장음표시 사용
tinuationis that hic hem Wit suo violencethro hout ali Canada in the ear I 66a, and whichhas not et ease in these regions of the North, although, as I salo it is fel but ver silotinandoni occasionalty.
At longi, to voto repetition- allisur oumeyings, hich mere made nimbysath ali strem With Crosses, camerio an eno very fittinny at a lino beari ing the Iosyname of the rosa, from iis having the perfect sh e Pone. o miserit ea that heauti-ful nam for a stili belle reason, me planted many Crosses in iis eighborhood, in memor of those .hich me had suffere in reachiniit. It was also a providence of God that assigne usine regio of this in deria Croi foris inglur Savages observe the oly eremontes of the adoratio of the rosa. t mill perhaps excite astonishment that for the due celebrationis the most augustMysteries of our Religion me mere ablerio find momi a Dor abin for at that conformit to the Churinduris Hesy,ee requires. e accompliahe it, homever in Hero bring our inter o a happy-d, an to consecrate hos Rocks an Mountians hyinii that me posses that is holies and mos morthy
os veneration Thurinay, Miday, and Saturday, of Ηci meeli converte our formis into a Church, ando in in into a consecrateo Chapes, here verydem os the ceremontes observectat this time by Christians mere
omitted by si Iour Savages Move ali, therinomel profound respecto , an maintaine a religio silence in the cabi in hic the biesse Sacrament a placeo cluring the night Mimeen Thurina ano Friclay and in that ulter desert this augus Mysterymas honore Without easing in continua prayersmhiis suffere no interruption hom the darknes of the night.
Baptizin I 3 of thei children, an administering to
Jo donna les instructions necessatres h plusieum
de ce PauVre gens, qui ne noua volent encor
ine Adulis inmother Sacramentarior hich thermere prepareo. God' goodnes appeared in me mos admirabie in the salvation o tW momen, O ear o age, hoha formeri been baptized by the late ather loJeune, an hin no seen a single Missionis sincethen. The innocenoe and purit os life maintaineo by them in their forest for so many eam, uno ubi-evi mon for them in grace that Go ino eo themi causing thei visit here, es e clying for thom os es reparing for that important passage toeternity. Ηere enda my Reverendinather, my brie account of What occurred during my Winter campiam. Io8J Thoareat favor that Lais of muris to grant me inosam h pinea nexi Winter, When, I hope, God in ove me the ourage to mine amenes by laeshau ringa, for the error that Lmay have committedinis se on. opinisor that favor hom our Revere e Lam, as long a Llive, etc.
in ne ear more than menty-five Nationa illumine by the lio of the Gospel many sic person restore t heiat in a Ver hiarao ἀ
Last ear, me publishedis Ma of the Lahes and Territories here these Mission are siluated. ehave thought hestrio republis it this year, in orclerto satisfy the curiosit of those ho have no seenit. an to designate ome ne Mission recently planted in that counto, fovi as for example thato M. Fransola arier, ver latet est lished onthe riser emptyin into the a des uans, moleas es rom iis mouth and the ission of the Apostaea, o the orther coas hordering ake Huron. athermeno Nouves, Superioris ait these inoua Missiona, has ad species charge of the Ialter, and thus describea ha has occurre there.
an oblige de nous refugier dans diverses Isses, ene sis me renere mycenera'EKaeninuton, que1 6 de Novembre. ' fisone Mission e passant, y baptisa sept enfans: 'estra que e vis e bon uvam nomm Lollis, qui eut asser murrae miratae de in Christianismea caricem'estias une petite mervelliendo voiro barbare, qui depuis lusieursan ea clemeum ferme dans a resolutio M'il apris de passer te reste decies oum dans le Celibat,n'Mant que cetis in de se renore plus agre lea Dieu, par e genre de te, qui est inodysamycles uvages. 'a est rara de vola te respectinue lesiounes gens deda Nation ontio quy, cle sola qu'ii preno de dis serran solaveis recomi 1 Baptesmea Printemps prochain apris tu avoi donn lasainte Communion j l'- 1aisy mein eo contanee de resolution Our perseverer, 'appuyan sur legforces que Iundonne Ieraacrement de Confirmation.