장음표시 사용
C SuS, couSIanter seruatae r a Galbam dei crimen confessus,
emplum nitro imputauit i. e. he actualty laime credit for theconduci charged against hi min. The conducti Socrates on his trialis a typical case of suci action: and a Latin writer, in describingit, Mould e likely to se ultro. 13. Octrina, acquirest linowledge, is regulari ) ingenium, natural abilit ' Pol has both. 16 stiuidere distribute': s. Paul. 34'. erigua. Subsistere, ini a mali fractio oscit ought tot test
vitii ou ' so the abi fa/ te, Se n. O ID I. a. 7. totiens, res osten in Sen. has the sense of Saepe Seen to Paul. 18 D . 18. tibi offerre caesarem, et pres the thoughtis Caesar Pon
mensures a that by hicli the ius honorum a granted o Gallia Comata : par of the speech made by Claudius on that occasion A. D. is preservet in the Lyon inscription se FurneauX TRC. Anu. iii et o soli. I seem sas to inser that this sentence was ritten e re the invasion o Britati in A. D. 2 . derige so Gert for dirige of mss. dirige oculos poliat the yes in different directions wouldie properi faid o a quinter Uwheneve the meanin is to polii or in down mahe Straight, derigo fhouldie rit tela the oldest mess generali givinithi Si orni. But by therath centur A. D. the degenerac o pronunciation caused Herseo an dirigo tot confused mettieship Le cogo. Sub u. numinis cf. M 1. 26. Praestringet, , ill aggle': his metaphorica sense is Common for the original sense, CL Plin Nat. Hist. vii 6 acies ferri praestring itur the edge os fleel is lunt edi. g. 27. iebus ac noctibus, might an day cf. De M. vii this abi. o duration o time is regula in the silve age but Cic. Ses locus diesque, noctes e dira, et dies et noctes, dies
noctesque Madu on De Fin i 1 and Lucr an Virgil have noctes atque dies Once in the Dialogues vii , a Sen has dies
noctesque in his ense. He also Se per diem ac noctem, e .g. Nat. Quaest. Vi 6, 3.
28. numquam cleicis animum this serves to explain ho Pol. cani faid intueri Caesarem at night.29. duoeiunctu se n. to Paul. 24 .
et indulgentia : it was a notable wealines os Claudius that he suffere his Deedmen to do a the pleased oco os Claudius givin an orde in the nexi orid putares omnes illius esse
Iibertos adeo illum nemo curabat. 3. ObduXerit: properi used os a plaster spread ove a ound
reed, and then pluam tirsus limo olducit). . qui porro besides ': cs Hesu. 9 7. 5. ut Supposing that.' conspectus participi : ut conspectus per Se ... Iar themere sight o Caesar. g 5. . commossent Claudius is caelestis an belong to heaven ; ut the od have dent hi in or a pace to this arth. The flat terer of the em peror constanti pra that the wili submitto a long exile rom heir reat home in heaven even amorace ansa to an Augustus Carm. Serus ira caelum redea : an a Statius o Martiat an hardi sa more to a Domitian cf. Stat. Si, io, o ceritis amo erras et quae tibi templa dicamus, i ipse colas I nec te caeli itinet aula. 8 annos uineat Augustus die Mat 76 Claudius at 63.
11. 1ium : Britannicias, Orn Feb. 13, I A. D. V asii Son by Messalina originali called Germanicus, he wa re-named in A. D. aster the conques of Britain he was polsoned by ero in 55 A. D.
longa lide approbet, de him prove by the est os times' fidesis the confidelice fel by the ather that the son illisule ell.
successorem aspiciat this he would do rom heaven. 13. caelo asserat, shali latin him so the kies': Julius Caesar and Augustus ere the ni two deifie em peror ; ut reus sua Probabi refers to the god generalty Who laim in ip iththisino Mon arili.
so that turn to ome. He ho ed mero a the time fm condemnation, and intercedes for me. He has restoreaeother e and T I ru mar comes. Vnde his rura an exile is more secure hau the chias en in the State mere under
writer of the preface to the Englisti Bible. The thenes between Claustius and ames I in their eal nesse has osten been potntedou here is another potiati resemblance, that Loth ivere compared by contemporar writer to the rising Sun. 22. Germaniam pacet: his may reser to the subjugationis the
Chauci about his time by Q. Sabinius Secundus Furneaux, Tac. Anu. ii p. 32). The amotis generat, Corbulo, as active in Germany ill recalled by Claudius : ut his a no tili 7 A. D. Britanotam aperiat the wisti et ps to si the date of thet reati se See Introd. P. XXV.
a. patrios triumphos, triumph ove Germany a DruSUS,
the ather of Claudius, pent much of his lis figlitin in Germany and was the rs Germanicus. He die Mnea Maint Z, 9 B. C.
23. quorum me quoque et . : Sen. now get to busine s forthere an emo doub that the objecti the whole reati se a lessio Console Polybius than to secure his own restoration See Introd.
Claudius clid orithe exile , a Sen. asks sortim self cs. Suet. Claud. I ad ιius spectaculum the triumph ver Britalia in a A. D.)commeare in urbem non soDιm praesidibus prouinciarum fremisit uerum etiam exuli tis quilis famQ ut Sen. in spite os nil thesesine compli ments had to ait si years longer. 25. clementia: et saeuitia is ne of the hie charges against Claudius in the satire rit teli aster his death by the fame en CL o l. I gQ hic, qui uobis non osse uidetur uuam excitare, tam facile homines occita bat quam canis a throw at nuci le-bonesin cistu vet. Claud. saetium et an uinarium natura fuiSSE, magni minimisque Narrat rebIιS. 27. msulsum overthrown : a very common ense Os theverti in Lucan either literalty or figurati vel : so the rsi, cf.
Iassilia non impulsa overborne nec ipso citrata metri. 28. cliuinae manus this epithet, like cae Stis, came to besreely used even o livin emperor s. Stat SiDι. v I sis to Deedman o Domitian Di ι omne inuinae Homus semper emereri pro mea metocritate conitor. leniter . . . deposuit, et me do via gently ' CL E . 3, II quosdam molliter ruina a falliniliouse depos)ιit. o delatis of thebanishment are gi ven et se here the cause oscit is State i perhaps falsely, b Dio LX o Messalina αυτη. . την Ιουλίαν. .. εξωρισεν,εγκληματα αυτ ἄλλα τε και μοιχείας παρασκευασασα, φ My au
De Hen iv o, 3 aput bonum uirum bonam causam habeo Sen. loe no plea guit ty. 6. Siue uoluerit, i decrees that Pana so.'7. interim. i. e. tintiles ana recalle l. 9. angulo remote corne 'ci Corsica See n. to 6 D . Io multorum annorum. i. e. that Ooli lac many years ago the metaphor rona men crushed, or at eas buri ed, unde a falling
round o me in m turn, as e migh feel, is en hadiso earned his dis harge by good conduci.
I5. emeit the relative clause, ein causat, ould aheth subj in Cicero : s. Hem. I g 6. sub te in Our rei gn '16. exules principes for the rsi, cf. Suet. Cal. 28 sinans sibi quoque exules suo Diortem imprecari, misit circum ASulas, qui uniuersos contruci sarent for the second ibid. usus subito in cachinnos, consulibus, qui iuxta cubabant, quidnam i feret hian se quaerentibus, qui ' inquit nisi tino meo nutu iurulari utrumque uestrum stitim posse '
II. fulmina. aliunderstrolies': the word is used by vid of hisbanishment hy Augustus, Trist. io, a uenit in hoc illa iumen ab arce casu ; by Martiat os a condemnation by Domitian vi 83, nam tu missa tua reuocasti fulmina extra and by Statius of the sanae case, Sim. iii 3, 5 uenturi fulminis ictus. It is a transferen et the emperor of one of the functions of Jupiter.
I et sure that rho En seror has alneaθ raseae his ut equali inoete ted eanae olymona in or fer o console ou. Imagine that he sea suo Fou, and Emmis ou, rom his capaciora memorT, of reat Komaus in ast historT ho have ad Io mourn the os os adearl - Ped rother. 1. 23 publicum has the sense Os commtine : se n. O Paul. 1 g I. et . aut me Omnia fallunt, aut am not entiret mista en then ...' CL Dial. XI aut ego fallor, aut cet. Epp. 79, aut ego te nou noui, aut cet. the parenthetical insertion os thephras here is remari able. A commone phrase of simila mean ingis, si illum noui: cf. Hem. 9 D . iam, te remo ' is emphatic. 25. tam magno for tanto is bellevet to e colloquial Latin se Fri edi Cena Trimalch. p. o8: ut Sen. Se it here hecause of the asson ance illi maiora in generat he likes o se tam multi, quam multi . tot, quot. 26. omni modo os is hown y the sequet, condolenc WaS
regulari compilediu of 1 exempla, a praecepta cf. Dial vi 2.
Scio a praecepti incipere omnes, qui monere aliquem Notant, in exemplis desinere. Sen. says that Claudius il have exhausted both mean in poliat o faci, Claudius, in his fictilious speech, confines himself to exempla.28. memoria facundia the res is sociar true that Claudius probably ad storei in his memor a reat deal of atheruseles knowledgeri ut he was notorious o lapses of memory: Suet Cland 39 inter cetera in eo mirati stin homines et oblinionem et inconsiderangiam, uel, ut Graece dicam, χετεωρίαν et βλεμαν. occisa Messalina, satilo postquam in triclinio decubuit, tir omina non ueniret requisiit. To arundia he had n claim his matter a pedantic, and his deli very a marred by a Stammer: cf. Suet. Claud. Sen.
ocol. 14 3 Augustu speat in os Claudius tria nerba cito inniat i he an string three or is together Without ausing et Serrtum
2. I. nullus is sed sor nemo CL Plaut Bacch. 9o Suet. l. 35Q ut it is ver rare in the intervat etween these riters Summers p. lx quotes an instance rom Sen. Epp. 7, II there is perhaps another in De Lem. I, 2. Theras is much commone in the oblique cases in the Dialogues, en has nullius neminis a least twice, ni V at eas three times, and nulli a least even times. For nullum i neminem, hicli is rare. s. De Ciant i 3, 3 E .io8, 9 this is a quotation in . Sen. seldom has nemini in the et ters, I have noted one
Cf. Epp. 12 I, cum. . . ex gratulatione natum Sit, quicquid ad quimur i. e. ali the orrows for hicli, oher condolence aris Dona evenison hicli e ster congratulation) 98, 9 in epistula, qua sororem amisso lis a Goquitur Val. Max ii , 6 urbs, incerta ρratulandi prius an ad quendi incio fungor tur For adlocutio in his ense.
aliud α spectat' excepi in his emphati position the word could arilly bear his meaning. . contundet, Mill anni hi late, lit. 4masti up ' Cf. Paul. 1, i. nunc itaque cet. : ad Sen. reali belleve that Claudius gave Polybius a format lecture of this init, uret it ould have been rasti to imitate the divine ulterance. s. e. . . deSumpsit, ii Cked ou ut 'ri f. n. r, i o Baiae locum illum sibi celebrandum luxuria desumpsit. 8. aliqua, alicuius. comploratione : for the veri, cf. I Det.'9. fastus, the Calendar, the recordis office, esp. of the Onsulfhip. The common fornacis fasti, fastorum ut astus, fastuum is occasionali Mundri f. Dial. iii I, 3 uno nomine occupare fasitis titili an metre confirm the oriri in Lucan x 187 Caesar speahing nec meus Eudoxi vincetur assibus an=tus. S. I. imagines the portrait - mastis os ancestor displaye in
I3. in ornamentum aestulorum refulgentibus. ,hos Horylight up the worid' history. 'I . aut a Suis et this clause, adde for antithesis, is very like a truism man ad to die, es ore his malo as et up. 4. 6. Seisionem: unles the SS. are to lanae Sen hasbtunderediere. There is no eviden C that the palace of the Caesars
containe liust of heroes no relatexto them, and ei ther the Julianno the Claudian pus traced descent rom Scipio It has been propoSed to ejec the passage, rom quid tibi referam down to lacrimas concupisse I Detin. It would e simple to transfer thesentence uide omnes- GSideratus est, and place it e re nemo
I 8 et, and et ' cf. 84 5.19. iuris aequi, political quali ty, ἰσονομίας he was too great a maia o live unde a re public and there re retire into
voluntar eXil cf. Liv XXXViii 52, a maior animu et natura erat, ac maiori fortunae adsuetus quam ut reu GSe Sciret com P. Heit
he had n right. The tribune' nam is gi ven by Aulus Gellius vi 9 as AugurinuS.
23. quam efenderat so the ellipse of quo, Cf. 84 2. 5. Aemilianum the Ounge Scipio Africanus, a Son ofAemilius Paulus conqueror o Macedonia, as adopte by a Scipio. 25. fratrum funera : se n. to the date os the triumphove Perseus is 6 B. C. The fine speech in hicli Paulus contrastea his public achi evemen and his private Sorro A Liv xlv i Was
27. Suae is emphatic he had been adopted in alienam familiam. Super ipsum, right on the topi cf. Diat ii 6, a templorum Super eos suos cadentitini the mage is no Ver aptinere.
3. Scipio, Scipio. The playin the two compound os sumis characteristic. Κaritiago destroyed by the ounge Scipio I 6 B. C.
There are maur instauces he mi hich a patrisfirothers ave been divi est Gath. ut consider the imperia famis alone Aug Stus ad to mourn a Sister, a Nellis other earrelations Gaius Caesar los his brother, Lticius; Tiberius clos Ethe Fes of his heroic rother, Drusus, in the wilius of ernta; 1. . Lucullorum Lucius the conqueror o Mithridates, and his ounge brother Marcus, consul DB. C. For thei mutua aflec
oration laudario ove Lucius, and die soon aster hi m. 5. Pompeios Gnaeus, the et cler, Was putuo eath aster the batileo Munda in B. C. Sextus, ori in 75 . , a dei aled by Agrippa fi Sicil in 36 and ut o death a Miletus in a B. C. 6. una. . . ruina: cf. Lucan ira I the glicas Spea indit Sextus Pompeius Europam, miseri, Libamque Asiamque intele distriatii tum tilos uestris Fortuna triumphi ; Mart. PompeioS iuuenes Asia a que Europa, sed i tim thei fallier i terra terit Libes, si tamen ulla legit i qui mirtim toto si sar itur orber
the Triumvir and Sextus et ther of thes it might be aid that Sli avertet civit War sor a time, ut notis Pompey's clauoter.
Is it possibi that en supposed Caesar o have marrie Pompey's augiiter, o that he wasmener an Pompe Socer Θ9. Romianae Pacis, ieace etween Romans' pax omana usuali means the Peace maintaine ove the woridi Roman armS.Io optimo fratri the epithet is probabi conventionat atteas Cassius roteo Cicero in Jan. 5 B. C. Ad Fam XV I9, i is, Cn. rtam Sit aruus scis, quomodo crΠdelitatem firIntem putet Lucan vi et o spealis disparagingi of Sextu ais a. a nofroles indigna parente. in hoc for his puri ose': cf. I 5 se n. to Paul. I DI.
I 6. Paria: ne suci far is osten mentioned by Martia and prat sed sor hei mutua attachment Tullus and Lucanus, the
a. o. Octauiam : he die in II B. C., hau in lost her OnMarcellus, the destine heir of AuguStus, in 3 F. C. et I. Terum RiuTR, When She mari editat Augustus sor deification, took the hape of the Roman Senate. 25. generos marcellus an Agrippa. 26. liberos i. e. Julia the plur. was osten used by early
writers of a single child Aul. Gell. ii 13ὶ, and may be so sed
heren otherwise, it is used for symmetr cf. L nibus, Paul. 44. nepotes Gaius an Lucius. 27. hominem esse se that he was a mere mortal, and theres ore lable to stro e of ereavenient. stum inter homines erat by his eath he ecam a god and presumabi escape frona the attaclis o Fortune.
i cepit, contained, could hold, i. e. a tered. capacissimum, cf. Lucan 6 P animaeque casaces t mortis hearis that an confront eathin. 2. victor . . dolorum s. Diat vi o Caesar aster his clauilliter' death tam cito dolorem uicit Itam omnia solebat. 4. 3, 5. Gaius and Lucius, sons of Agrippa aud Julia, grand- sons of Augustus both dieii oung the forme in Lycia in A. D. ,