Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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분류: 미분류


hoc igitur speculum nobis Nattira futuri emporis exponit post

mortem denique nostram Plin Nat. Hist. vii 188 omnibus a Surremo te ea sena quae ante primum, nec magis a morte asterdeath sensti tillus aut corpori tit nimae quam ante natalem. locum condition.' a. 26. si introduces the second horn of the dilemma : sinwould malle this clearer est is emphatic. animus the foui in os writer anima is commone in his

many CL Sen. Epp. 65 16 corpus hoc animi pondus ac poena est fremen e Ilo rietur, in inculis est, nisi accessit philosophia et illum respirare iussit Lucan vi et umbram the hostὶ, exanimes artus inuisaque claustra timentem l carceris antiqui i. e. of it forme bodyὶ f. Hem. II g . sui iuris, 'its wn master cf. Paul. 5 Q.

28. gestit, exulis,' triumph. Cf. Diat. Vi 23, 2 ure umquam magnis ingeniis cara in corpore mora est exire atque erumper Estiunt.

29. ex loco superiore is here to e understo od literalty Doma igher place': so frago. a tim insulta conuicia ex superiori loco ingerenti Xanthissae restitisset more ostencit means 'in aposition o superiori ty so Dial. ii , o, 5; N. I, of a living man si ominem uideriS, ex stiperiore loco homines uidentem, ex aequo EsS. Both meaning are true os the Roman magistrate sit tingi histribunal o deat illi culprit o Suppliant S. liuina, τὰ μετεωρα, i. e. the Phenomena of the eavenlytodies. This is the fori os future appines regulari hel out by Stoicwriter for the ouis of the good s. Dial. V 25, 2 paren tuI S, Marcia, illic in heaven nepotem suum . . uicinorum Siderum meatuS docet: et Marcia's ather, Cremutius Cordus, ad been a historian, no an Stronomer in his lifeti me. An so in Cicero' Somnium Scipionis the ounge Scipio in his ream receives a lecture nastronom Dona the spirit of the et de Scipio It is a Strange conception os terna iliss suppos that Ethics, the Other main D. S. 3



subject of philosophy i ad ii, surtheri interest sor ouis beyotidthe reach of sin. 3o. Tastra quaesierat oes no mea that the dea manaad studie astronomy but that men, hile the live cannot solve these mysteries s. Lucr i 5 multa in terris feri caelo ne tuentur, quorum operum causas nulla ratione uidereri possunt.

plus minantur quam prosunt, the presage more evit hanthe bring good the word might mean the perfornacie; good than the promise , but his A legs elici uitet to the contexi . 23. ut suppos in that.' et the uinea ines os the ricli and powersu does seem to aris Dona thei Par os liat may appen so that timeatur appears o have ille sense os timendum sit.


daughteri Paetina, et Octavi and 3ὶ Britannicus, the child retio Messalina, both victim of ero. Nero is no include as oneo the proles: he was no adopted ill o A. D. besore hicli time Sen. was restorei from exile Tac Anu. ii 25, Τ.9. mutaret for the OOd se n. to nascere rara . Stantem cet. the seconi par of the figure seem inconsistent vitii the r Fortune is represented rs as a state os happinessu hicli stand tili it is overthrown then a a OddeSS hora ering benefiis like Copia rom ur horn. Io. Plena manu generou Sty cs. De seu i . et Dua manti fatur 's. 33, 6; Io, io A col. acri sis fecit illud plena manu Cic. Ad It ii 25, I quam plena manu uostras laudes uastra sustulit si Petron C. manti plena. uncia cno a. II. X humili, C loco.



and os Dial vi 25, i integer ille, nihilque in terris relinquens Sur, furis e totus ea cessit paulumque surra Io commora, S, aeum caprariatur et inhaerentia uitia excutit, deinde ad excelsa sublattis inter

felices cairri animas. I 3. Sinu, refuge.'I . rerum naturae bona callei in a simila passage Disti vi 25, 2 arcana naturae.16. lucem. . . Sinceriorem so Gert sor securiorem os mss. cf.

Lucan i 11 o Pompey's oui in heaven sos quant se timine uero impleuit Sen. Epp. 93, 5 uidit ueram lucem. D. 17. illo to that place ' Se n. to Paul. 7 goo , iter est bellan eundum est: s. Stat Sm . ii , i quicquid init ort/ιs, suem timet imit omnes, i ibimus.18. non reliquit et . : Cf. Epp. 99 7 quem suta perisse,

I9. milii crede: cf. Paul. 7 DL 18 3 osten in Sen. crede mihi is rare it occur Dial. V 3 , . In ipsa necessitate : cf. Plin Ess i et a in Vis qui morbo finiuntur, maxuum ex ipsa necessitate solacium eis. 2o in tam OBSCura . . . ueritate, ,here the truth is o ardio see ' the diomatic se of in See n. to Paril. 9 g .eti inuoluta : Cf. De Aen. vii , inuoluta ueri tres in alto latet. cliuinat, gueSses, i. e. gueSSe right. utrumne se n. to 64 I. et a consuluerit has the sense of epercerit, has deali indlywilli' cf. Lucan ii 33 fatum si constita urbi is Fortune pares Rome).


26. uti fruique suggest the legat terna stιs ructus, hi Chis define Mas ius alienis rebus tundi fruendi, Sama rerum substantia Paul. Dir. vii I, IJ. 2. 27. Sui reser to the iver, o to the subject of the

arbitrium, the power o dea With ...' et 8 danti α τῶ δόντι : ut Latin has ei the des articie norpas participi active. Latin has jus hal a maia participies asGreeli, three against sic and the silver-age writersor at timesto malae ne participi do the work of two thus Sen. Diat vi 26, 1 says of the historia Cremutius Cordus, proscribentes in aeternum isse proscripsit, ascis the histor was ritiei a the timeo the proscription by the Triumvirs: ut proscribentes is intended

in lucro ponere

i quod the fac that no the relative. eum etiam not ioth j. praeteritis, Sc. bovis cf. De Len. iii hoc loco redden mest Epicuro testimonium, qui adsidue fueritur, quod a eryus Vaeterita simus tu rati, quod quaecumque percerimam bona, non effusa' mu nec inter uoluptates umeremus, cum certior num sit uoluptas quam quae iam eripi non potest Though Sen. was a Stoic byprosession, he had a reat admiration for the i , and for many of the doctrines, o Epi CuruS. a. I. habet tabuisse : the contrastis enses is characteristic. 9. uit et transit et . much the fame angvage as sed os present time Paus Ioa 6.



I9 cum uisum est hen he thought good.' ne tuam in eo satietatem secuta est, ior he gui ded byyour having ad nough of him. in eo lit 'in his case. Secuta: i. e. the hin Sh hept in vi e was not our feeling cs. De MN.i 9, 2 noStram utilitatem in benesciis dandis sequimur: this se Ofsequi is ound in ali period of Latin cf. Lucr i 156 quo sequimitViam rectius inde berysiciem ItS.

s. i. breuior uoto tuo fuerit, 'it id notrias a long as ou destred. a. boni consule, malle the mos os in his common phraSeth gen is Perhaps altilive conside a mali in par of hati good. The reverse is ita malem arrem accipere. 3. numanum parti man's lol. inter se consentaneum est the subjectie in singular, theus os inter here is remari able it ould e more correcto Sab that the two Delings aremo inter se conSen anea.


9. nulli se necessitatis Suae gratiam facturam esse, ' that

She wil grant to non a dispensation rom her ster decree.' his constr. tibi gratiam facio huius rei, excuse ou rom his 'inis ound in Latin o ali period cs. N. Io, uotorum tuorum licet is gratiam facias yo ma excuse the god from answeringyour Prayersin De m. ii et, is sed speciali in the case os a dispensation froni an athri f. Plaut. tiae. I I iuris iurandi uolo Ἀν aliam facias uet Tib. 35 equiti K. iuris iurandi statiam

facere . . compulsu cre fatur.

There are a sex in tances in hicli the phras has a qui te different sense e. g. iv iii i facta per Cornelium Valerio incendi ratia quae uellet, here ratia mpotestate. See Madv. on Cic. De in ii 6 . I a. liust agimus paymo attention cf. at Ouaest. vii 16, i os authors quidam LYtorem, aliud acturum Who ould not attend)si per cotidiana duceretur, miraculo excitant Plin Nat Hist. i8 et os the spide inier eb qtiam remotus a uerio alitiique a Putissimilis aliud a re is the opposite of hoc agore. I 3. tota uita : abi. o duration o time. I . Ista the explanation ' agrees illi the predicate lyattraction.

I 6. Precario, on usserance,' as a savour': his ores and cum uenia i regulari opposed to pro iure suo hi chris aid os a personactin in his own right cs Ioa L; Epp. 88, 27 non est ars sui tarib, cui precarium fundamentum est l. e. geometr is no an independent science, ecause the truth of the axionas is grante a a savour . a. 8. ego eum genui et . : cf. Cic. Tusc. Diss. iii et 8

uidentur enim omnia repentina grauiora ex hoc et illa rure Iaudantur Wo cum genui, tum morituros scivi et ei rei susItili.

praeterea ad Troiam cum misi ob defendendam Graeciam, scibam me in mortiferum bellum, non in sulas, mittere. These lines comesseo the Telamo, a traged of Ennius. By the older commentator the sayiniis attribute to Anaxagoras an to Xenophon cs. Val. Max v io, the reserenc is toone os them, fortiter mori seem mos applicabie to Gryllus theson os Xenophon ullo seli in the batilem Mantinea 36 B. C. Sen.



reser to Gryllus, atheris Xenophon, De en ii 32, 3. I su Spectilia Sen has confused the quotation rom the play with the historicallaci abolit Gryllus.

FO rem uocem swhich Gert would preser), cf. De Ben. vii II, et in Putem rem ab illo anaeius and the word sol lowὶ.25. et huic rei sustuli, an I reare him for his purpose.'tollere a said of the Roman ather, ho by listin the new bornchili frona thearound signifie his intention os reari nil cf. Stat. Sim. ii I, 78 raptum e protinus alti l sustulit exultans.

I. in procinctu stet, 'e ready sor action : Cl. N. 7 , o honestum virtve securum et expedistim est, in procinctu star amilitar phras : so in procinctu haberemsaratum habere: f. De Gem. seueritatem abditam a clementiam in procinctu habeo Quint. X I, 2 nisi in procinctu paratamque ad omnes castis habuerit eloquentiam. suppos that Milton ha both thes idionis in ind when eventure to rite P. . vi I9 war in procinct.' a. quo incertum est 'hich may Ome at an time. Q. . clueum progeniem probabi refers to the fons of Aemilius Paulus h malae thei appearance in os condolenceSaddresse to ereaved person cf. I DL Dial vi 3, 3 Paulus circa Ilo nobilissimi triumphi dies, quo uinctum ante currum egit neu duos lios in adoptionem dedit, duos, quo Sibi seruauerat,eXIulit buri edin. 9. uita, hi te a uitable subject for eserit an relinquit, is tesssui table sor emittis: there natura ouldie more aPPropriate. II. alio atque alio tempore is a variation o alii alio Iempore cf. 4. S. I . quae .celebrata sunt, ' the sanie of hicli has been sprea abroad, hecatis Pol. ad made them accessibi to more peOPle.


I 5. utriuslibet auctoris: Homer o Virgil it is osten alii that auosor neve is sed as, scriptor; ut uret it S so here. I 6. ita resoluisti et . 'bo have so transmuted that thoughthei metrica forni has disappeared, thei charm is fuit preserve lne vertheless. I appears there re that Pol had translate Homerint Latin prose and Virgil into Greel prose.

Homer. Latin is aliena oratio, the speech of the seople.' a I. nullus liber Homer contain libri, an Virgilt etve the contexi suggest that his Aenei only was translate ij. erit m inuenietur esse : se n. to Paul. 64 4. 23. X alia atque alia causa, different reason in different cases cf. 4 .gis lege, read and mari P, . . pudebit si Dira, pudebit. intonueris : intonare and tonare are sed metaphorical lyris os

writer of epi VerSeir trage ly cf. Mart. vii 3, 1 bella tonanti os Lucanin viii 3. paribus bella tonare modis Stat Sil/ι. V 3, 6 qui iurias regumque Solos artersaque caelo Sidera terrifico super intonuere cothum here the word impli es that Pol preserved theepi tone in his translationS. 25. rebus, Vove the thenae os Homer and Virgil. For rebi sBenile propose u rbis, abi. of the instrument: his is a more usual constr. an ing utibus uerbis is o sed by ac Dial. 35Q

heroici carminis ammti assurgiat, et e ma nitudine ne una sistrum Lucat. 26. ne commiseris ut, do not et it appen that ...' Cf. Dial. iv 6, a nec umquam committet, IIιS, ut sitia, dum con EScit, imitetur a favourite turn illi Cicero. 27. Xemst modo QVne modo, without bouiads' s. Lucr.

976 exempta sine ; en Phaedra 56i empto sine.

i tam fragili animus, in spiritis insit brohen.



6 horum are the sameras istos l. io an illis l. 13ὶ the best

writers Latin or Greeli domo confuse pronouia in his Way Seen to Paul. hen Thucydides se αυτι and κεινος in the Same sentence of the fame man vim I, in the seconi is emphatic. hac tecum portione Fortuna lecIdit Fortune has compoundedwith oti, in consideratior of this percentage 'ci a Phrase Domcommerce of the creditor lio releases a deblor on Pnymen ofa certain Dactio of the debl here Fortune, content illi onedeath, spare the ther preci ous lives CL Hem. I Ben. iv 39, 2 fellare debitorem ad diem possum, et, si foro cesserit

is e is ani rupt) fortio=iem feram ; Mart. ix , 5 conturbabit Atlas, et non erit uncia tota, i decidat tecum qua pater ipse deum i. e. Jupiter illis oti able to in is 6d in the ound .

8. omnibus is awkward becatis it comes Somea uult without bella opposedo it : en e I suppose, the conjecture os eriZ: uideatur omnibus is in iselfinobjectionable f. et t. ag . 9. unus dolor, irie sorine.' a. II. ultro comes ear o mean in in the contrary' iti osten se to expres that the part hich ou ould expect theagent O play has actuali been reverse : s. n. 77 8 the hingMarcellinus summulas Histribuit Sertiis et illos ultro consolartis rat

Suet. Iul. 63 ultro ad deditionem hortatus i. e. Caesar might naturali have surrenderedo a superior orce ut, sar romthat te actuali summoned them to surrender); Tac. Hira P i