Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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2, 3 tibi, te, tuos are ali emphatic. . conturbaet cf. Juv. 6, 7 tibi, cuius turbauit nisi os ex- Iincrus asser ocelIos oculi turbati re re and wollen oculi exhausti have no ear test. Q. . rebus adfectis, in a time of disaster' a ord whichis reali neutral in a condition ' get to mean in ad condition Domitu OnwardS cf. 13 Di Liv vici, et wari gem rebus at eclis

orant .

io de inlustria Se n. to Helu et f. 11. adumbrata laetiti CL Tac. Anu. VII, 3 nec occul um eSt, quando ex eritate, quando adumbrata laetitia facta imperator/ινucelebrentur Cicero too se adumbratu as simulatus. 5. 15. ex toto: Lo Dy one os many suci advertis sed by Sen. Cicero se ex toto but Ouid hardi ad omnem. si minus, not' common in Sen. to introduce the secondisstwo alternati UeS.I7. Onestum right. 18. animumque X uultu tuo sument: cf. Stat Sim. ira, a os a devote attendant tecum tristisque hilarisque nec mgua vi ille suus, uultumque tuo sumebat ab re usuali a reproach, as it s



the mar of the flattere to appea to Dei vhat ther feel: s. Juv. 3, Io so the laltering Greeli potest aliena timere ιDum is facie. But in his case the brothers ill reatly seel lini Pol. b his sortitude, appear to seel. Ι9. Solacium, consolator Pol is tot the firs by his Oolis, the secon by his ord this appears to herili distinction. 2o maeror is more than dolori: cf. Cic. Ad Att. xii 28, et


fortuna ei ther Fortune ' or bour hi gli position 'ri ut the lalterwould probabi nee tua. 5. Stiutim Percussus, the moment o were Struch cs Hem. statim nata. in gradu steteris, bo stood ou ground ' cs. Diat ii i6, 2 gla fiatores fortissimos, quorem alter remis Nolnus et stat in

gradu, alter respiciens ad clamantem postilum signi at nihil esse; Cic. Ad Att. xvi 5, 3 mihi Metur στρατυ αξ ille that braggari

captain deiectus e gradu.6. in altiorem ordinem: os an inrenuus, his oui meanthat he ecam a leas an eques; ut, as even his ranii a rarelybestowed on reedmen, hOweverareat thei ac tua power, the PhraSeprobabi denotes no titula promoti On. 7. tua studia m)our proficienc in literature. 9 consumendum, be used uinulterly. 'Da. o. in luctu pari, though ou los is the sanae 'ci luctus

I3. ne conuertiSSes m non debuisti comtertere, yo ought notto have attracted ': ecause the subj is jussive, the negative isne, no non CL Cic. Verr ii 3 195 ne emisses Ad Att. ii I, 3 aut ne soposcisses. A large collectionis jussive subjunctives salven byMad vigin Cic. De Fin ii 35.



I9. ut non multos ... paeniteat, , ithout mal in many repentos. . .' the will seel that the are deceived in ov. For ut non after the negative sentence, cf. Hem. herenum quisquam Membri. 4. 22. in partem Melci . e. ou fleemmus end with nox:yo have so much toto. Cf. Stat Silu ilia, Io6 to Etruscus, howas in anciat secretar unde tela successive em perors hinc hecauSe of your duties libi rara quies animoque exclusa uoluptas, Lexiguaeque dapes et numqtiam laesa profrando cura mero. et . Statione, vivard ' a militar terni, Sed here by a complimentar metaphor. 25. uoluptaria 'sor pleasure' the sua phras is animi causa peregrinari scientisi expedition ' is studii causa nautare Epp. 87, 28j. The Romans travelle chi est a mercatores to malae


spectaculorum in Circus o theatre. 26. lem disponere cf. Mart. v et si tectim mihi, care Martialis, i securis liceat frui iebus, o Tissonere Iemstis otiosum 27. multa tibi non licent for the sanie ord addreSSed in the fame senSe tomero, CL Deilem ira, et . 28. in angulo, in obscurit cf. 3 Medea 2 9 te iam miseriis an ultim ac Sedem rogo i latebrasque uiles Ag m. Io56 ultimo in Qui an ulo. 5. magna seruitus est magna fortuna: i. e. oblene oblite: fortuna here a ostencis rank, station cs. Plin Paneg. 83 habet hoc arua forIuua, quod nihil tectum, nihil occultum esse patitur.


3. Ubelli, petitions 'ci se Introd. P. XXX. Terum . . . CongeStuS, a Pile of documents.' . per Ordinem suum, 'in thei right order.'5. animo perhaps implies, inat is probabie in iself that theempero di no rea the libelli hen arrange ; sine id oculis

CXPTOSSed the Sentence oui run, quamquam lenioribus te remediis adiuuabunt, tamen adiuuabunt: cf. Ovidiasticitat aurea pellebant tepidos umbracula soles, i quae tamen Herculea SNStinuere manuS, i .e. Mamquam Herculea manti erant, tamen umbracula SuSIinebant se Housman on Juv. 6 6 O. etiamnunc, 4 sar,' ip to a certain poliat : See n. to Paril.

adhuc is sed exacti in his ense De seu vii Io, 3 es tamen adhuc ista materiam lignam habent i .e gold an silve are a least tangibi e so that destre of them is to a certain extent pardonatile ;cf. Quint. vi prooem. II Sethaec spes adhuc fla maiora cet. II. cum, Gul When this S OPPOSed to the Previ ous clause. omnium rerum, eve thin et se '



this ord in a metaphorical sense cf. Dial. V 5, 8 non rat magnuSanimus, quem incuruat iri tria EN. I, 2 succidere mentem et incuruari e Succmribere; et, ii Io , PerS. I, 9 me uolet

incuruaSSe querella.

si quis modo est implies cs. Diat ii et et that the stor of Atlas is fabulous cf. Lucan viii 5 iam et o Titan merios δε-

missus ei es t nec quibus abscondit, nec si quibus exserit, orbem, totus erat, here Si conveys that the existence of the antipodes is

15. tradito : so I rea for traditus of mss. the SenSe requires this, a the Stor of Atlas, hether true or Ot, a certain lytraditionat for the sanie kin os textua error cf. Juv. Io, 253 cum

no here, uigilantia. a. 8. elicias, indolence, has a liade os censure hichotium lia not.2o se Caesar orbi terrarum edicauit for the ignomini oussacts of his accession cf. Suet. Claud. I : en here is ac poeticalyas et eant Buam in his description os the decease of r Bardeli. sibi eripuit, he has torn himselflaway rom iniself, i. e. helias cui himselfisi froni ali selfisti objecis.

23. suum mi himself this is rue of the planet in the sensethat the have no powerrio vary thei Prescribe movemenis. a. ad quentam ... modum, certain degree 'ci no completely so the servant must not)SPire t equat his masteri et . utilitates, imoluments' studia, books.' 26 impertire te, give a hare os bourseis, i. e. DyOur time.


g. 28. cariorem tibi spiritu tuo : cf. Ual. Max vitri Ea illis icta nitae pignorarii. e. hildien proprio spiritu cariora sunt.

correSPOnd to tui l. 3ὶ omnia to nihil. 6. piissimis : Cicero objecte to this superlative heia sed by Anton Phil. 3, 3 tu porro uesio quidem eiustissimo quaeris, et, quod uerbram omnino nulDιm in lingua Latina est, id propter Iuam diuinam pietatem noutim inducis it occurs atri osten in silver-age riterS: cf. 54 , and se n. to Hem. 34 .



22. quam Scripserant m quam Dibris scripserant: thantis to

Polybius, Roman williso have Homer, and Greelis Virgil, throughthe medium os translation A. 23. tutum, tuendum the play on word is no doub intended. tunc, in that time os domestic reti rement not nexi,'whicli ould e expressed by tum. Caesaris tui, is you helove fovereigia ' cf. Drusi sui I gQ. Os era mine Mestas i. e. the histor of the eigia os Claudius. 25. Omestic Draeconio, , illi the prat se of a member of his household, who ould no the facis, though e might possibiytake a partia vie of them Cic. has the fame phras De Or ii 86. 26. quantum potes, Mith ait our po er again Hem. I9 ga. But here Sen. may be hint in that the asticis beyoni human Ower. OmPone : See n. to Paral. Ia D . nam cet. there is a stight ellipse Myour position mali es yo theright an to do his, he himself, eiter than nybody, illgive o both theme and Xample of the wanto rite history. 'optime is est alien illi dabit: f. 1 g et optime imitaberis; Hem. 6 optime Sequeris. 27. materiam : Claudius di litile Campaigning in person, and

had done non at this time cf. Suet. Claud. 7 expeditionem unam omnino Suscepit eamque modicam this a the invasion and permanent occupation o Britalia, here e rem aine Oni 16 days, in 3 A. D. 28. Xemplum sor Claudius as a historian himself see

a. te eo usque producere, uo pusti ou On to the Potnt f. ...' 29. fabellas are the fame a Mesopeos foros fabies, like those attribu ted o Aesop, in hicli animal Speatici Quintilian calis them Aesopi fabinae ii, et and Αἰσωπεῖοι λόγοι II, oin Aristophanes Pax i 27 spealis of Alcrinro λόγοι the are callet also χυθοι and

intemptatum Romanis ingeniis : o Pli ny praef. o calis his Natural History nonicium Camenis Quiritium opus Phaedrus, the Deedman o Augustus, ad ni ready rit tela the fabulae Aesopeae


conectas, tu together, refers, I hinti, o paris of the fame fabella. q. hilariora studia, digii hindi literature' cf. leniora tu fia,

Helu et go. . argumentum corrodorati se n. to Paul. 64 3. 5. Seuerioridus Scriptis e .g. historical composition. q. illis, the sortiter, haec, the lalter': so usualty thoughthere are exception to the rule See HOusman o Manilius ii, p. 99. Regaeum amicted.

7. secum reluctantem is no Latin sor sibi . in te of Hem. 18 4 sequi se iubebit, I hinii Sen. may have rit ten here sequi reluctantem the ins aster reluctari is no found ill later, ut oesno seem impossibi sor him he Ses the in L aster nitare, Pau 1 D . Or, the preficina have been addet to luctantem by error of the copyisis secum δειctautem Ouid offer no dissicut ty. auocabit, will distraci.' rerum of the subjeci.' 8. remissa fronte, ,ith a bro unbent, i .e with a mile onyour face f. Mart. v I , O nec Drua Die fronte se remissa lasciuis madidos iocis Illel s. 9. Commentane Sunt, iuglit to e made ui ' the wor is here properly Sed of writ in tables, ut oes no necessarii imply

materia commenticia.

non feret, fit illiso endure this idioni occurs ostenes in the phras non infit he refuse to stant iij. sibi ad omni parte constiterit, 'is in very fide consistent,ithitself, i. e. is entiret it O n master' cf. Dial. iii , 6 at irati

quidam constant sibi et se continent. II. Xercere, to orti it hard ' cs. Hatil. I g I. temperare, to bring it to a middie state, a temperamentum orκρα τις hicli avoid ei ther extreme.


The dilemma hich follows is probabi talien rom Plato

nam like γάρ so used is best omitte in Englisti. II euasit Omnia uitae incommoda : cf. Stat Si . ii , agoas hic, Priem feminarιs, felix hominesque deosque t et dubios casus et caecae tabrica nitae ivit. 22. fuerat has the sense os erat commone in the PoetM: .g. Ovid PDDI. iii 3, 37 nec satis id fuerat; stillius quoque carmina feci. nasceretur nasus est ould e sed here in classical Latin, a there is no de of purpose the irregular se egins illi ivyan is common in Sen. cf. Diat vi I9, 5 mors nos in illam tranquillitatem, in qua antegatam nascerem I V iacisintvS, reponit. For the thought, s. Lucr. iii 7 et respice item quam nil ad nos anteacta uetustas i temporis aeterni fuerit, quam nascimit ante l