장음표시 사용
ll. 23, 24. Nerum Corinthiis . . . iteretur' appear tot a parentheti claus as intended by the ritur. Paul Wrote by nam to even ChureheS
Ioh l. 26. et Iohannis enim in pocalebs licet septem eccleseis scribat tamen omnibus dicit Road Iohannes an ApocalypSi. Τhis remari O the writer connocting the Episties of John to thoseven Churelios illi ali is evidenti ba Sod On the Sontonee ὁ χων ἶς
o tho ad tres to esto Chureli in tho three Ormer a Se precedin the PaSSag ὁ νικων lxoυντι und followinfit in tho our latior. Victorinus Potavionensis circa A. D. oo), in hi Commenta in the ApocalypSe cap. i.), nyS:- In toto orbe Septem CeleSia Omne QSSe, et Septem nominata S, Imam SSe catholicam Paullii docuit. Et primum quidem Ut Servaret et ipse typum Septem eccleSiarum, non XCOSSit numerum. Sed seripsit ad Romanos ad Corinthios ad Galata S, ad EpheSiOS, ad Τhessalonicenses, ad Philippenses, ad ColossonSeS. OStea SingularibuSPerSoni SeripSit, ne excederet modum Septem celesiarum. Et in brevi contrahens praedicationem suam ad Timotheum Sic ait, Ut Seias, qualiter debeas conversari in ecclesia Dei vivi. ap. Routh, i. 17.)Cyprian alSO Apostolus Paulus, qui hujus numeri logitimi et certi meminit, ad Septem ecclesias scribit. Et in Apocalypsi Dominu mandata Sua divina et praecopia caelestia ad septem eccleSia et earum angelOS dirigit.' p. 27o Baluge. Paulus septem celestis ScripSit, et ApocalypSiSeccleSia Septem ponit ut Servetur Septenarius numeruS.' p. 28 I. BulUZe.) Reete monuit reindallor pistolas pocalyptica Saecul Secundo jam habita fuiSSet catholicas, id est talos, quae ad univerSam υλγην eCCleSiam dirocta fuerint. Routh, p. II.)Perhaps it ma be orthyi inquir Whethor the number severi nil the notionis Catholicit ar at ali 0nnoctod with the designation Catholic Epistius hieli, commoni giv to a collectionis that number. Tho phraso alie Catholi Church l. o), ἡ καθολικη Ἀκλησία ha Whntina be callei it germ in Acts X. 31, ἡ μεν υν ccλησί καθ' ὁ λης m)ς Ιου ας και Γαλιλαίας icta Σαμαρείας by applying the Same though and the Similar
sage Retractatio in Act. Αp0St.) Ecclesi quidem per totam Iudaeam et Guilaeam et Samariam habebat pacem Ubi Latino dicitur per totam in
Graeco habetur θόληρ. Unde notandum, quod X e catholic cognominatur eccleSin, quod per totum Orbem diffusa in una pace versetur. EdGiles, ii Ι33 g. Io Io l. 28. Verum ad Filemonem unα et a litum n et d ymotheum duas pro assesso. to et dilectione in honore ta-en clesiae αtholice in ordinatione eclesiasticeo R. discipline sancti cate sunt Τhe Sentence hichris res in honore tamen ecclesiae catholica in Ordinatione ecclesiastica disciplina sanctificatae sunt, good Specimen of the confusion by the scribo of such terminations in e and ae. II. 28, 29 duas It Aeem best to change the precedin una, una into unam, unam than to regarii hi a a nominative, Whicli, h0WeVer, probably
read honorem. l. I. an Gil Se read ordinationem, and Bunsen et in ordinationem.
1I a1. Fertur etiam ad Laudecenses ali ad Alexandrinos Pauli nomine incte ad heresem Marcionis et ali plur quae in catholicam clesiam recepi non 5. potest Fel enim cum melle misceri non concruit l. 1. Fertur cis HSed a SinnSWering t φερεται.
Epistius , subjoined to the Episti to Philemon, is a titio moret in hichtho nam is thus spolied: ad claudi enses incipit epistola
write had thes Word of Hormas in his ind. It has also been noted that tho similarit of sound fel, mel, ma imitate χολή, αλι. I 2 o l. 6. epistola sane Iude et superscritio Iohannis duas in catholica habentur perscripti of Ourse; see esteolt' rem arti on thi Word, P. 26. Van Gilse, Crediter 18 7), superscriptae Crediter 186o super scriptionis O superscriptione Bunsen supra scripti. A fata objection to this ordbein made to Signify tWo letters superscribed illi ho nam os dolin, Athai 0 oes no prefi liis amo. Duas V require no change the two Epistius ore resori sed O seem toto the secon and thir l. It is hoWever no tora Overlooked that Some sesem to ascribo ut Wo Epistises to Jolin spea Ling of the frs a the forme προτερα, an quotin the second Sthough it ore par of the rst. ut his riter suom to distinguishthuse two froni that whieli h had quote bulare.
l. 7. in Catholica. Graece εν , καθολικῆ, et Subaudita, ut interdum fit, Voce ocλ 1σια quod imitati sunt Latini scriptores. Routh Who. amongSDother passages, reser i Tertulliani PraeSer. Haer. XXX. COD- Stat illo .... in catholicae primo doctrinam credidisse apud ecclesiam Romanensem sub episcopatu Eleutheri benedicti. In Catholica, Seil. Ecclesia.' an Gilso. Ilio contexi, on the theria nil faVOur the correction in catholicis. 'esteolt So Bunson, among the Catholic Epistius V
sus ad rationem Salomoneam eSSe OmpOSitum.
in As an instanc os et in Latin here the the old Latin is, Injustum est judicium tuum original Gree shews that ut is meant, the sol quoniam et furatum liberum punis, et injuste loWing may be take ἄδικος ἡ κρίος, ori κα τω agentem V ,here the salse readiu et sor ut
Joseph. iv. Grabe, Spicilegium, et o); here
and 0m Melito, Ιαροιμίαι ἡ καὶ Σοφία Eus. H. E. V. 26ὶ ΤhUS, On the Supposition that the reserendo as to the Proverbs, the niter part Ofthe sentenco ab amicis Salomonis in honorem ipsius Scripta in Wasexplained by the faet, that a porti011 of the Proverbs a Written ut
But therapocrypha b00k of Wisdom as early known by it presenttitie, Wisdom of Solomon. Somo indeo have thought that this a notthe case, aining to Strongly the note O ValeSiu On Euseb. H. E. V. 8: Muippe veteres omnes ecclesiaStici Scriptores Sapientiam Salomonis appellant librum illum qui hodie Proverbia inseribitur Liber autem ille qui titulum Sapientia Salomonis hodie praefert ψευδεπίγραφος St, teSte Hieronymo, quamvis Eusebii aetate ita appellaretur.' Clement of Αl0Xandria hoWever, severat times quotes hi bo0k unde the nam o Solomon Strom. i. II, 4, 5 pp. 786, 795, O POtter), and more osten a Σωpία. But hil Cluniunt l, implication ivos the name sedom of Solomon to th Apocryphal 00k, his is done expreSSi byaertullian, WhO SVS, Porro facies Dei sexpectatur in simplicitate quaerendi, ut docet ipsa Sophia, non quidem Valentini sed Salomonis V Adv. Valent ii. . Elsewhere e g. De PraeS. Haeret. Vii. he pontis of this book a the ork of 0lomon. Methodius in the alter par of the hird centui . spealis of this book as
I was notisware that this ad been previ explanation Ohielicis thus state in his Atia- Ousi suppOSed by any investigator of the Frag lecta Ante-Nicaena, i I 27, 28 185 Sapiment, e re I re attention to the oint in entiam a veteribus Proverbia Salomonis diei 1851 in a lecture publislied in the eginning non est quod uberius exponam, ne lectores ignO- of the ollowin year in the Historio Midence, rantiae incusare videar iis igitur quae de adde of the meis Testament I there malit, pientia habet Hegesippus qui hunc auonem,
Apud Hebraeo nusquam St, quin et ipse Stylus Graecam eloquentiam redolet et nonnulli scriptorum veterum hunc esse Iudaei PHILONI αθrmant.' Aster many yearS' Stud of the earlier Fathors, and uel inves