The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Tahe of Camplior, linis a drachm. Rectisted Spirit, tela mininas. Water, a Pint. Fit si rub the camphor With the spirit, ita onmith the water gradu atly ad ded, and stra in he liquor.

Many practitioners have been urgent that iliis mixtureshould be impregnated with a larger proportion os camplior; but as in iis present state it is a gratelai preparation, and combines weli With other substances, of whicli it is a common vehicle, as too, when it is intended to give camplior in large doses for iis more pomersui effecis, variotis methods ofeXtemporaneous prescription suggest themselves; it has been determined to malae very litile change in the former directions. The division of the camplior by trituration, with a seNdrops of spirit, facilitates the solution, and the water becomes immediatelyand stronglyimpregnatodivithiis sensibie qualities. Some practitioners are in the habit os preparing it by leavinga lump of camplior in a botile of Nater, and poliringit offax their use requires. others adit Some Viscid substance, assugar; and this Was done in the last Pharmacopoeia, but lias been now omitted, because With suesi addition the mixture


220MIXTU RES.will not keop so meli. Camplior dissolves persectly in mater impregnated with carbonic acid. Os Water, at ordinary temperatures, one fluidounce does not dissolve more than one grain and ἱth of camphor.


Decoctum cornu cervi, P. L. I 78I. Decoctum album, P. L. 1745.

Burni haristiorn consi sis enti rely of phosphate of lime, ichis insolubio in the preparation here directed; it isonly brought into the state os a very sine poWder, and is Eept mechanicatly suspended in a mucilaginous liquor, On Whicli account, the gum is an useful addition to the original formula in Bates's Pharmacopoeia, Whicli contains non e . It is retained as one of those estistished forms Whicli are in usemith many practitioner S.





MIXTURES.' ion, a id gradually, sirst, the rose-Wator unii spirit os nutriaegs, and last, the sulphateor nGn. bour the mixture immediately intou proper glasS botile, and si op it Close.

This celebrated and usesul forni of Dr. Grimilis is nomintroduced for the purpose of giving precise directions fortis preparation, as heing a compound very commonlydirected. The precipitation os subcarbonate of irontakes place here, as in the directions gi ven for that articlebul that, on edi posure to the air as it dries, attracts oXygen, and is converted into red oxyd; while this retains, is pro- perly prepared, iis state of blach oxyd, Whicli is diffused m1- nutely through the dense liquor, and assisted in iis generalapplications by the myrrh. The myrrh requires to be welleried bellare it cata be reduced to powder.

Rub the guniacum With the Sugar, then


with the mucit age, and when they a re mixed potar on the Cinnamon Water gradually.


Mistura moschata, P. L. I 87. Iulepum e moscha, P. L. 1745.



ΓΛΚΕ of Recti sed Spirit, a gallo n.


225 Recti sed spirit of the specific gravi ty os 0,8I5 is prepareasor the purposes of trade, and eastly obtained; indeed, thedistillers drais their spirit stili higher than this for the use of

struments Quin's appears to me to be preserable to Clark'swhicli is stili used by the custonas and excise). It is not enoughthat he meret y orders recti fied spirit Dona the distiller, fortite sanae name is applied in trade to designate every thingabove proos; and Dom a Want of attention to this circumstance, it osten happens that the article hept in the shops ismuch inferior to the standard here laid down, an inaccuracywhicli must be the solarce of abundant error in iis subsequent applications. But spirit of this specific gravi ty stili containsmuch water, whicli it is dissiculi, is not impossibie, to separate enti rely. Different chemisis have considered the puri tyos alcohol to be attained at different specific gravities, ac- cording to the result of their o Nn experiments; but it has never been so completely emcted as by Lowitz's process

ording to him, contain near 0,09 of water, at 68' F. The process depends upon the separation of the water Domthe alcohol, by means of the stronger amni ty of the drysubcarbonate of Potass to that water, and the retention os itin this way in a heat sussicient to distit over the alcohol.

Other salts Whicli strongly attract water Will produce the



fame effeci, and by many the muriate os lime is preferred. As however the present process anS vers ali the purposes intended by the College, it has been retaine l. Alcohol is transparent and colourless, it does not hecome solid by any known diminution of iis temperature; it botis at 1 Isi', 1scombusti ble, burning with a blue flame, and leaving noresidue.



Solution of Ammonia, a Pint. Mi X.

Alcohol dissolves ammonia but not iis dissolves both; and in the former preparation a large proportion os carbonate os ammonia sub imed 0ypr

ricit dissolved by the spirit, but passed to Waste. a Very uncertain Preparation as to iis degree of strennii thm obieci of the present inange has been to obtam more definite article. to fit. Directions very similar to ine Psore been given in ille Berlin PharmacoPceia.


Spiritus ammoniae compositus, P. L. 178I. Spiritus volatilis aromaticus, P. L. II4 5. Spiritus salis volatilis oleosus, Ρ. L. 172O.

This has sometImes been made by distillation of the Spiritos Ammonia Dom the aromatics whicli contain the olis, and in the old process distillation mas absolutely necessary, forthe spirit as there prepared Would not unite with the oils by mixture alone. In other Pharmacopoeiae difforent essentialoils liave been directed to form a similar preparation.



Spiritus ammoniae faetidus, P. L. 1787. Spiritus volatilis faetidus, P. L. II 5.


recei VCr. This only differs Dom the soriner process m eroplo uigine spirit of ammonia previ ousty prepared, instead os ad lingilie assafoetida to the charge of iis ingredients, and distilling the spirit impregnated Dom them.


Spiritus ammonia succinatus, P. L. 1787.

Tahe of Mastich, three drachms. Alcoliol, ni ne fluidi actim s. Oil of Lavender, fourteen minim S. Oil of Amber, four minimS. Solution os Ammonia, ten fluid

Macerate the musticli in the alcohol illatii may dissolve, and pour off the Clear iiDC- ture : to this adit me remaining Rrti cleS, anusii ake them together.

This is substituted sor the s mer spirit os ille M preserving iis milhiness tinctanged sor a mnsideritae time