Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류



IX. X. Catiline is incorristible illiso no into ite, ut to the Canis of Manlius.

35. Quamquam, and et indieatri a Sudde transition in hoc urse of thought. G. 516 I. 4. Ut frungat G. 495, 2, 2).-UIIa G. 457. 3G. Tu ut corrigus. Observe the emphati Ρ0Sition os the pro noun. G. 446 602 III. 1.1 Utinum duint M. 239, 34 488, 1 and 2.-IStum mentem. I

meseas and ut cedas in the precedin Sentenee 12. Inimico, ut raedicas, tuo, our enem a8 Ou es me.


158 NOTES.

rim A.

27. Tu ut ossis G. 495, 2, 2).-IIIa i. o. aquila m. lsi III. 28. A cujus altaribus, froni hos alia Gallaribus, Singulti in

33. Haec res, his fact, i. o. his departure to the campis Manlius, a the signa os civit War.-Quandum m. 456, 2.

satam ex p0rditis atque derelictis thos utierly forsa en ab omni non

modo fortuna, Verum tin Spe.

s. Insidiantem agrues Nim i the mittet subidet os vim lare. I iis diuulem somno muritorum illustrate ud uesidendum lupruni, uni in- , diuntem bonis otiosorum illustrates diu, uua rendum.


XL XII. -Γeasons for allowιno Catiline to leave the Citu, thouoh his Crimes deserve Deam.

29. Muciari, o b eisite M punished. Astor impero, Cicero se thoinfinitivo ni in the passive The common constructio is tho Subjunetivo illi tit, e Me.


13. Saturnini et Gracchorum See p. 1 line 21 and p. 2 line H1 and 1 also notus o P. Scipio, p. 1 line 20 O C. Gracchu8, p. 2, lino 14 and C. Mario, p. 2 line 16.-FIncei See notum M. Fulvius, p. 2 line 15.-Suse Tiorum COIMPIurium, of mari men os formor

14. So etiam honestarunt, ut even distinguis ed thenise es. 15. Verendum . . . erat, I had n re on to fear G. 388.1G. Parricidari Abi Absol.-Invidiam Partitive Genitive illiquid. 17. Quo si, ut V. G. 453, 6.-En i. e. invidia.-Si imΡenderet. Observo that hoc animo semper fui Sint in appearunce the conclusion D0m his c0ndition the rea conelusion is hoc animo essem readi J

tarem, o Sard that I rogardod unpopularit incurred by virtuo asyDry, Ut unpopulari*. 20. Qui videant. G. 501 I. 22. Qui Iuerunt, and these have con med an independent State-m0nt With th Indicativo, and not lili qui videant, a more relative lauSedesining an indefinit antecedent. G. 453. 23. Non credendo, by Not belleviris i. e. by no eroditin theehargos against Catilino. 24. Non oIum in ΡTotii. .imsoriti, nolint the ad but a s me Unoran . Improbi and in eriti, sed substantively, aro in apposition Vith multi G. 363, 4. 25. Si in hunc animndvortissem, ij I hadpetinisheddim, a cor monoeshnical xpression lit., ha turne m allention to against him. Horo tho condition animadvertissem relatus to ast timo, ut the conclusion dioerent belong to tho present. G. 10. 1.2s Regie, tyrannicat . The Romans unde the commonWealth, With thoi traditi0nal hali sed of Lings, osten used the term in his enSe.-Quo intendit. Suppi pervenire.-Quo, hither i. e. in Manliana


162 NOTES.

3G. Iam clitan . . , rom the time hen Catiline three years bos oro, presented himself as a candidate so the consulShip. 12 a. Nescio quo pacto in ome way lit. I know no in Phat wayThis modi fies rupit, the principat Veri, G. 25, 4. 2. omnium Scelerum maturitus, the fui derelosment of all

3. Ex tanto Introcinio, frona o large a band of robbery the abstrae so the onerete.

5. Cura, metu. Abi. O Separation. G. In Venis utque in visceribus, in the ein and tu me vita . B u natura metaphor the State is here represente asin humani0dy.

Observe ille repetition os the preposition in Whieli has early the sameos de as in Englisti. T. Aegri ni ordo vnvi, sic retra a severe disease. G. 414, 1. 1 O. II te morbus, qui est, etc. hymo hic morbus in re publica, as in Englisti aut Comp. 41 7 420. 11. Vivis reliquis, is the re1 of the conspira tors rema in ali e. Abi obses G. 43 I, 2.12. Secedant Sulla os De Siro. G. 487.- bonis Se note onsocerne te bonis, p. 9, lino I 8.13. Id quod . . . dixi, as lit., that hich I have retroad osti m sal ἐν is in app0siti ith the clauso muro denique dis amantur a mobi' G 445 v.


that Od.-Qui os Constiturus, hose orahi reus effabiis et lit. Who 12Wast stablisliud me urbs is the subjectis constituta est, to e supplied.-IiSdem . . . auSPiciis, it the a me auspices ith hie this ityreas founded. Durin a fiere batile it the Sabines, Romulus is salilio hau vo Nest a templo to Jupiter, unde thestitie of Jupiter Stator, flowould stanti, stightis the Romans. 2D. Statore in the lay, o defender, an applicationis One themames of the god Iupiter Stator -IIuno, his one, i. e. Catiline. 31. Homines objecti maelabis. 32. Inimicos, hostes H0 do thesu Ord disse in meaning Lat. Comp. 341. 34. Vivo mortuosque Observe that a suture exiStetice is assume a certain.

I. In rodu thon. si ero constratulates the do I on the Departur of Catiline.

Se also Iutroduction, p. 140.


16.1 NOTES.