' but is osten adde bySen. cf. 8 Hem. 4 3.11. liberalibus cisciplinis See n. to Paul. 7 3.12. innutritus cf. Plin Pan T. 16 o Trajan innut= itus bellicis laudibus. innatu : se n. to inmorientem, Paul. the wor implies that Pol was ior in a library and that his parent were cultured peopte justo Hamilcar, ather of Hannibal ho was Sanguini innatus Dial. iv ), was a maia os lood. I . emineret, 'it rose superior' animus is probabi the subjeci, the metaphor os fundatum bella preserve l. s. 15. longissimum illi ingeni aeuum fama promisit: the mss. indicate this readinta; ut the separationis in n. and fama is ver harsh, even or Sen. Uti ingenio Ficheri gives a simple Sense aeuum in mi has been genetali adopte i.
il egit, te has made it his objeci': s. Paul. 184 4. I 6. meliore sui parte, i. e. animo : L Nat Ouaest i prol. DI nostri melior pars animus en the odycis fars peior o pessim in
hominis: f. Dial. v I athletae, in uilissima sui parte occupati. compositis: se n. to Paul. I D . I7. eloquentiae means more than ur eloquence, ascit is ostenused os rit ten ortis so tu is calle by Tacitus Apris io in eloquentissimus ueterum, the est riter among the ancients' and Suetonius includes unde the eloquentia o Caesar no on lyhis speeches ut ali his ritings, includin his Commentaries and his reatis on Grammar Suet. Iul. 55ὶ.For the writ ing os Polybius, e Introd. p. Xiii. 18. litteris honor, respectrior literature.'eto gratia grace charin cis regarde a the characteristic excellence of Greeli, strength ahat os Latin cf. Quint. xii io, 3 qui a Latinis eximet illam gratiam sermonis Attici, et mihi in eloquendo aurina iucuniuitatem he must provide me illi Sound a melodious a thos o Greeli . maximis uiris, thos gianis': Homer an Virgil, a thesequel how again ne seel the want of a definite artici in
Latin .eti contulit learly denotes a close approach than a licui ci ,hos genius he has ei ther rivalled, or ... kept Close o. Cicerowould rite ad quorum se iugonia a licauit. T. et . ferae te, endure Our SSaulis. Sen is no quitelogicalci is Fortune has uo mar forae assaulis, heu fh doe notpicti ut the virtuous acher hie marii. 25. inter ipsa, even a the time f. ...'
26. quantulum erat tibi, io litile it ould have cost ou cic s. g 6. 28. ratione certa, on a fixe principie': the doubie antithesis, of the wo vertis and the wo adverbs is characteristic. illi his description o Fortune cf. ias vi Io, 6 ut uaria et libidinosa
caprici ous mancipiorumque suo m Qt Ens omina, et poenis et muneribus errabit. 29. temere, Mithout sufficient reason.'
o. i. adiciamus altias querellas indolem: s. Helu. 5ga :indolem interceptam is the direct object of the verb. in solem, promise the or is properi used os the ounganimal or plant, notis anythin inani materi it suggest growth and developinent, o maturi ty. 3. dignus fuit cet. have mari ed ha sol lows here illi inverte commas a Ioah it to e nother forma remonstrance ad tressed to Fortune, hichirealis matri. 16.5 redditur illi, borne to his character. aequale, unVarying. '6. in tuum honorem, in complimen to ou this se os in se n. to Paul. I et Sela here Paul. 19g3 Sen is severe onthose ho ovem another' bid ling. a. 7. quod non libenter adgnosceres whicli ou id notglacii recogni se, i. e. a like oui Self cf. Dial. vii 23, et quod quisque a nouerit, tollat let Veryone Carr o what he recogni ses
angry, I ii teli in hi brother, and then yo will catch Theus os te iratrem so the ange threatene is bol tuam fratrem uindicantis iram ould e Simple hut o long sor Sen.
Ia modestiae: a regula term M prais for the imperia Deed-men jus as militas is for simila qualities in the em peror himself. I . Onus, ,hat a responsibilit yoilai dipon them Plin is sono os 1ltis and uero in his sense e. g. Paneg. 73 oneraSti futuros principes i. e. the will ni it hard o live up to ou). I 6 eXemptus est sc felicitati. Parum Rutem cet. there S uret Someth in very mechanical in his una pira uino a resti set os reproaches against Fortune. 17. indignari denotes the expression o anger no meret the elingi it se n. to mirabuntur, Paul. I. 18. paria uerba reperire cf. Stat Silu. absum aeuires, et copia audi Hla mihi di numque nihil mens tim ne tauro resperit inferior uox omnis et om=lia sordesur erba. etiamnunc, ince again See n. to Paul. 34 3. g. 23. cruenta mirudeli it oes no impi that the brother die a violent eath: cs Lucan ii cruentuS...dolor. turbam there ere a least ou brother Iurba is osten used ofa mali number cf. Ovid et i 35 Deucalion speat inito Pyrrha terrarum ... nos duo tirba the population sumus ibid. vi 199 non tamen ad numerum rediar spoliata duorum i Latonae turbam butin his case the wordia perhaps e ronicat . 24. Stipatam XPresses liat e liould cali the solidari ty os the fami ly so Lucretius i io denotes the composition os theatom, in hicli the paris are inseparabie, by this ord.
1 in felicitatis cet. I have inserte in because, although it ma he possibi to explain solentia conseruata abstinenti H it Seemst me that abstinentia must e nom. in orde to balance innocentia an frurali as, the ther virtu es of Polybius : timma illthen e nona agreein With abstinentia. The ossis in aster nihilis natura enough. q. abstinentia is auaritia : See n. to Helu. I 4 3.
. in in the case s. reliquis hows that at least two eret est. 5. Solaciis, i. e. his furvi vingirothers. 7. propitio Caesare, ,hile the Emperor miles pon him': this ought to keel him Sase Dona an Sorro cf. Stat Silu. v I,
1 3 of Abascantus, a seeedman o Domitian whose ise ad died qui enim, quamuis iusta leuisqne i Caesare Iam dextro, posset Fortuna timeri sine studio: sed by Sen. illi three mean ing Ii clearly, 'as here De Ben. vi 23, et 'it is true, like quidem, in hiclicas a claus follows introduced by sed or uera/m : CL Hem. 's. 53 Nat. Quaest. vi I 8, 5 3 forSOOth ' cf. Diat. V, 32, Ima nam rem sine dubio fecerimus, si sertiolum infelicem in errastulum miserimu s. 99, I siue ubi multum philosophia frofecit, si nerum nutrici adhuc quam atri notiorem animo forti desideras Epp. 8 6. Quintilian se the phras repentedl in the rst two
senses Tacitus A ric. 5 ha Sine dubio... tamen . . . . In AnyCRSeS, .g. Petron C. I Tyria Sine tibi est sed iam semel lotis
it is ardo determine hether the meanin is beyon doubt, 'or 'it is true. impotens f. 64 2 and se n. to in Octati. 388 impotens potens edd. Forinna hould e read, I hin k, i the writer astry in to ut an epithet froni Seneca in Seneca's monili.
II, non exorato Iant adamante uiae.
II. causa, by the goodnes of his cause 'his, like accuSare, is alien froni the language of the law-court. 13. parcunt, let fi remittunt, reduce the penalty ' Seen to Paul. 34 . I . illis, τοι μει, to the dea l. 'I6. primo quoque tempore, as Oon a possible': his PhraSe, whicli man Latin writers se is remari able ecause quisque oesno bear iis usual distributive sense optimus Vtiisque is at the bestmen' ut primo quoq. Iems refers omne time only the earlieSt
17. inanibus has the emphasis frona ha cannot conSOle.' amara libidine olendi persistenc in ries gives a morbidpleasure to the bereavestri f. Diat vici, infelicis animi praua uoluptas olor. a. 9. Tati : reason hould ut an nil to sorro cf. 184 6. The usual argumen is that time illi so, is reasonioe not, and this is unworthyi a rationa Lein cf. Cic. Ad Att. ii Io I consolationum nati ae uiae, sed illa rectissima ire ratio quod res time in erratura est. But Sen. here says that, is reasonioes notor Our ears the state os human ii se fortuna wil not. 22. ambitio, ambition, the motive os the man who seel sadvaricenaenici iam titio honorum cf. Paul. 2 o. 23. optauerat, te ad prayed for': See n. to Paul. I. et . voto suo, the grantingis his prayer abi. O cause. a. 28. quae-uoluit, ,hen site decreed that theirs weeping
clearer, is Sen. ad rit ten primam nascentium hominum uocem tum esse uomit; ut e refers the ingeniolis to the simple. For two amotis examples of thi thought cf. Lucr. V 222 Iumforro puer, ut Saeuis proiectus ab undis nausea, nudit humi iacet infans, indirus omni uitali auxilio, ... naxituque locum lugubri csmplet, ut aecumst i cui an um in uita restet transire malortim Pliny t. Hist. vii et hominem Iantum niι um et fuisti δε humo natali se abicit Natura ad Vitus statim et floratum, nitIIumqtie tot animalium aliud ad lacrimas, et a protinus uitae principio.