장음표시 사용
qui 'oblimis considerer inaque moment, comme ledemtor de ma vie, is travaille aveo η en cetestat a salut de ea pauises ames uiseul enfantinis dana lo te par te stant Baptesme, est capsile
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Men proposed, o the round that Lam a spy, and more orraeas a soroerer; and that ou host himself, Onnonhenruaoui the mos influentia Chies of this grea Nation, has osten proposed to his sister to Elime I Sorcerer. When She declared to him her great distras of me hecause of her dinoter's frequentinis of sichnem. Ac do no retire as early ascis theirmoni, and as Pspend a considerable part of the evening prvin in the Chapel the are persuadeo that Icannot e thermis e age during that time than in communing mith ome evi spirit an plotting ith him the ruinis thei family. huti humani ispeising myclife dependa cin 1hat ait=Js garra laealth anda mouid ma greatuis of losincit mere he ipdieL I movi also have qua cause for Harmos probabie tidings reachel us of the marchi a Frencham to this country,- number of men havingassureo me in advano that in that case the movit certainly brain me.
sion, hic forces me to regare ac moment a the
tio for the salvatio of these mor Aouls Thesentingis a single chilo tomeaven by holy Baptismis enong to change ali his bitternes to meetnem. Ihat id manis Whom jus spolie also turnato his ominovantage ait that has occurreo in these
venu hercher on 'empescha neanmotas de me nutre. Depuis onge mois, illa'est mori dans touites Bouro de ceu nation que uente-trois personnes baptimes, quasi ou enfans, nous en avons baptisssem utres qui soni eneor malades, o sont emtout
t Hl that Pisught him of the principia mysteries ofour fiath, and of eterna tappines in Paraclise. At leno I found him prepare tor Baptism, an I
M LES RELA TRONS DES IMMITES NOL. 66Providenco divine 1'avolt conduit plus de tres centliens ii st garotis, mur tu falae trouver i clavet e liberta des infans de Dieu.