장음표시 사용
22. Familia, re it a retinue of Servant8. 23. Acquirere ut fidem, to ad totour rodit, i. e. by payin yOur
25. Omnium, of at thinga objective Gen. illi astatione G. 396,
of the auotion There is in his passage a plaympo the ord tabulae. Cicero says debis hali e reducod not iudeud by an ne vesaW, ut by the public sal os the propert of the dubior. 29. Quod this, i. e. to et thei properi ascis implied in austi9
409, 3. 2. Honores Objectis consequi.-Quo Objectis deverant. G. 371. 3 I).-Quieta re PuBIica, ni eaee fui condition of the stato. 3. Ne I turbuta. Suppi re publica.-QuibuS O ... id tur, tothese illa enis proper that his admonition nould besivena lit., to rehom thias enis to deserve to e preseribed. Here the Latin employ the personalconstruction, and the Englisti tho impersonat. Hoc is the subjue of hi detur Vith praecipiendum VPply 88e. d. Unum et idem in apposition illi hoc. - Quo reliquis Omnibus. Suppi praecipiendum Sse videtur. 5. Ut e sperent Mixed Pur posse in app0Sition illi hoc, et e X- Pressing the purp0Sem prascipiendum. G. Omnium Partitive Gen. aster primum. G. 396 III. 2,4), 4).- ne ipsum vigiInre, te These infinitive clauses dependisponi verbos ving implied in praecipiendum. G. 30 II. 1. S. In nXima mu titudino. nother readin is maximam ut titudinem. 11. TnESeut CS in psydon.-Quod Si. . . ndepti bus f the should
Catilinae est, ut me ast clam nos illiin rimber, ut iso. . . is that whio is ecfiliari Catiline 's. Postremum, ost, ut in th doublegens os lase and omest, as Sh0Wn by genere 298 atque ita. - Numero G. 429.
XL Contrast betreeen the or es of Catiline and those of the State.
di posed lit., of iter minii thani portion of the patricians. This is only
5. Atque rideo, and even or ather. 23 S. Monitos etiam atque etiam, to e admonished aga in and uia. Suppi esse. Ili subjectineeu Sativeri illos in linora above. D. NOIutior, excessiee, lit., to Nur68tricte L-HOC ex syectavit, ithas had his objeet Hoesis explained by the claus ut id . . . erumperes. 10. Quod reIiquum est for the future, lit., acto hat remetiris; here in a temporal sensu, as O the time hieli remalias for the future, Opp0Sed to adhue, lino Mabove. 13. Portis, viam Datives of Possessor, heiates have o Deeper,
31. Ut neque Onu quisquam . . . quo thalis modi an . . . aridi at. Neque et non, O Whic et is in correlative of que. G. 58 Ι. 5.-Ut ne duo. . . Dos Sitig in apposition it illud above. 33. Prudentia con SiIiis, etc. G. 419 IV. 34. Multis et non dubiis significationibus, on the any dure
I. Introduction Cicero annotin es the Ea Ostire indo itur of the Conspira ν The State is a se.
T. Et Si. . . Servavit Thi Sentence, a BlSO the preceding, is asino specimen o a sui Latin period. G. 605.-Si. . . Sunt . . . debebit.
II. Lentulus, ne of the Conspirators, ammers it the Allobrosies. The alter are se laed by the senis of
τ. Hujus Verbi t. e. of the or ejiciebam.-IIIa; i. e. illa insidia.
26 9. Quo vivus exierit This clauso explain illa, sine thal un- popularity urising from the uel that he wen forta alive, etc.-Exierit;
pino Gaul, o in Gaul 0yond the Alps. 20. Tumii Itus GaIlici a Gallio revoli or rear Tumultus, a distingui Aliud si Om bellum, is applied speciali to a commotion O War in Ital or in Cisalpine Gaul. G sitiei, Gallie, as hero distinguis hed romtransulpini means in Cisa in Gaul. P. Critu IO. Publius Corneliu Lentulus, a partis Catiline, as at this time praetor. II had 00n consul, ut Nas subsequently expellud rora in Senatemn O Ount seandali us Ide uis eleetion to the meem praetor restored hi in to the sonat 0.-Esse Ollicitatos, ad con an ore t illi. i. o. Len