Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류


the various mista laus hichiis accomplices have mado sine hestest. Se 32 notum Saturnalibus, p. 28, line 18. 29. Tanto nute, o long in i anc6.-Rei utiIiCneri construo Vith exitii ae fati. 3O. Neque commisiSSet, nor have permitteJ-TCStCS a rei a se a Predicate Nominative. 34. Quod si G. 453, 6. 36. Quoad fuit suppi in urbe, as longis he reas here.-ΟCCurrintque obstiti I opposed an defecited. Observo the sitneS O atque, as obstiti implies successsul opposition G. 587 I. 2.1 Ut Ievissime dicum, to et the eas G. 493, 3. 32

VIII. IX The Suppression of the Conspirae Iaroeo


194 NOTES.

member o have been in the Capitol, a gilded fatue Vis suo in infant lit., silded, mali and suo ing), penino his moreth for the sis of a reos Legen represente Romulus as havin been ursed in insano byn She-Wolf. The sam us Brong Wolf in thu modern Capitolis Romui supposed by many to e the identica statue os hic Cicero here



13. IIIua; expis inedi ut, quum . . . ducerentur.-Ita TRESOnS, O 33 olearly divine l. e. AhoWing the diVine preSeneo. 14. Quum ducerentur; G. 527. 15. Eorum indices the witnesses against them. -Eorum Objective Genitive. Aedem Concordiae Siluatedin the Slope of the Capitolino Hill nea the Forum. 20. Quo, for his reason l. e. beeaUS the are opp0Sing the gods;

statue jus erected. 2G. Dii immorta idus ducitius, dinde the uisine of the immorta gori. G. 431, 2.-Ego hunc mentem . . . SuSCepi I conceloedinis purpos and destre. Ego, emphatic, in contrast, it diis. 29. Creditae. Nunquam essent elong to creditae, as ellis to commissae.-Et ignoti et Burdaris to those ho ere both frangersand barbarians ς i. e. to the ambassador O the Allobroges. 3O. CommiSSRBque . . . ESSEnt, an letters ould neve have been committe to them Supplyciis referring to ignotis et barbaris. 31. Huic tantae audaciae, froni Lis 8 great udacis i. o. , om his Eo audactous conspiracy the abstrae so the concrete. G. 386, 2.32. Ut homines GaIΙi. In renderingi egin illi id non . . putatis, P. 31 line 1.-Ut . . . negligerent. . . ante Ponerent MiXed Rosuit, in apposition illi id. G. 495, 3.-EX civitate RIe neutri, rom astate earee subjugatos


19 6 NOTES.

88 . . Tho tribuno, P. Sulpicius, propos sed a la transferring the command in the Mithridatiosa froni Sullari Marius ohereupon Sulla, Who ad not sit est Italy marched Witti his legion to Rome, ut Sulpicius o death, an banished Marius an Others. 14. Custodem hujus urbis. Marius is o callediueausei Saved Rome rom invasio by the Cirubri and Teutones, 10 and 101 B. C.


198 NOTES.

Vestrum. Predicato Adjective agreein With the subjecipi et id re. 29. Mihi ipsi nihil noceri potest, I mysely cannot be injure fatali G. 301 3 Nihil Accus. of Specification. 32. Dignitas, authoris. 33. Quam qui negligunt, and those ho disregard his lit., hi tareho laregarii. G. 453 3. Thu antecedentis quam is is that os quiis omitted. G. 445 6. 35. Nobis: G. 446, 2.30. Nullius G. 457,2.36 2. Converterit; ut Pers Votiis m. 388, 1 I).

5. Quo possit G. 501 I.-Ad ita fructum, a the rewardos life lit., to or for the, etc. Fructum here dOe no mea en jument, but that hicli is producod the fruit, crearii, Gisit. s. In honore vestro, amon the honor in ore fift, lit., in ore rhonor i. e. honor Conferre by Ou. Tesbo is equivalent to the Sub jectivo Genitive. G. 398, 3. Cicero had atready attaine the ver highosti ali heso honors, tho consulfhip. Heia reached the summitis a Roma 's ambition. S. III id. Explained by quis quae 9 Si. . . Ornem. D. Ut tuear tuu ornem, to maintain and adorn. Cicer means that in suturo lis it ill si his inario maintain and illustrato the cryprincipies hieli hau controllud his conduci during his consulfhip. 1 O. Conservunda re sublica, in preservin the spublic lit., by, cte. Abi. O MeanS.



I. II. Lntroduction. Cicero Ganks the Senate foraneis dind Solieitusse in his Henam ut est thema consultono the Publi me are.

I. In me . . . CODVETSOS The eye Os allore turne to the consul, 37no oni in anxious expectationis the partae is to tali in this imp0rtant debatu, ut also in deos Solicitude for his personat Sasely.2. Vestro. sith vestro an rei publicae, suppi perieulo fro line 4.

Seo Introduction, P. 141.


200 NOTE l.


. . . eae fatis Sibyllinis haruvicumqus GPOH6i8, Ss 88 . . . nec δα

mans, an honor.