장음표시 사용
menstruum, and there re it may be given in larger doses and more Deely than the stronger tinctures.
Tinctura Aloes composita, P. L. 1787. Elixir Aloes P. L. 1745. Elixir proprietatis, P. L. II2η.
Tinctura Corticis Aurantii, P. L. 1787.
Tinctura BenzoeS composita, P. L. I 787. Balsamum traumaticum, P. L. I 45.
Extraci of Spiked Aloe, hali an
Tinctura colonabae, P. L. 178I.
Tinctura opii camphorata, P. L. II8I. Elixir paregoricum, P. L. 1765.
The name of this preparation has been changed, because itWas occasionalty the fource of mistahes under iis old one, and Tincture of Opium mas somelimes substituted for it. It differsalso from the former preparation in the omission of the oll. R
This warm and usefui tincture is now sor the sirst time introduced.
Tinctura cardamomi, P. L. I 78I. P. L. I i 45.
Tinctura cardamomi composita, P. L. I 78T. Tinctura stomachica, P. L. 1745.
Cinnamon Barii bruised, half an
In the Pharmacopoeia of J677, there Was a preparationanalogous to this under the naine of Usque ch or Aqualisi Hibernis populamL.
Tinctura cascarillae, P. L. Ι 87.
Tinctura catechu, P. L. t 78I. Tinctura japonica, P. L. 17 5.
Tinctura cinctonae, P. L. 178T. Tinctura corticis peruviani simplex, P. L. I 45.
The proportion of Bark is increased Dom fix to severiounces, and it may be thought by some that a longer maceration Would be of additional advantage.
Tinctura cinctionae composita, P. L. 17SI.
It has been thought right to retain the former directioris for this medicine, thougii one colouring matter, ei ther thecochines or the sarion, might in fact have been sussicient.
Tinctura cinnamomi, P. L. 1787. P. L. 174 D. Aqua cinnamomi fortis, P. L. 1720.
Tinctura cinnamomi composita, P. L. 1 87. Tinctura aromatica, P. L. Ial3.
is Tincture is introducta as possessing the properties of the plant in a convenient, uniform, and permanent se . Sitice the use of this Hob in tincture has been adopted, tinctures of different strengins have been prepared, and employed rather Vaguely When the article Was ordered; thisis a saturaled Tincture, and as suin has been generativpreferred.
Tinctura gentianae composita, P. L. 1787. Tinctura amara, P. L. 1765.
Guaiacum is enti rely solubie in alcohol, and not at ali in Water; in. Brande's Experiments tend to establish it as a peculiar and distinct vegetable matter. The Tincture os Guaiacum merely xvithout other additioris, is now first introduced as a useful mode os exhibiting it where iis com hination with ammonia is not required. This and Some Other tinctures precipitate on being ad ted to an aqueous fluid, and when exhibited in draughis require to be trituraled with some viscid liquor, as mucilage, previous to the addition of the water.
Tinctura Guaici ammoniata, P. L. 178 I. Tinctura Guaia-cina volatilis, P. L. II 5.