Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


Yo that are compassionate, belloid the ait for a thosai dram the hip so doth compassion dra to theo thonecessit of thy eighbovi'. Whenco, in the firs of Corinthians, in the welfth hapter Ibine member susser, at the member sus er toti it. Lovers of brotherhood, ehol the runder For asthe unde direct the hi aright, and stoes no permitit to turn his Way o that Way, in hieli consist thechie pomeri bringing the esset to port so the loveo brotherhood overtis tho congregationi theriaithfultha it err not an guides it to the secure arbour;

because, here charit and love are there is the congregationis salutS. Yo that a re mercisul, belloid the anelior For, a thennelior grasp by means of iis curvature, and Whil ittae it is talion, and while it is talion it retatus theship so the mere of OD aetin in the heari, graspes the eigh bour an is grasped by the eighbour, and whilo it delatus it is nota inod, and whilo it iud it is bound by hicli ligation the his, that is, the soles,Can e moved Do the stability of iis quiet, notther by tho illoWs of temptation, o by the aves of evit

Y that are modest, o that re umbie, ehol theoars o the starboard fide. Not to render evit for evi but the reverso thos are the ars o the larboard fide.


Tuis is homoe of Solomon, hici 1 lirough the ea of this ori goes o Tarshish, that is to those hosearch ut the o of this orlit that the may r iacei it By the olit, is et orth humam suom by the silveri philosophi WiSdom; by the elephant' ieeth, doctor masticate that strong ood, tho ord of GOD, o litti ones. y the apes, that imitate humati actions, ut live like easts, e understand those hohave come o among the Gentiles to the aith, and seem to hol it in ord, ut densit in deest. B thopeacoelis, hos flesh, i it e ried is sal to rema in imperisti te, and Who are vested With beautiful Dathors, are signised perseo men, Who are so trie by thoiro os tribulation that the are decorate an pa intest With

Various Virtues These are brought Do Tarshish, thatis, Do the various aves of the se of this orld by the reacher of the Church, to the true Solomon, JEsUs



ICHNEUMONS. TAE R is a certain lituo serpent Whicli rotis itsol in



somuch that is ver man that is in tho ortu ereae iustitited With the in os ne that has confessed tothee, thou nevertheles artiound to concent it, an tost tritis unde theae os terna sileneo. For Verdythonare the childre of the dei es, reprobate of the meandrii ring GOD, ast out Do the Churcii Triumphant, excommunicate by the Chureli Militant, to e deposed omissice an benefice, an exposen to public infamy, o lay bare an expose a confession-I sayio byWordis mouin, so that is ors than ali mi der, ut- by sigit, or in an other idne or manifes Way, and

that Whether o applaudis to ridicisse. I say it oldly,


i any one has revealed a confession, hocis ors thau Judas tho Traitor, ho solii the SON O Go to tho


the Same place of the secular poWer hali not ouch

eterna damnation.



of tho hypocrite there is a Wonder ut Change Some- timos he uises them to the heaven, an SighS; Some- times h casis them domito the earth, and roanS. oris there oesy a change in the ye, ut in the olour. Sometimes hecis pale, Sometime uarii Sometimes negligent in his ress somelimes particular Sometimes isson os abstinenco, Sometimes displeased by t. his change os divers colour signifies the mutatio of his

round him, e in themiddie, and the on ver side; and when the in canis no longer the company of bees carries him; and i he dies, the ad die together


may look ut both for urselves anu for thers, nyload hos that a re ignorant of the Way, and ma ChuStis tho lothful and uegligenti ou exhortations Letus succeed alternatet to labour. Letis carry the eukand infirm that the fain no in the way. In the Watches of the night let usaeel vigil to the LORD, byprayer an contemplation.

Νoi that he hodgelio is altogother fuit o priclites; in i any one tries to tu Lecit, it rolis iiset up and becomes ascit ero a bal in the and of the holder. It head and iis mouili are et lo doW11 and insideriis mouili are sive toeth. The hedgelio is the obstinate Sinner, covered aliisve With the priclites of sius. Dyouendeavou to convince him of the in he has committerili immodialet rolis himself up and hides by XCUSing, his sauit. An thus it a b sal that his heud and mouili are et loWio . y the head We underStaud, in thoughts by the mouili, the ords. While thesinne excuses himself,ith respecto the in he has dono, What eis is it tha that he bows his min and his Word doWn to the round 8 Whence also horis suid toliave sive toeth in his mouili, hicli are the fixe Lind of excuses that re found in the molith of the obstinate. For, heu hecis lamed he excuses himsel f ithe by