장음표시 사용
Aqua seminum carui, P. L. II15.
This is the only ne ater introduced into the presentilat, and is a very gratesul and usent addition to it.
Aqua cinnamomi, P. L. 1787. Aqua cinnamomi simplex, P. L. II 15. Aqua cinnamomi tenuis, P. L. 1720.
Aqua foeniculi, P. L. 17ST. P. L. II 15.
Aqua menthae piperitidis, P. L. I 787. Aqua menthae pipe ritidis simplex, P. L. 1745.
Aqua menthae sativae simplex, P. L. I 787. Aqua menthae vulgaris simplex, P. L. I 745.
PENNYROYAL W ATER. Aqua pulegii, P. L. 1787. Aqua pulegii simplex, P. L.
An increase in the former quantity of petals used Dr a gallon of water is made, both as improving the odour, and appearing, Dom experience, to keep better. Some chemistuare Sald to preserve the rose leaves in sali, and to distit rose-Water therefrom at any time of the year.
IΥ is one of the objects of Pharmacy to separate Dom me various constituent paris of vegetable and somelimes of aniamat matters, those in Whicti illeir medicat poWers reside, hythe agency os appropriate solvents. Upon the charactem Of these component paris it is not our present Purpose to en- large, but only to consider them in their relation to the so vent employed, and the circumstances Under Whicli they are placod. of the substance it self, it is only necessa here tostate, that a certain degree of division sacilitates the agen C f every solvent necessary, the minutenesS of sucti divisionbeing variable with different substances, as bruising, sit cing, powdering, &c. The sirst solvent used is water, and in thepresent chapter iis agen cy is increased by keeping up for a certain period the botling temperaturo os 212', whieti s uidbe done throughout the appo inted time moderately andequably, lihe what in common language is called ais ne ing. Is the matters to be dissolved are volatile at 212', this mode of preparation is improper; and in some of the com- pound decoctions, the relative volatilily of the ingredients is attended to in the addition of some paris thereos, whicli is
made at the end of the operation only. The time os iis continuance, Whicli is necessary to each article, can only befounded on experience ; but it requires particular attention, sor in some instances the eXposure of the vegetable matter to alii gli temperature, and especialty in contact with atmospherie
air, produces an alteration in iis composition, an I, in saci, renders it insolubie, so that a longer continuation of the process diminishes rather than increnses the strengili os the solution. As the solvent poWer of the water is increased by heat, so in most instances does this saturat ed hol solution deposite sonae part os iis contenis and become turbid as it cools; iis separation frona the insolubio paris is, there re, to bemade by straining whilst it is stili hol, and is hest done, generalty speaking, by squeeZing the solution through a coarselinen cloth; but in any instances Where the decoctiora istoaded with naucllage, and the separation os PoSs particles is
ali that is necessary, a common strat ner is sussicient. In the intimate connection whicli exists bet em the severat paris
of vegetabies, it osten happens that the solution os one is attended by a suspension in a minutely divi ted state os another, Whicli is, in laci, itsulf insolubie in the solvent employed; and this principie is also applied in the preparationos some decoctions. The a lueous solutions of vegetablematters are apt to decompose is they be long kepi; heiace, they should not generalty be made in large quantities atonce, but rather be considered as objects of extemporaneotis preparation, introduced into the Pharmacopoeia for the pur-Pose of convenience, and of moiding, in articles os generaluse, the constant repetition of those directions which WoulciotherWise be necessary in exerV preScription.
Γhis decoction, now first introduced, is analogouS to an article in very frequent popular use, under the name OfBeaume de Vie. By the proportion os tincture wllicli is addedit will be hept unchanged for any luneth of time.
Decoctum cinia oner, P. L. 178 .
Water, a Piut. Nil sor ton minutes in a vesset stightly covered, and Strain the decoction while
According to the option of the Practitioner, the barh ofelther of the other species of Cinchona, the cordifolia, ordielloma or the oblongi folia, or reda may be sutatituted forine lanci lia, or quilled whicli is here directed. In theformer directions, three more ounces of water Were added, in order to provide sor the loss by ova ration, and to yieldone clear pint of decoction; but this provision has been deemed unnecessary. The use of bruised, or coarsely divided, instead of the powdered, or finely divided, bark, is practicallyadvantageous, on account of iis tess price and the greaterrertainty of iis quality, and it is at the fame time sully sus- scient for the purpose required.
Mucilago seminis cydonii mali, P. L. IT 8 I. Mucilago seminum cydonionum, P. L. II 45.
Tahe of Quince Soed S, tWo drachnis. Water, a Pint. Boii over a gentie sire sor ten minutes, and
This decoction has been removed Dom among the muci Alages, as being less dense than either of the others, and asbeing omployed in larger doses like other mucilaginous decoctions. In addition to gum, it contains other constituent paris of the seeds, and is, there re, more apt to spoli than common mucilage, OVer Whicli it possesses no other advantages, than that it is more grateful, and is sussiciently thin, thout farther dilution, to form the bulla of any liquid dicine.
Decoctum hordei, P. L. 1787. Aqua hordeata, P. L. 1745.
Tho directions for this and the sollowing compound Decoction may seem rather to belong to the nurse than theapothecary. Iis preparation, however, is matter of no smallimportatice, as those Well know Who are in the habit of see-ing it in the chambers of the sich; and it is somelimes used niso as vehicle sor other active medicinal substances.