The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


19: called Extractive, or Extraci, or Extractive Principie, and asthis forins one of the clites constituent paris of corninon EX-tracis, and possesses certain definite characters, it will be Pro-Perto mention such of them as may influence iis pharmaceutical relations. The Extractive Principie has a strong taste, di flering in different planis: it is solubie in Water, and iis solutionSpeedily runs into a state of putrefaction, by whicli it is de- Stroyed. Repeated evaporations and solutions rendor it at last insolubie, in consequence of iis combination with oxygen Domthe atmosphere during these processes. It is solubie in alco hol, but insolubie in ether. It unites With alumine, and is boiled with neutral salis thereos, precipitates them. It Precipitates With strong acidf, and with the oxyds Dona solutions of most metallic salts, cspecialty muriate of tin. It rea lilyimites With aikalies, and fornas compotands Witti them Whichare Solubie in Water. No pari, however, of this subject hasbeen hitherio sum ciently examine l. The generat rules fortite preparation os Extracis, Whicli are gi ven in the texi, require minute and accurate attentiora, more particularly in theimmediate evaporation of the solution, Whether prepared byeXpression Or decoction, in the manner as Weli as the degree of

heat by whicli it is performed, and the promotion os it bychanging the furface by constant stirring When the liquor be-gins to thichen, and even by directing a Strong current of atrover iis furface, is it can conveniently be done. It is impossibio to regulate this temperature over a naked fire, or is it boused to prevent the extraci frona burning ; the use of a waterhath is theres ore absolutoly necessary, and not to be dispensed with, and the beauty and precision os eXtracis soprepared Will demonstrato their superiority. I have on this account not judged ii superfluous, in order to ens orce this strongly, and to Show ho v it may be conducted convenientiv, to give a sketch of a modification of the common tin fauce -


pari Which. I devised sor the use of St. Bartholomem 's IIospital, and whicli, frona iis simplici ty and facili ty os application, must talae aWay ali eXcuse Dona those who have here tofore employed nahod fires for this purpose. For this modo os preparation, volatile and aromatic substances are Uufit, and the clarification or defrecation of the liquor is, in almoste very ins a. ice, improper. A smali portio' os rectistest spirit ix ad ted to the s , ster extracis to preserve them from moui ling. The consistence of extracis is important ; it should be suchas to retain the round forna os a pili xvithout any addition ofpowder. They are usu atly too sost, and the temptation is considorabie to those who prepare them for sale in a large Way, not to evaporate them to the proper consistence. Theomissions Dom the former Pharmacopoeia are, Extractum cacuminis Genistae, Rutae, Sabinae, Cascarillae, Sennae, and Succus Baccae Sambuci spissatus. The additions to the present are, Extractum Aconiti, Bella Ionia re, Aloes, Colocynthidis, Humuli, Hyoscyami, Opii, Rhei, Sarsaparillae, I araxaci



Tatio os Aconitu Luaves si CSli, a P Ound. Di uisu them in a stone na ortar, Sprint lingon u litti e Water; then press o ut the jui CC, and , without any Separation of the sediment, evuporale it to a proper con Si Sten Ce.

This, and the Extracta Belladonnae, Comi, and Hyoscyami Would, in the language of the former Pharmacopoeia, have


prepared according to one common process. The teX ture the plant is sit si destroyed by brui sing, iis juice is then expressed, and reduced by evaporation to a proper ConS Stence Disterent modes of preparing these extracis have been used, ali ofwhich were considered When the present directions were adopted. Somo potar off the clear liquor froni the greenseculent matter Whicli subsides Chen the juice is heated, and evaporating it by itself, mix the two together aster the liquor has acquired the consistence of syrti P. Others carry on the evaporation of the whole only untii it hecomes of tho thickness os syrup, and then give it a pitular consistence, by the addition os poWder of the leaves. These extracis ali posseSa narcotic properties, and require caution and attention in their exhibition, though upon the whole, and Dona tolerablylarge experience, I am convinced that in common practicothey are under-dosed rather than the contraru, and that tothis circumstance is to be ascribed their frequent fallure Ofeffeci.



202 EXTRACI S. solution, and ovaporato it to a proper COI sisten CC.

Water Will dissolve abolit ἰth of common aloe accordingto Neuman, and the guminy extraci prepared hom it purges equalty well, and is tess h ling, and more gratesul than theusual form in whicli it is mixed with resin. Iis solutionmay be accelerated by previolasty triturating, and thus dividing the aloe witti clean white sand, as is directed in the Vinum aloes.


Extractum Chamoemeli, P. L. I. 87.

Tahe of Chamomile

s Boii do vn to four pinis, and Strain thesolution while it is hol, then evaporate it to


Extractum Cilichome Zc cum Resina, P. L. I. 8 i. LXtractum Corticis Peruviani, P. L. I 745.

Tahe of Lance-leaved Cinchoria Barii bruised, a POUnd. Water, a gallon. Boii do vn to si x pinis, and stratia theboiling solution. In the fame mannor, forso ur Successive times, boli it down again in the Same quantity oi Water, und Strain. Lastly, miX the solutions together, and evaporate untii it has acquired a proper



By this process the Wholo effective part os bark is separated froin the inert woody pari, whicli asterwariis Tieliis nothing sarther et ther to water or spirit. It is useleSS toboil the mater tapon the bark astor it is saturaled with thesolubie paris and can dissolve no more, and most probablyeacti subsequent addition os mater, after the srst, may require sor such eTect to longor continued than the preceding one; the decoctiora there re is ordered for a lesstinae than in the last Pharmacopoeia. For the chemicat relations os bark, the student in Pharmacy ought to consultthe analysis of the St. Domingo barE by Fourcroy, A. C. V. 8,) and another by Vau quelin on the chemicat properties of barks in generat, A. C. v. 59. Sir Jolin Pringle reporis,.srom his experimenis, that the extraci is not os equat ossi-cacy, quantity for quantity, With the simple powder.


Reeii sed Spirit, four Pint S. Macerat' sor so ur lays, aud stratia. Distil


sisten CC. This is considered by many as much more grateful to the stomach, whilst at the fame time it produces the effecis of hark in substance, and by the distillation directed it is i tended to collect and preserve the spirit Whicli passes over.


Excepi in the generat statement of the Pharmacoposa ofi 720, that extracts may be prepared Dom any Substance So- Iubie in a menstruum, aliis active purgative extraci, Whicli is Usesul in so many and various combinations, of Whicli indoed the commonly received compound formula scarcely adrniis, has never yet been admitted into the Pharmacopoeia.




Extractum colo nihidis compositum, P. L. I 787. Extractum catharticum, P. L. I 745. Pitulae rudii, P. L. 1. 20.

As this preparation has been est lished through succe sive Pharmacopoeiae, so has it in each undergone Some


Mation. of the scammony used in the last, not one parti clecould be dissolved by digestion in the proos spirit there diu rected. Io the solution of the active matter of the colocynth, the other ingredients are noW ad ted in poWder, and the whole is then brought down to the proper consistence of an extract. Soap has also been added, as preserving that consistence more uniformi y than any other bond of uni n. Andit should be remembered that this may militate someWhat against iis combination with submuriate os mercury, or other metallic salts.

Succus cicutae spissatus, P. L. t 87.


Elaterium, P. L. I 78 I. P. L. II45.


This substance is, in saci, not extraci but si cula wh7chsubsides Dona the expressed juice of the fruit, and 1 romwhicli the supernatant liquor is ei ther potired Ori or sep rated by immersion of twisis of cotton hanging exteriorly, over the fide of the vcsset, belON the levet of the surta e of the contained liquor, sor it is too visci l to sibi e throngli Paper. It is only under the very generat application of the term Extraci previousty mentioned that iis use cari be justi- sed here. This substance appeus however scarcely to be Simple tacula only, and iis violent effecis are probably oWing to Some other adherent matter; and on this principie Beatam eand Some others rather preser that it should be prepared by inspissation of the aqueous solution, than by mere collectionof the tacula whicli subsides Doni it.


Extractum Gentianae, P. L. 1787.