The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


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complexity of iis combination, and the distere iace of opinionWhicli exi sis as to iis actuat state; and also, because it appears to be sus iciently distinctive. Fourcroy considers that thereare two disterent triple salts of muriatic acid, Willi mercuryEnd ammonia, depending upon the disterent proportions of the acid, which he distinguishes as solubie and insolubie

mercurio-ammoniacat muriates. Is ammonia be added in excess to a solution of Oxymuriate os mercury, a White insolubie precipitato is formed, consisting of oxyd of mercuryO,8l, muriatic acid O,l6, ammonia O,O3, and muriatic acidbeing ad ted thereio, Combines ivitii the sali and dissolves it, converting the insolubie muriate into the solubio one. Asimilar compound is formed at once by ad ling the oxymuriate os mercury to a solution os muriate os ammonia. Five paris of the oxymuriate require l00 of water to their solution; but this sanae quantity wili be disso Ned in three paris ofwater, is one os muriate os ammonia be previousty dissolved therein, and this triple solubie compotand was the Sal Alembroth, or sali Os Wisdom, of the alchemisis. The addition os subcarbonate os potass deprives the solubie sali os a portionos iis muriatic acid, and thus converis it into the insolubleone, Whicli, in faci, seems to form the white precipitaled mercury here directed.



PURITIED MERCURY.H drargnrua purificatus, P. L. I 787. Argentum vivum puriri sicatum, P. L. 1745.

Mercury is osten adulterat ed by metals os inserior price, with whicli it Will an algamate, and on this account a prepara tion os it for pharmaceutical purposes has always been undnecessary, to effect Whicli, iis comparative volatilily supplies aready mode. IL in addition hereto, iron in a divided state beemPloyed, Whicli has a stronger attraction to the ad ted metalsthan mercury itself has, and at the fame time does not unitem illi mercu , the heat may be continuod so that the wholeos the lalter may be distilled over Without loss. The proportion Os iron is here diminished to th, whicli is praci catly sussicient: in the former Pharmacopoeia equat weighis Ceredirected. An iron retori is also to be used, as not be ingliable to breala; and surther, as mercury, When bciling, bubbles up strongly, it is necessary that it should be large enough to contain three times the quantity of the actualcharge. The neck of the retort should be elongated by an adopter, and a receiver of iron or earthen Ware shouid beused to collect the mercUry.



BED SULPHURET OF MERCURY.Hydrargyrus sulphuratus ruber, P. L. II87. Cinnabaris factitia, P. L. II 65.

Sublimed Sulphur, eight OunCOS. Having mel ted the sulphur over the sire,

TWo sulphureis of mercury were Inserted in the last Pharmacopoeia, but one is thought sussicient sor any of the pur- poses to Whicti it is applied, and this, whicli is the most uniform and perfect of the two, is retained. The sirst of them, drarcus cum sulphure, Was formed by triturating together equat paris of sulphur and mercury untii the globules di sap- Peared and a uniform blach po der vias formed; but this Wasseidom so completely eflected as that metallic globules u erenot stili visibi e by a magni'ing glass. The second had the immediate union facilitate l, in the sirst instance, by hcat, forthe mercury Was added to the sulphur previoustu si sed, and


the sulphuret was aftei Wards sublimed, and formed drargyrus sulphuratus ruber. The differen ce of colour, forna, and relation to other substances, demonstrate that these two combinations of the fame ingredients diiser frona cach other, but the circumstances iapon whicli this ditarence depen is have been vario usty explained. Fourcroy states that itarises Dona a greater proportiora of OXygen being combinedu illi the metat in the last than in the sirst, assuming thateuch is in sact a sulphuret of Ovd os mercury. But more

merely a sulphuret os mercury, and differs Dona the other in the proportion of sulphur, and also, that the sublime lsulphuret consists of mercury 0, 85, sulphur O,l5. Aster the admixture of the two substances in the sirst part of the process, the masS heais, S uelis, and explodes with considerable force, and is it be then exposed to the air it Will inflanae. The commeracement there re of this est ect is to be car fully Walched, a cover immediat ely put upon the vesset anil pressed Upon by a great Weight, proportionale to the quantity. Catilion is necessary after variis that the neci: of the vesset Dotn whicli it is sublimed is not so smali as to bestopped up by the condensation of the sublimed sulphuret, Whicti Will very probably happen is a common retori beused. The sulphuret, thus prepared, fornas a deeP red calae, with a shining striated appearance, and ,:When reduced topowder, assumes that rich red colour Whicli characterises vermitiora, under Whicli nanae it is Enown in the aris. It istasteless, not altered by air, insolubie in Water or aikohol, sublimes unchanged in close vessuis, and burias in the operiair With a blue flame. The mercury may be distilled Domit by heating it mitti iron silings, whicli unite with the





Aqua lithargyri acetati, P. L. I 8 T.

This is a dense liquor of a deep brown colour, and consists of a saturaled solution os subacetate os lead. It was restored in the last Pharmacopoeia, in consequence of the celebrity it had obtained under the nanae of Goularis Extract.



Cerussa acetata, P. L. t 787. Saccharum saturni, P. L. I 1s, P. L. 4720.

Boii the carbonate os lead in the aciduntii it be saturaled, then strain the solutioni bi ough paper, and having evapora ted themater untii a pellicle begitis to appear Uponthe sui face, set it aside that crystals may forna. Having potared aWay the Water, drythese crystals upon bibulo US Paper.


dissolve 0. 29, and when cold, retaln 0.2 . Ιt is also solubie in alcohol, and is decomposed by most of the acidf, aikalies and eartiis. Dr. Bostock Nicholsons Durnal, ii. gives the following relation belween a saturaled solution of this saltand the solution os subacetate os lead, he re described. Solution of this superacetate: OXyd I6,8, acid I, 5, Water 5, . Solution os acetate of lead: oxyd 23, I, acid 5,water II,9. The folio ing are stated by Μr. Thomsonas the constituent paris of the tWo salis in a crystalli redstate. Os the superacetate: Oxyd 58, acid 26, Water Isi 100. of the acetate: oxyd I 8, acid 17, water 5 m IOO An experiment of Scheele's, by Whicli ho converted a saturat est solution of the superacetate, Which was then called fugaros lead, into the acetate then callest Goulard's extraci, by immersing a plate os metallic lead in the former, farther iI- lustrates the relative proportions of each. A leaden vesset

was directed in P. L. 1745 to be employed, to vhicli theresan be no objection.




Aqua lithargyri acetati composita, P. L. 1787.Τahe of Solution of Acetate of Leud, adrachm.

Distilled Water, a Pint. Weati Spirit, a fluidrachm.

When this mixture is made, even with distilled Water some precipitation takes place; and when, as is more common, ordinary Water, containing any muriates orsulphates, is used, this is much more abundant Dom doubie decomposition, and gives the liquor a milhy appearance When diffused throughit. To this it omes iis common name of lite etυara.



Calamina praeparata, P. L. I 787.

BURN the calamine, and reduce it to poWder: then let it be brought into the state ofa very sine poWder, in the Same manner that chalk is directed to be prepared.

Zincum calcinatum, P. L. I 48 .


METALS AND THEIR SALTS.n Sieve. LaStly, Pour Water Upon it, so that a very sine poWder may be made, in the manner directed for the preparation of chath.

In this process the Zinc is inflamed, and the oxyd sormed by iis inflammation is collected; heiace the precautions directed as tothe fige, depth, and temperature of the cruci ble, and to the exposure of Desti sursaces of the metal by removing the crust ofoxyd Whicli forins upon iis furface. The metal buriis With ahright white flame, and throws up an abundance of white flakes, the preparation of Whicli, for the separation of any adherent unchanged metallic particles, is particularly directed. This oxyd consists of ginc 80, oxygen 20. It istasteless and insolubie in Water.


Zincum vitriolatum, P. L. 1 87. Sal vitrioli, P. L. 1715. P. L. 1720.

Sulphuric acid, by Weight, sive