Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


sigure, Vol sacrisce, a polles Host He is the Lamb, of hom pdulis Isaiah He is ledis a lamb to the sui hier, an os a heep e fore her heurer is umb sole penethno His mouth. There re the postle aith, Christisur Passovercis sacrisced for usu thermore letis hem the feast, in the nieavened read os sincerisy, in respectis tenderassection, and truth, in regar to good operation. Andnote that, filii time, ut the eatin of the typicat lamb, many thing Were required; hicli, Spirituali understood, are required onus, ho sacramentali eat the True Lamb, JEsU CARI si stat fro the fomidatio of the orid. Tho si si that they should choose ut a male lamb, of thoirst year, and that Without pol. Whetice also in Exodiis : our lamb halide ithout lentish, a male of the frst year. y hicli as et sortii, thalio by any Woman, buboni by a male, JESUS, immaculatet conceivedandior of the immaculate Virgin, and Withoutilemisti, either original or actuat, it belloved that e liouldio Saved. Where re since the year is compose of tWelve monilis, and the or mensis has it nam Dom mene, Whicli signifies defeet, therofore that lamb Was a year id, bocauserit bellovest CARIS to assume the welve defeciso Our poenalities Forme a trivi an hungere aud

mereris a good instanee os the absurd sterivations in hieli mediaevalinthors o Dequently delightest. It cloes no appear o the preaeher


the Who by senteno os excommunication are Separated


sortii, that the wlio re bout o receive the Bod ostho ou must defend and olotho the De of thoi uisuctions illi leuther, that is, illi the remembranceis HisDeath, and illi the examples of the ainis, against avarice, and the pollutionis secular delight. The fixilici that he hel staves in their ands ByWhicli, are ive to understand this: they Who are toreueive the LORD' Bod are to remember that the are Stringor upo the arth, and that it belloves them perpetuali to carry the stat of the oly ros in the haud of thei operationS. The eventi that themate it in hasle. y this, aretaught that the who ure bout to communicat ought


i rom his passage it is clea the received use of Germany in thesime of Alberi, was against the Communion os Insanis It is et Iknown that the disits of this ancient custom, hieli has alWay beenone of the principat charge brought y the aster agatus the Latin Chin eli, careel hau iis rise e re the tent centi y, and that thecusto isset Wa very generali relatae both in Frane an Englandas Iate a the wel fili O thu ieeuth centu in the forme colint citWasio alto ether extine tisi theraeuenteeuth.


Se wit resereno to this expression the remarhs of S. Antony, ut p. 240.


saith, ut rathe to bring again the hee to the pure thougiit an hol assections of themous os Israel, thelaithful oui that contemplatos GoD, and hieli erelos through the temptations of the devit; et send heraWay because ho indereth an crioth astor Thy discipies, that is to a the Viriues, Ving, Help me. Andalthough it is no meo toriae thoihildron' bread thati VeXation, temptation, Corraeotion, and tribulation, andio castri to the dogs that is to the voluptuous, luXurious, and impotent, holata, that is vi inur, in tri


Iesus en beyond the se of Galilae. S. Mati iv. S. Marciii. S. Luke iv. S. Joli V. LORD JESU CHR1si, sine the passove os m de- partur is nigh at and and the purchased Joaves os carnes deceus, ought so tW hundredience, that is to SV, destructionis od an soles, is no sussicient, that every one hould si a littio Grant that I may lictu mine eyes o Thee, and lie domo in the gras os Carnes pleasure, tempora possessions and lo a that Ima merit tot satiated by the resectioni five spirituallomes, hacis, the ear of the udgment of the LoRD, in horroris sin the ries o contrition the ham os confession the labouri satisfaction: and the Wolfhes, stabilit os determination, an destre of advanee orWith the sive loaves hicli ou LoR hath here, namely, humility, hicli merit the res of the grace of GOD, the fissing of ur emptiness, the at o Paradiso, hichis the hancellier of GOD, and the glor os exaltation and the two fishes that is to an patience of contumel

and of injury.
