The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Extractum glycyrrhizete, P. L. I 8I. P. L. 1745.

The large quantity of this Extract Whicli is employed forvarious purposes in this country is imported Dom Spain, and very litile is actualty prepared here. From it a purer Extraci is made by a repetition of the processes of solutionand evaporation, and hept in the shops uuder the name OfRosnia Liquori . P



Extractum haematoxyli, P. L. J787. Extractum signi cam-pechensis, P. L. I 45.

Log Nood is extremely hard, and in order that water may dissolve the solubie paris, it hecomes necessary that the Wood should he first minutely divided by some means or ollier; af Itbe bought in the state of powder, it is generalty much adulter-ated, and the best mode os dividing it seems to be by thesile. The wood, however, is of no great value, and Whether the whole eXtractive matter be dissolved or not by the decoction here directed, is not of much consequeiace.




ria EXTRACTS. re maining poWder in the water untii it he reduced to tWo pinis: then Strain the tinctureand decoction separalely, and tot tho sol merho distilled, and the lalter evaporat ed untileach begius to groW thich. Lastly, mix theextracs With the resin, and reduce it to a pro-


Extractum thebaicum, Optam colatum, P. L. t m. Extractum thebaicum, P. L. I ι 20. i.


the mixture bo complete. Set it by that thes peculen cies may subside: ilien stra in the liquor, and evaporate it to a pro per C On Si Stctuce.

Crude optum, carefulty selected, has been preferred to the former puri sed article for medicat use. An extraci analog sto the present has also been long in use, and Seems to produce iis sedative effect with less subsequent derangement of the nervous system thanthe optum iiself. It depends upon thesolution of ali that cold water Will dissolve, and requires tobe trealed correctly accordingto the directions given; it differs rom the old optum colatum, in the preparation of whichboiling water and expression through a linen cloth were used . It may be at pxesent rather doubiful in What constituent part of the compound mass called optum iis narcotic poWers especiallyreside. Derosne A. C. V. 45. considers it as dependingumn a distinct principie, Which he theresere calis Narcotic, but the whole subject will bear farther elucidation. Water Will dissolve os dried optum aer.

These solutions were assisted by heat, and after ards suri ed to cool be re the Extract Was separated. A process Very Sunitar to the present Was employed in the Pharmacopoeia os II 20, and the optum colatum Was adopted in that of I765, as being more expeditiousty prepared. It is rem Eatae, that the old solution was described as heingintended not only to separate extraneous Substances, butfurther to correct certain noxious qualities whicti Were ascribed to iis volatile and resinous paris, and which were buthis means effectualty separated.


Extractum papaveris albi, P. L. 1 87.

Τhis Extraet is prepared by decoction of the poppy capsules in Water and sulasquent inspissation7 it differs there re Domopium, Whicli is belleved to be the concreted milhy juice whicli exudes on myking incisions into the fresti capsules, though probably some additions are made to it. Six gratias of this Extraci are abolit equivalent to one of optum but i in of the comparative narcotic power of the plant itfelimay depend upon the influence of climate. The seeds arefrst to be separated stom the capsules, sor they produce nonarcotic effeci, they contain oti and mucilage, and readilui ub into an emulsion.



Macerate for four days in a gentie heat, then stratia, and set it hv that the faeculeiicies may subside. Pour olf the cloar liquor, unde vaporate it to a proper ConSi StCn CC.

This extraci retalias the purgative properties of the root, and the fibrous and earthy paris are separated; it may there fore be employed alone for this purpose, but it will be Dund more especially useful as a basis for Pilis to whicli otheractive ingredients are to be adde l.



In praetice this Extraci has been much used, to renderine common decoction Of the Same root Stronger and more emeactous; and it is no introduced for the fame purpose into the Pharmacopoeia.

This Extraci has the confidence of many practitioners insonae viscerat affections, and is there re adopted.


MixTUREs depend upon the diffusion and suspension in any liquid of insolubie substances minutely divided, and forthis purpose, it is osten necessary that the liquid itself shouldbe rendered more dense by the addition of some viscid mat-


MIXTURE OF GUBI AMMONIAC. Tahe of Gum Ammoniae, tWo drachmS.

Vater, half a Pint.

The gum-resing are diffused through mater, and remain sussiciently suspended in it by trituration only.



I ake of Almonii Consection, tWO Oun CCS. Distilleii Hater, a Pint. Add the wa er gradually to the consection, and rub them together.

This will differ Dom the former lac amygdalae, only by the addition of a smali quantity of gum, Whicli prevenis more effectualty the separation of the oti ori standing; and inorder to malae it smooth and uniforna, it is necessary to use distilled Water. i The present mode of preparation stomthe consection, is a considerable advantage in pollit os expeditiora, and has been practi sed in some shops for a sussicient time to estabiisti iis utility.