The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Oleum essentiale anisi, P. L. iISI. Oleum e siminibus anisi, P. L. I 745.


Oleum e floribus chamameli, P. L. 17έ5. Oleum chamamalinum, Ρ. L. 1720.


oleum essentiale carui, P. L. II 87. Oleum essentiale e seminibus caret, P. L. I 715.

Oleum essentiale iuniperi baccae, P. L. II8 . Oleum essentiale e baccis jurriperi, P. L. I 7 5. P. L. I 72O.




oleum essentiale lavendulae, P. L. II 8I. Oleum essentiale e floribus Lavendulae, P. L. 1745.


Oleum essentiale menthae piperitidis, P. L. 1787. Oleum essentiale e foliis menthae piperitidis, P. L. I 745.


Oleum essentiale meiathae salivae, P. L. I. 87. Oleum essentiale e soliis menthae vulgaris, P. L. I i5.


Oleum essentiale origani, P. L. II 87. Oleum essentiale e foliis origani, P. L. II45.


Oleum essentiale pulegii, P. L. IT87. Oleum essentiale e foliis pulegii, P. L. IIl .


Oleum essentiale roris marini, P. L. t 78 . Oleum essentiale e foliis roris marini, P. L. 17 5.



Whicli they retain, in every instance, ille characteristic Odour, but not always the taste; for the oti os pepper is not pungent, nor that Os WormWood bitter. Severat are importe lfrom Warm climates, Where they are produced in greater persection, and there re stand in the catalogue of Materia Medica; others, forming the present chapter, are usuallyprepared in this country, for the purposes of pharmacy, stomsubstances Whicli are ei ther indigenous or imported. Thereare sonae cases in Whicli the volatile oti may he obtained by expression, as froin the rind of temons and oranges; but allinose Whicli are directed under this head require the common process of distillation. The former Pharmacopoeia ad ted as much mater as Would prevent empyreuma ; in thepresent, as much aS Will cover the vegetable employed isordered, whicli is the fame thing in effeci. These otis risemith a heat of 2I2', thi Water is therefore to be qui cicly madeto boil; they are condensed in the worm of the refrigeratory, and are asterWards separated most conveniently Dom the water with whicli they pass over by an Italian receiver, or by means of a separating lannei, the stem of Whicli is stopped by the finger, and when this is removed, the heavier inferior Wateris allowed to escape, and by replacing it, the Egliter superior Oilis retained. As sonae olis are more volatile than others, and donot require the vegetabie frona whicli they are extracted tobe boiled in the water, means have been contrived for suspending them in a basi et in the stili head, and thus exposing

them to a current of Steam, Willi improvement of their odour; such are the olis os lavender and rosemary. Volatile otis are

are no articles in the Shops Subject to more adulteration : is


heated, While ille volatile oti evaporates entirely Without leaving any : is With oil os turpentine, ille smeli ivili disco- ver it whon rubbed belween the fingers: is With aikohol, mater Will be immediately rendered milhy by them: is witheach otiuer, and the cheaper are thus substituted for the more expensive, it can only be discovered by an acquaintance withtheir sensibie qualities. The water Whicli passes over is thesame with Water distilled frona the plant, and is directed to be ept for use as such Where the sanae distilled water is employed pharmaceutically; in the case where no distilled water of the plant is hept, it may stili, as being saturaled with theoit, be a luantageousty employed in repetitions of the samo process. Is these olis be exposed to light, they be comedar er coloured; and is to air, they unite With iis oxygen and thichen. Care must be talaen to ciean thΘ stili an divorin Which have been used for distilling ono Oil be rethey are used for the preparation of another.



Oleum succini rectificatum, P. L. I 787. Oleum succini. P. L. 1745. P. L. II2O.

Introduce the Amber into an alem hic, So

that there may distit ouer, from a Sand bath, With a si re gradu atly rai Sed, the acid liquor, the Oil, and a sali impregna ted With oil: thenrepent the distillation of the Oil twice.

Amber is decomposed is it be exposed to a red heat succinic acid in solution arises, a quantity of the fame acid


ublimes and collecta in the neck of the retori, and iliorealso passes over a brown-coloured oti, which becomes dari eras the process advances, and has a bituminous unpleasant sineti and acrid taste. It is necessary that the heat shouldhe cautiousty applied, and kept very lo at si xst, not higher, that is, than 2120, untd the water and a smali portion os illinoil have come over, after Whicli it may be clowly increa ed; this management is necessary, becanse is the fre be uigetoo hastily at sirst, the amber Will rise witi ut decomposition. An iron or earthen axe retori is, as Gottiing stateS, to be presei red to a glass one. The Producis are to a considerabio degree contaminated by each Other, more especiallu the concreto ac id, whicli is pii xed with and coloured by the oil; and when in the sormer Pharmacopoeia It WaSretained under the name of Ses Succini, iis purification Wasdirected in a particular process and was dissicultly estected. This concrete acid is now omitted, both as being very rare y Used, and as appearing to possess no powers Whicli Nould justi se iis retention. The oti is rendered lighter coloured,

and less foetid, by the two following distillations.


Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum, P. L. 1787. Oleum terebinthinae aethereum, P. L. I 15. Oleum sive Spiritus terebinthinae, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Oleum spicae, P. L. l.



a hot pungent iaste, and peculiar smoli, arises, and CommonyelloW resin remnins bellind. The botling potnt of this ollis 560', and it is puri sed for medicat use by a second distillation, in Whicli process great caution is necessary, On ac Count of the volatilily and inflammabili ty of the oil; whenthus prepared, it has been called Spirit os turpentine, and does not appear materialty to differ frona the common preparation, but a thicher residuary matter, called Balsam os turpentine, in this case rematris in the stili. It is dissicultly and sparingly solubie in alEohol. In the former Pharmacopoeia, the preparation of the oli immediately Dom the turpentine Was inserted; at present both it and the yellow res in are talienas prepared by manufacturers, and iis re-distillation is directedio purisy it for the purposes of internat exhibition.



Valers pro to bo distillod frona di ted planis,

uni ess it be other vise directed, hecause theycannot be obta ined si osti, at nil times of the year. When si esti planis are employed, thequantitios liere directed must he dou biod. To every gallori os these Walers adii sive

fluidourices of procis spirit, ior the Pui poseos preserving them.

Ali these Watem are impregnated With a certain quantityos 'the essentiat olis of the planis frona whicli they are distilled, and there re resemble the water Whicli passes overfroin the sanae planis in the collection of their essentiat olis. Here, however, a larger proportion of water is used; and the common stili and worm tub are also the instruments by

whicli they may be prepared. Dried planis are preferred generalty for their preparation, and When fregii ones are used, allowance is to be made for the quantity of water they contain and whicli is tost by drying; this is estimated generallyat about half their Weight, and a doubie proportion os suchis directed in order to give the fame impregnation of Oil to agi ven quantity of ter. As SOme portion of mucilage, orother constituent part of the plant, is generalty carried overwitti the oli, these Walers are apt to hecome ropy and Spoli ; and to Prevent this, a smali quantity of spirit is adde l. This


. DISTILI ED WATERS. 167mode os preparation has been retained, and considered aspreferable io, and more grateful than, the eXtemporaneous Preparation of such Walers, by admixture os a few drops of the essentiat Oil With water and shalaing them together, oradding What have been called esse ices to water, at the timethe particular impregnation is Wanted. Sucti essences are prepared by the union os aikohol With the essentiat olis.


Aqua distillata, P. L. IISI.

The purification of common water by distillation mas, in the last Pharmacopoeia, insisted upon for almost ali the uses of Pharmacy; it is now applied only for those nicer Pur- poses to whicli it seems absolutely necessisy, in the liope thaliis limited application may be more strictly attended to than Was iis former general one. It has not been by any meansa confined idea, that common water, is boiled and si itered, is equat sor every pui pose to distilled water, and is also equallypure; it may HOt, there re, be superfluous here to urge, thathoiling geis rid of no salis Doni Water, but those Whicli are


dissolved therein by the medium of earbonic Mid, Which, i fit be present at ali, is dri ven oss by the heat applied, and thusubstances Which: Were dissolved by it chleh carbonate of lime) precipitate accordingly. From dissolved extraneous matters Very natural Walers are Dee; they mayhow ver and do differ in their quantity and quality iudi Terent instances, and of courso their application maybe more or less improper sor the solution of other salis, when directed for medicat use; the tests there re of the presence of such substances Will visy, and can only beapplied Dom a generat chemicat Enowledge of their effecis. The more delicate of these must be employed with Somedegree of caurion, for Water Whicli is distilled in the common Way Will osten carry Over sorne extraneous matter in iis spray, and thus aster the Process, contain enough of the riginal impregnation to be sensibie to a delicate test

Aqua anethi, P. L. 178I. Aqua seminum anethi, P. L. II 5.