The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Syrupus mori, P. L. I 78I. Syrupus mororum, P. L. 1 g5.

Syrupus papaveris albi, P. L. I 87. Syrupus de Meconio, P. L. 1745. Syrupus de meconio, sive Diacodium, P. L. 1720



Macerate the capsules in the wator sops volve hours, then boli it down by means ofa water bath to one gallon, and press out theliquor. Loil down the liquor again to tWopinis, and stra in it while hol. Set it by sori vel ve hours, that tho faeculon Hes m ny Subside; thon boli do vn the cloar liquor to a pirat, and adit tho fugar in the manner directed sor Syrti P.

This syrup requires so much attention to the temperature in Whicli it is Popi, and enters so readi ly into the process offermentation, that it is very osten found in the shops in astate uiasit for use. The committest in the first specimen mere disposed to facilitate iis preparation in Smaller quantities, by directing a solution in Water of the proportion os Extraci os poppy yielded by the decoction, and the additionos the fugar thereto. The established character and certainty of the present syrup When properly prepared and Eepi, have hoWever been so strongly urged, that ther haVe restored ii ; but it is absolutoly necessary to keep it in stonebotiles in a cellar, and only to bring it into the shop in ad quantities at a time.


Syriapus Papaveris erratici, P. L. IISI. P. L. t 745. Syrupus de papavere erratico, P. L. II 20.


yrupus Spinae cervinae, P. L. II 87. Syriapus e Spina cervina, P. L. 17 5. Syrupus de Spina cervina, P. L. I 720.

s seculeiacies Inny subside, and stratu. To apint of the clear juice adii the ginger rootand pimenta : then macerate in a gentie lientimur liours, and strain; hoil do vn What re- aDains to orae Pint anil a halc mix the liquorsa nil add the fugar in the maniter directed for Syria P.



Syrupus rosae, P. L. II 87. Syrupus rosarum solutivus, P. L. 1745. Syrupus e rosis siccis, P. L. I 72O.



seods in the water for twelve lioui s. struintho liquor, and mix With it ille manna and

syrupus Tolutanus, P. L. 178 . Syrupus balsamicus, P. L. 1745. P.L. 1720.


Syrupus Zingiberis. P. L. 1787. P. L. 1 45.




This generat titie includes also those cirticles Which were formerly called Electuaries and Conserves, betNeen whichthere do not appear to be sussicient grounds to mahe a distinction of names. In the direction of their forin when it is necesSary for extemporaneous use, it may be remarhed that the lighter poWders require about thrice their Weight of honey, or tWice of syrup, to bring them to a proper consistence. It is sonae objection to ait these formulae, that after keepingsor a longili' of time they are apt to get dry, and then becomelaneques in their doses; this however may be prevented, anatheir consistence preserved by the occasional additio of asmali quantity of mater.



It has been objected to the common aImond mixture, Whichis an' article of very generat use, that it requires considerable time for iis extemporaneous preparation, and that it spolis andeannot be hept for a sussicient time aster it is made. NON the forna here gi ven obviates both these objections, sor it Eeeps very Well, and it rubs clown at Once into the mixture without dissiculty.


Conserva corticis exterioris aurantii hispalensis, P. L. IIS . Conserva favedinis corticum aurantiorum, P. L. 174 si P. L. 172O.




Electuarium Cassiae, P. L. I 78 . Electarium e Casia, P. L. II45.

P I 1 87. Confectio cardiacη, Gnfectio aromatam, V. P. L. 1745. Consectio Raleighana, P. L.