장음표시 사용
Decoctum hordei compositum, P. L. 1787. Decoctum pectorale, P. L. I 745. P. L. 1720.
Water, a Pint. Boii down to tWo pinis, and Strain.
The utility or necessity of stoning the raisins has beendoubted, but at any rate it assista the exposure of the interior part of the fruit, which would otherwise be defended by theshin Dom the action of the water.
Decoctum pro memate, P. L. I 87. Decoctum commune Pro clystere, P. L. II 45. Ρ. L. II20.
Water, a Pint. Boil sor a quarter of an hour, and Strain.
The impregnation os mater Dom various herbs sor the pur- pose of clysters and fomentations has very generalty pre- valled; and two formulae applicabie to these purposes Were directed in the last Pharmacopoeia; this is substituted forthe Decoctum pro enemate, and may ansWer either pu
Decoctum pro fomento, P. L. I 87. Fotus communis, P. L. 1715.
18 ror various purposes, especialty fomentations, advantage is derived Dom the solution of the narcotic matter containea in poppy heads; this may there re he considered as a usefuladdition, and as reducing to form a direction in very common
This astringent decoction is chiefly used sor externat applicationS.
Decoctum sarraparillae, P. L. 1787.
put it again into the limior, and macerate itin a similar manner sor two hours more; thenboit it down to tWo pinis, and Strain.
The directions for this and the following formula are varied Dom those of the former Pharmacopoeia, by omittingthe preci se tomperature of 195', wllicli mas illere defined, and substituting the more practical and convenient digestionupon the si de of a fre in an ordinary stove.
Decoctum sarraparillae compositum, P. L. 1ι8ι.
Megereon Root Barh, three drachm S.
This is no first introduced as being a useful medicine, especialty in affections of the lungs, attended with debility, and inordinate secretion.
Decoctum hellebori albi, P. L. II87.
Mater, t vo PintS. Recti fied Spirit, two fluidounces. Lod the hellebore root in the water do unto a pirat, and strain the decoction: theu afterit has cooled, add the spirit.
os iis bolling temperature, by heat applied. This mode is
called infusion, and expresses, in the language of Pharmacy, an affusion os bolling Water upon any substance, and alloWing itto stand thereon for a certain time. Water is also occasion- atly affused cold in the fame manner; and when it is, the specific term of cold infusion is expressed. It is applicabieto those substances which contain any paris volatile in theheat of 2I 2, to the separation os more readily solubie constituent paris Doni those Whicli are less so, and to the preparation os stighter imprognations than botling for a tengilios time produces. The botling temperature of the water isso soon lost in this mode os application, that even with themost delicate substanas it does no injury, and it assisis inloosening the texture of the vegetabie, and emcting the
solution much sooner than cold water alone does. Infusionsare usually matters of extemporaneous prescription, and
cannot generat ly be Eept ready prepared in the shops Without spolling; but their introduction into the Pharmacopoeia Will, as With Decoctions, prevent the repetition necessary for theformer of these purposes, and the smali quantity of hali apint directed for each mill obviate the changes induced by
the lalter. From these circumstances of convenience, their number has been extended to most of the articles incommon use, and the strennii of eacti is accommodated tothe most usual standards of practice.
Macerate for a quarter of an bour in a co- vered vesset, and Strain.
INFUSION OF CALUMBA. Tahe of Calumba Boot sticed, a drachm.