The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


od os as are ritiei in his books as also in Matthew, viii. 4. Mar X. 2, 4. ii. 19 Luke XX. 28, 37. Jolin ii. 14. Chap. vii. 8, 1 Chap. viii. 17. Chap. xlx T. Many things hieli ere commanded, are also called the laway Moses, in relation to the buriat sterings Levit.


vi. 25. Chap. vii 37 to the sacrifice Levit. i. 25. Chap. vii 1, 11 to the meat fiering Levit. vi. 14 to the lepro-sy, Levit. xiv. to jealohisy, Umb. V. 29; to the agariteship, umb. i. 13, 21. Moses himsel also callud his books the lare Moses xx rote his lare, an de- livored i unt the prie sis, the Son os Levi, thatiare the arti os the covenantis dehovali and e sali unt them, a Lethis book of the lare, an put it by the sideos th ar os the covenant os ehovah. 'Deut XXXi. 9, 11, 26. An it was by theside; ut illiin the r Were the tablesos Stone, 'hicli in a strict ense are thelaw. The book os Moses a re also called


17; here by the la is signifie thewhole acred Scripture. 11. That by the ord' sulfillin allthings os thecia is meant, thati sulfillo dat things contained in the Word, Will sartherappea stom hos passages here it is Sald that the Scripture a sulfillud by him, and that at things ere finishod asstoin the ollowin Jesus en into the Synagogue, an Stood ut so to read, and there a delivere uni hi in tho book of si prophet Isaiah and when he hadopene the book, he ound the placewhere it was ritien, the Spirit os the Lor is pon me, e causeae halli an Oint-od me to reach the ospe to the oor;


whichae spake, of them that thou gavest mo have I lost not one.' Jolin viii. 9. Then aid Jesus uiato Peter, ut up thysWor into iis place, fordore thenishul thescriptures e fulsiled that thus it mustae. But ali his a done that the scriptures of


30. The se things ore dono that thescriptures might be ut iled Α bone os

undisi the propheis, he expounde Unto them in ali the scriptures the things con , cerning himself. V uti xiv. 25, 26, 27. Anil surther Jesus a id tanto his discipies, ' These are the word Whicli I spes emulo


ed the helis, an ulso uti glorised his


is meant hell, and that he asterivard ascended in glor into heaven; ut it is asye unknown that the Lor conquere ddeath orael by spiritua combais, hi hare temptation S, and thereb glorisie his

humanity at the fame time; and that hepassionis the oros was the sina combator temptation, by hicli e suli conquere the ne and glorified the ther. Con- cerning these Spiritua combat o temptations of the Lord, much is spolieri in the

propheis an in the Psalm os David, ut not o much in the vangelist sor in the vangelisis the temptations ilia hesustaine 1 rom his ouili are briefl describe da his temptations in the wilder-neSS, and aster ard by his belli tempte dos tho devit, an finalty by thos thingswhicha sussere in Gethsemane, and Onthe cross. What relates to his temptations in the wilderness, an asterWard by the devit, a b Seen in Matthew, Chap. v.

to 11 in Mark, hap. i. 12, 13 and in Luke, hap. v. 1 to 13. But by heso ars signised the Al os the temptations that he suffere even uni the last the Lord didio revelli unt his disciple any

was sui in Isaiah, Me a oppresse d


an die a amicted, et e pene nothis molith. e is rough as a lam to the laughter, an a a hee bes ore herShearer is umboso e pene no his molith.' Chap. liii. 7. What concertis his temptations in Gethsemane, may be Seen in Matthe xxvi. 36 to 44 in Marti, hap. iv. 32 to 2 an in Luke, cha p. xxii. 39 to 46. Anil concerning the temptations On the Cross, in Matthew, chap. xxvii. 33 to 50 in ark, Chap. XV.

and in Jolin, hap. xxix. 1 to 34. owspiritua temptations are nothin eis than conabat against the helis. Concerning the temptations o spiritual conflicis orconabat os the Lord, se n. 201 to 302, in a reatis Concerning the Nei Ierusalem an iis Heavenly Doctrine, publishedat London an concerning temptation Sin general, n. 189 to 200 os the a me.


od. V Chap. xvi. 11. lso, me o good cheer, I have ver come the worid ' Chap. xvi. 1, and in Luke, Vesus suid, I be-hold Satan asci hining fuli from heaven 'Chap. X. 8. ere, by the worid, ille prince os the orid, satan, and the devit, is meant heli. That the Lor also suli glorisio his humanit by the passionis the oro Ss, heteaches in Jolin Aster that Judas asgone ut desus Sald, o is the Son of

32. In the fame, Father, ille our is come, gloris th Son that hy on uiso may gloris thee. V Chap. vii. 1, 5; and in the fame, No is my oui troubled, andie sa id Father, gloris thymam Pandthere came a voice frona eaVen, dying, I hune glorised ii, and vili glori again. Chap xii. 27, 38. In ulte, ought no Christrio have suffered, and to enterint his glori'V Chap. xxiv. 26. Thesethings are polien Concerning the paSSion. The glorification here spolien os, i an union os illo divinit ivitii ille humani ty, Wheres ore it is suid, Gn God hull


14. That thetor came into the woridio reduce to orde at things in heavenand in arth, and that this a essected by spiritu a combat against the helis, hich

possibi have been ave without suci a process, i predicte in many passage os the propheis os,hicli only a seru shallae here adducod. In Isaiah hocis his that comessi rom Edom, illi dye garment stom Bogralid o that is glorious in his apparet, travellin in the reatnessos his strength M that spea in righteous-

red in hine apparet, and th garments likehim that troadeth in the wine-sat have