Canon Muratorianus, the earliest catalogue of the Books of the New Testament

발행: 1867년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류



ἡ 'Aποκαλυψι Πέτρου he thus rani scit illi large Acts an a fictilious ViSion: and Sogomen vii. 19 , hil mentioning the Variations in the custom o disserent churches an countries, states that thon, in the fifth

In lument, Ex Scriptis propheticis eclogae,' are Some fragmentSquote Dom the So-calle Apocalypse of Peter of hiel Routh says i. 426 Attamen nimis ludicra Sunt brevia illa translata ex Petri Apocalypsi ad Eclogas Clementi Alex attributas, quam ut vel minimam liber habeat venerationem. His judgmen i certaint not 0 Severe; and ind00d of the HypobpoSe a a Whole, a quoted by EuSebius, he SVS, 'Si modo Clomontis fuerint Hypotyposses illa quae multa saltem frivola atque abSurda continebant. i. o 5.)



this is confirmod by the Stichomet is icephorus, in hieli, although thonumber in acti a Se re ather higher, et the proportions are abolit tho

nuperrime temporibus nostris in urbe Mom herni conscripsit sedente catheir urbis pomae ecle8iae Pio episcopus fratre 15 eius et ideo est eum quidem oportet se puplicare uero in eclesi populo neque inter profeta conpletum numero neque inter apostolos in inem temporum pote8t. l. 13. Herma, 4en Hernias. Freindulter Supplies in V efore cathedra utS OtherS. I. I epS,' read episcopo at 1 st there as



tom. iv. I iii. 64 q), Se alS ii. 294 Si cui tamen Scriptura illa recipienda videtur: V anxiii. 372. But the latuis of this book id not as unchallongod Tertullian who ad in an earlier or quoted it, ut ithout ivin an opinion, afterWard delivor a judgment Oin far eyon What a meret per-s0nal. Cederem tibi si Scriptur Pastori quae Ola moecho amat divino instrumento meruisset incidi, si non omni concilio ecclesiarum etiam estrarum apocrypha et fias judicabretur, adultera et ipsa patrona sociorum. Do Pudicitia 1 o. Also, Et utique receptior apud ecclesias epistola Barnabae i. e. ad Hebraeos canonica illo postrypho Pastore moeeliorum. De Pud. o. Eusebius, H. E. iii 3 reser to the assertion

sias jam publice legitur. Revera utilis liber, multique de eo Scriptorum Veterum Surpavere teStimonia, Sed apud Latinos pene ignotus est. In his Prologus Galeatus, osore th book of ings, o says. Igitur Sapientia quae vulgo Salomoni inscribitur et Jesu filii Sirach libor o Judith et Tobias et Pastor non Sunt in canone.' On Haba kkuk i. 14 e thus contemptuoiasty resors ocit: Ex quo liber ille apocryphus stultitiae condemnandus est, in quo Scriptum St, quemdam angelum nomine Tyri praeeSSereptilibus V ed. Vallarsi vi 60έ). In tho Decretum os Gelasius A. D. 92 96 it is thus Hected 17. Liber, qui appellatur Pastori apocryphUS,' Where tho ord mean more than Xclusion Domini occlesiasticalisse itis a listi certa in ritingS quae ... a catholici Vitanda Sunt.'Τli testimonyis Tertullian of this book havin been condemne asapocryphat, ' ab Omni concilio ecclesiarum, Shew that in the secondissentia in ritin could notio ut 0rth in a forni elaimin Divino revelationWithout the latuis buin subjectu examination and the historical roundon hicli suci claim could e et asido is state by th author of the




As to tho dat anil authorshi of tho hepherilis Hernan S, e have, On the Ono haud ullo suppositionis Origen that it mi liti tho productionosin os that nam mentioned by t. Paul, and thus it ould bolon to tho firSt contury On the ther e have, no the supposition, ut the distinet statument of tho author of the Fragment, that it Was ritiei by his On- temporary the brother of Pius, bisholmo Romo in tho suconi contury it suem strange illi thi alternative that any an Stili advocate the opinionwhieli Origen expressed aes his Supposition mei ely But the statoment of the auth0 of the Fragment is in fuit aceordance With traditionar accounts thus in the Liberian Catalogii of tho bishopso Romo, o Liber Pontificalis in tho account of Pius Ι it is salil subhujus piscopatu frater ipSiu Herme librum Scripsit in quo mandatum

continetur, quod ei praecepit angelu Domini, cum veniret ad olim inhabitu Pastoris, ut sanetum Pascha die dominica celebraretur. Thi reserene appear plain: Only e have no uel passage OW in th bookr it is roserruit to in a Supposititious lotior of this Pius, mOSSQVOS Volumus, quod Pu Scha Domini die annui solennitatibus sit celebrandum istis ergo temporibus Hermes doctor fidei et seripturarum effulsit inter nos et licet nos idem Pascha praedieta die celebremus, quia tamen quidam inde dubitarunt, ad corroborandas anima eorum eidem Hermae

angelus Domini in habitu Pastori apparuit et praecepit ei, ut Pascha dio dominica ab omnibus celebraretur.' his orgod lettur umbodio th boli filia Herma Wn contemporar o Pius though it say noth in abolithis belli his rothur), and that he wroto tho hepherit, although of that

titulum condidit et digno in Domino obiit, cis liat ius is made O ny

It is quite irrelevant to et uside the testi contigit. mon Os the author of the Fragment ecause Non nisi spuria illa Pii epistola spurius-We are ignorant os his Danae The remari able que liber Damasi pontificalis in ustore talia document published by ait respectin Ut legi contendunt, prorsus de ea re Silentibu Ru-philus Uebe de Leben uni die Lehre des liquis Patribu quo sit, ut posterioribus tem- Ut fila, Hannover, I 8 6 is quali anonymous, poribus mandatum de laseliate die dominicaan yet it has supplied good evidene a to the celebrando, ab interpolatore quodam additum lis an date of that Gothic bishop. An anony fuisse putemus. Hesele, uir. POSt. ed. Q. mous historica documen is uot the es t be p. XXXV. credite o that account Routh i. 29 says Epistolas ii ad ustum epise quamVi Sof the attempis thos 'ho 'isti O refer non plane sunt indubitatae, ceteris tamen epiStO- Hermas to the rs century Porro nonnulli lis io adseriptis longe esse praeserendas uter apud Germaniam viri docti inunc 'eriptorem doctos constat.' Hesele, p. xxxii. And et it primo Saeculo vindicandum, adhue Opinantur seem ascis Justus, O hom the are ad IreSSed, utrum autem novis quibusvis rationibus Senten bishomo Vienne live in the fourth centui . tiam Suam confirment, id nondum mini videre



Τho traditionali0lienas to tho authorshil is also state in the poemos Pseudo-Τertullian Adversus Marcionem iii sub finem):

Constabat pietate vigens ecclesia Romae Composita a Petro, Cujus suecessor et ipSeJamque loco nono cathedram suscepit Hyginus, Ρost uno deindo ius, Hermas cui germine frater, Angelicus pastor, quia tradita verba locutus, Atque io suscepit Anicetus ordine sortem; Sub quo Marcio his veniens nova Ontie pestis.

F0 quia V in the fifth os hos lines, Mosh0im suggest cui V-thus se cui tradita verba; Routh, hoWever qui tradita verba locutuS. Τhe popular tradition a to the relationis Pius and tho author of the Shsepherd suom combine in the Vatican Catalogiae of the Popes publishodi, Cardinal Mai: lius primus, natione talicus, e patre Rufino, fratre Pastoris de civitate Aquileia Sub eo Hermes librum Scripsit, in quo continetur mandatum quod ei praecepit angelus, ut Sanctum pascha die dominica celebretur.' Spicilegium Romanum, Vi I9. Here fratre iseemStoi lar frater justin in his passage of the Fragmont thore a a Sirst Writton recisely the converSe miStalae. The compiter Seem to Speah of Pastor and Hermes a the nam is rition in th P0ntifida lisis as in

are ver Variod, and in nodia ei respeet hi Statement are Ver Strange.


collating GreelimSS. at Paris at a desti by theside os M. Miller the engage in mal in his

transcript he re my attention to the S., os hicho rea many paris, speciali the histor o Callistus, hieli is o rema rhable. M. Mille thought that the aedount a thatos his martyrdom in the common acceptationos the ord), and thus I suppos that for acouple of years I Was alone Ware of tho historical statement there recorde relative to the



babio than Ouid e twent years, or an longe period Thu belloveth docum0ndito bolon to aborat A. D. 16 O earlier. 16. II l. 19. Arsino autem seu ualentini . et nitiadis nihil in totum recipemus Qui etiam nouum

psalmoi uni librum marcioni conscripserunt una cum basilide assianum cat ry

23 cum constitutorem