장음표시 사용
p. 12 24 SacerduS, Q. In the Fragmen Simila error Oecur p. 1o et
It will e sed Dom r. esicott' re intended foris. Compare apostolos in II l. 8.martis that he read apostulus in his line this Q his ord was a first allatis ς it seems may be supporte by the formis, in sui in the to me to have been altere into callactis, notsume in ut stili the letter appears to aliaetis.
th mea ning O an author It is quite truo that transcription as of oldoston uret mechanicatq; ut When a Scribe ne What he a copying it Was osten very disserent. Wid circulation has eun iven o lateri an opinion o Pros Cobet, Wh Says Nullum unquam vidi codicem, qui Sine multiplici monitatione logi intelligique posset. Vel antiqui SSimu et Optimu quiSque Saepe turpiS-simis erroribus, quorum nunc tironem paulo diligentiorem puderet, inquinatus est'. this Strong Statementes might reply have s00n and collato severat SS. Latin, Greeli, and Syriae, in hiel the error undbtundors oro ut feW and for hieli multipleae emendatio ould e smueli ut o placo a it Would D an ordinar letior no roeseived by the post and such MSS. are nolint optimi, ut ni S usuali antiquissimi.'Τh fac is that ancient Scribe may be compare t modern OmpositorS-SOm Ver ignorant an careteSS, and SOme very trustworth audoxaet. A proo Aheet Dona the and of One of the latior clas is non res sonabi correct While multipleae emendatio On the par of the presscorrector is a pa inful necessit for ne of the forme Lind and then, too. ther is the dangerintho reviSionaeing o miSundet Stood a to introduce
Τestamen is certain and Clear.
babiliter non sunt res a Christo geStae, sed Petri de robus a Christo gestis
narrationeS, quibus Marcu . . . interfuit . . . . E Verbi S, qUibu auetor OXd Luca utitur, Dominum tamen Ec ipse vidit in carne, clare apparet, eum
similo quid de Marco tradidisse ut sere Sic Scripsisse Narcus Dominum nec vidit nec audivit, sed e Petri sermonibu quibus tamen interfuit, narrationem de Christo contextuit.' V Routh thus sp0alis of th mutila ludb0ginning Hujusmodi quid scripsisse Auctor fragmenti videri possit: Marcus discipulus et interpres Petri juxta quod Petrum referentemiudierit huc usque Hieronymi Verba assero, De Viris Ill. . . digessit res gestas a Domino, quibus tamen interfuit, et it posuit. Sed incertum Sit necesSeeSi hujus mutilatae sententiae supplementum.' esteoli' note is, at tα, i. e. και οἴτως, Ven O ache had hear DOm St. Peter), Without addition oromission Euseb. H. E. iii 39. 3. Io l. 2. Tertio Euangelii librum secundo Lucam. Iertio cis corrected into tertium by an Gilse, Bunson, and WeSteolt: thiS, of eourS0 may be probabie, Dom the system of the inaccuraeie of the MS.; ut it is uot certain and thors alto tho reading of the S. οStand. The ori itfel may et have proceode fr0m the translatorint Latin. secundo, D0m the analog of the error a Wellis the SenSe is f
COUrSe Secundum'. Reposuit et reindulter secundum, qui seu tituli evangeliorum ex hoc Fragmento OS- recte monuit, antiquitatem hujus epigraphes tendi. R0uth.
P. Io Q. 3. Lucas iste medicus post ascensum Christicum eo Paulus quasi ut iuris studiosum
5 Secundum ad8umsisset numen suo
eae opinione concriiset dominum tamen nec ipse vidit in carne et idem prout sequi potuit. 8. Ita et ad nativitate Iohannis incipe dicere I. . CVm eo,' righil correcte into cum eum by the crities. Eo may have arisen si Om the 0pyistriat in cum so the rep. goVerning the ablativo and thus misunderstanding the sentence), hieli Seem here more probabi than the Systemati confuSion o terminatio S. duris studiosum.' Bouili correct quasi et juris κω του διμαίου Stud. Westeolt SayS, Ille ord ut juris must e corrupi. Iuris might stand
th result of the Latin translator avin dividui a proposition uso incomposition his a suo translato illas a separato ordi Thus tho sentenco
b his may be illustrato by the mode in rendering conis ad prehensus sum S to in whiel in the Codex Boernerianus G os Satiat 1 Thes. v. , καταλά8οι the ea lingis the S.)Ρaul's Episti es), in Phil. iii Ia, κατελημφθην is dis comprehensit. given in the Latin version illi an alternutive
d, erased ut the commeucementis line , seems elare hi m.
to indicate that the copyis Was egi uuin to
Indoed the Ord oro oλος Oeeur Ont One in his GOSpei Xiii. 16 in and thon hardi in an ilicia sense Se the ori μαθητὴς speciali used ofJolin XXi 2 ).IO' l. o. cohortantibus condescipidis et episcopis suis dixit conieiunate mihi odie triduo et quid cuique fuerit reuelatum iterutrum
nobis enti remus eadem nocte reue
latum Andreα eae apostolis ut recognis Ι5. centibus cuntis Iohannis suo nomine cuncta discriberet
l. o. condiScipulis. II hodie. 3. enarremuS. 5. cunctis Iohannes. 16 describeret.
H. E. i. 4. Jeronte' account stili more resembles liat, hau in this paSSage of the Fragment: Ultimus Joannes Apostolus et Evangelista, quem deSu amavit plurimum, qui Supra pectu Domini recumbenS, UriS- Sima doctrinarum fluentia potavit, et qui Solus de cruce meruit audire, Ecce mater tua. Is quum esset in Asia et jam tum haereticorum Semina pullularent, Cerinthi, Ebionis et caeterorum qui negant Christum in carne Venisse quos et ipse in Epistola sua Antichristo vocat, et ApoStolus Paulli frequenter percutit coactus est ab omnibus pene tunc Sine epi-SCOpis et multarum ecclesiαrum legationibus, de divinitate Salvatoris altius