Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


tho si steps in the ivory tirone os Solomon the staleaves in Lebanon the si branches in the candlestich. In herirest saying, nolo her fir determination os inviolabie hastity. In the second, an illiustrious Xampleos obedienco an humility. In the third her exultationsor in benefit conferredin her. In the murth her Soli g. citia de so her Son. In the fifth her compassion Iu githe fixili, her certaint of the poWer of her Son. λ

It is civ ious o observe ho many o S. Antony's peculiarities aret boriolan in the sermons Ona prencher, ne os considerable celebri , no butiit leano , Thomas Adams. The soldomin passage Do the disco se calle The ΡΠ itua Navigator, ' p. 399 of the editio os 1630, ad prove the resemblanee The se is no placeo continue in No an satis there o ad therea ut asine propolinus to his pia pose a Voyage, sorio his opes areturn You hold hun a risone that is hut ii in close Wallis, thedoors os egress barro against him. He is nodes a prisonor though his gaoli a large a the ea that must nos et his seo o dry ground. The bank an stiores are his prison alis, and though he huth oom


But the arch-pu ut os allicis the devit, that huge Leviathan, that ahes his pastimo in his ea. Ps. civ. An his pasti me is to in those


A. D. 1201-1274.


eterna remuneration.


pas through in se of this ortit into the Hol Lanil, that is, tho Land of the Living and e receives theromissioni nil his ins. There are seu things hichurgem to tali up this Cross. Tho si si is tho irro-futable example nou LOR JΕsU CHRIST : I in manwil come oster Me, et him den himself and ake u his cross. For it is a glorious hin that the servant Ahouldbe configure to tho likenes of thei LORD. The se- constris inviti ibi helpQ so the os is the olper of them that re signei With the Cross. The salmist: Thou Lord, hos holpen me and con forte me. Thou hastho en me against the erit o sin, an has com forte me against the erit os punishment. Wheresore, hen thesignis the ros appear in a Chureli, there ais hasbeen the auoiutin Withii beenus ther ought to be


roauci And when Ioseph ad received the Lo , he wroppedit in a Dan linen loth. Thou must there re, Teceive


is, imitate no thos examples of tho aints by thograce of the HOL Guosae. Wherea o the ther hand, the virgins that mero ise ook i in thei lamps, ascit

Clearly a direction to the preache to ampli on the hint.


odi grace id notio multiplied in the ouse of thysout Anselm Enter into the lose of thymiud, and shut theloo on ut things except the LORD, and that whicli assist in seel in Him. O tho laurili They likewise received ver man apenny. The penn is terna life Whioli is no givensave to those ho labour in the vineyard that is in penitene or religion in hiel vineyard e must notoni labour, ut also triumphisve that io the devit, Whicli is prefigured in Samson, Then Samson came to the vineyard of Timnath, and behol a ounition rosere againsthim. That lion e conquered, and asterWard found honey in his molith. Hone is the weetnes of the consolatio of the HOLY Hosae. M Spirit is sweeter thau honey. ou se then that in hone os grace isno ven me to them that rat, nor is the penny of or beston est sauein them Who labour in the vineyard.