Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류


21. Eodemque itinere, and on the amebourne A thei homo 26Ward 0ut lanthrough Etruria, the could asily visit Catilino a thocampi Manlius. 22. Omitem, a a companion Thi is a Predicat Accusativo

aster adjunctum me.

25. Ut, o that.-Quo erat ... quodque, hich reas a very dissiculi maffer, and one hieh. 28. L. Iuccum et C. Pomptinum. Lucius Flaecus and Caius Pomptinus ere praetor unde Cicero Tho had both 00 service in previous ars A the lose of the praetorShip Flaeeu hecame Overnor of the province os Asia, an Pomptinus O Gallia NarbonenSis. Praetore S. The praetors, eight in Umber, ere Roma magiStrates, chargo With in administrationis justice. Soe note O circum8fare . . praetori urbani, p. 12, line 15. 29. FortiSSimos . . . rei publicae. No mos important qualifications in hos to hom reat public trusis are to e committed


venere. 27 S. Intorvcntia Abi os auso. A tho object of the attach ad

also Publius Gabinium p. 30 lino 13), and by Sallust, Publius Gabinius



s. Defuturus. Suppi esse. The infinitivo seponds pono verbo Sayin implied in e88 praeseriptum G. 30, 1. LentuIum ibi confirmasse that Lentidus hastassure them.

10. Ex fatis SibylIinis, non me Sibylline predietions TheSepredictions eremo talion D in tho throe amous Sibyllino book said toliave been purchased by in Tarquin, sor hos hau been destr0yed tWent year besore, at the time of the burning of th capitol. Various other Sibylline b00ks ore, hoW0ver, scon anser collected fro different portions Os Italy an Greecu. In ne of thes Was ound a predictionWhicli as interpretexto mean that thre m0mber os in Cornelian gens Should rule Rom0. In the opinionisinstitulus, the thre Cornelii ere Publius Cornelius Cinna, notorious for his tyranny an crueity, LuciUS Cornelius Sulla, the am0us dictat0r, an himself, Publius Cornelius


188 NOTES.

1 S. Saturnalibus, on me Saturnalia, the estiva os Saturn, culo brate Wit generat festivit an merrimen o the ineleeuth o De


V. ne Connietion and Confession of the Pisoners.


22. Quem in Iocum, into halis position referrinito thessa et thatho as ulready committest to the or L. 24. Etiam insimorum even of the lowe8t, illi Specia referone to


190 NOTES. VI Aethon of the Senate.





32. Hoc interest, here is his differende. G. 408, 2 512.-Ceterae. Suppi supplicationes constitutae unt.-Πene e Sta Su9pi re publica, or manasing the publio infere8la uoce8jul , i. e. , in War henue, o multar successes, lit., the republio avin been elimanasse l.

C. Mario, etc., hita 8crupleiad ns prevented C. Marius . . from puttingio deat C. Glaucia, si praetor, etc. In generat, the perSO O Rmagistrate, hil in ossee, Was inviolabie. sene Lentulus is compollodio a d0Wn his Ille that ho may be punishodis a private citi Zen.- Mario non uerni quo minus, lit., ha no been to Marius is hiolithe iras, i. e. hadiso provented hi frora.-Quo minus oc ideret; G. 499.

3. C. Glauciama calle C. Servilium, p. 2, lino 18. The sullime is C. Servilius Glaucia. See notem C. Mario, p. 2 line 16.



19. De Scriptos, Ssigne l. 20. Confectum putabat didrae consider i aeeomptished. Confec

23. Ego hominem. Ego A the subjecti compuliascin os Heli hominem is tho Objuci. In construing, 0gin illi nisi G. 602 III. 1.-


Cestored by Cav. Canina. p. 193.