The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


der the aether in the bottom of the receiver. To the liquor whicli rem alias in tho retori Potiron twelvo fluid iunces more of alco hol, and repent the distillation in the sanae mann Cr.

The object of these directions is to obtain the jargest quai tity of aether, and to place it under circumstances in Whicli it may forin at once, Without any of that previ ous distillationos spirit, Which happens during the time that the mixtureis graduallv acquiring the temperature necessary to the formation os aether. The directions gi ven in the texi are suffcient, but it may be usolat also to describe the changes whicli the materials undergo in the process. Is equat quantities of alcohol and sulphuric acid are miXed together atonce, a heat of I6U' is producod, and an abundant vaporarwith an emereat sineti arises. Is the mixture be made gradually at intervais, so that the increase os temperature produced may not excoeci l 20' at.any time, this toss does nottake place. Is such a mixture be gradually heated, part of the alcohol disti is over unchanged; is litiat be produced atonce equat to l8O', the mixture Will boil, and aether Nili basermed and passover; but in order that the liquid itself may more speedily atta in this temperaturo the sanit imwhicli it is immersed should be ho iter. When nearly half the weight of the aleohol has passed over in aether, or the aether is tothelalcohol as I,00 to 2,28, the sulphuric acid begins to be


ETHER. sulphurous ethereat liquor, called 'oil of wine, are formed, and no more aether. The mixture then rises to a temperatur eos 190', the charge becomes blach, much carburetted hydrogeri gas arises, With carbonic acid, mater and sulphurous acid ;and the dense charge frona Chich it issues, swelis up Dom thecopiolis extrication os gas, and without the retort be immediately removed froin the sand heat it botis over. The residue consi sis chiefly of sulphuric acid, blachened and thichened by carbon. The aether Whicli passes over depends upon a ne arran gement of the elements of alcohol, determine d by the presence of sulphuric acid and a certain temperature, and whilst it does pass, the sulphuric acid is not decomposed: hence, by arresting the process When est the aether has passed, and adding a fresti quantity of spirit, it wili stili, thoughsomeWhat diluted by the water Whicli has been formed, beequat to iis conversion into aether.


Ether vitriolicus, P. L. 1787.

temperature of abo ut uota, distit over i vel veo unces of rectisted aether istorii a large te tortinio a Cooled receiver.


AEtlier is impregnated with some sulphurous acid, as is evident to the smeli, and with some aethereat Oil ; and theserequire a second process cir rectification to separate them. Potass uestes to the acid, and requires to be added in a state os solution, and in sum cient quantities for the purpose of neutrali Zing it, and it alio forins a soap with the oil; itis advantageous also to use a lem quantity of water than exigis in the ordinary solution os potass, and there re the present


Oleum vini, P. L. 1787.

Aster tho distillation of Sulphuric AEther,

cur on the distillation With a less degre e of heat untii a blacti froth hegins to rise, thenim media tely remove the retori from the sire. Add sufficient Water to the liquor in the re-toi t, that the olly part may iloat upon thesuri ace. Separate this, and add lo it a s much



26 2

This Oil formed in the lalter part of the process sor aether, is instead os adding recti fied spirit for a second distillation, it be flowly carried on untii the moment When the intumescen ce of the charge obliges the operator to remove the retori Dom the fire. In the rectification os aether, potass is used for the separation of the sulphurous acid, and also of any of this Oil whicli has passed over; here the use of potass whicli unites with the oti Nould be improper, as the only object is to sepa rate the sulphurous acid, and on this account lime-Water is preserabie. This Oil is only used as an ingredient in thecompotand spirit os aether. It is of a yello v colour, tess volatile than a ther, solubie in alcohol, and insolubie in diater.



Elixir vitrioli dulce, P. L. I ii 5.


AEther itselfwill not combine With volatile oi Is, but, mitti theaddition os spirit, as in this instance, it fornas a usesul media cine, Which was excluded frona the last Pharmacopoeia, but is



This preparation is analogous to the Liquor anodynus min Malis of Homari, OD. Pos. Chem. IV. ii. Dissert. de Acido vitriol. vinos. Med. Ras. Θst. V. 3. and is imagined by many practitioners to allay irritation more effectualty than any other preparation of AEther



Spiritus 2Etheris nitrosi, P. L. I 78I. Spiritus Nitri dulcis, P. L. II 15.



lix them very gradually together, bypouring the acid in to the spirit, and taking

The mixture of these ingredients requires espectat caution, and to be very gradually made in the ordor here directed. I he acid is to be added in smali quantities, and the mixtureshahen aster each addition, and allowed to cool be re a resti one is made. The sol mer proportion of acid has Mendiminished, but it wili stili be Dund fully sussicient for the pur- pose; indoed, it seems formerly to have been increased without any very good reason, sor Frederich HoTman originalty used eight paris spirit and one os acid. The preparation os nitric ether separalely is matter of great hazard and dissi-culty ; processes sor it are gi ven in chemical books, but it is not an operation OF pharmacy. It seems to hold nitrous gas in solution frona the circumstance of iis blachening the solution of green sulphate of iron; and it usualty containssome portion os acid, Whicli is not directed here to beseparated by rectification. The agency of nitric acid uponalcohol is similar to that os sulphuric, cxcepi that the ne assinities, to Whicli the presence of ei ther acid predisposes,are different. When sulphuric acid is nς , water is formedand charcos separated; When nitric acid, carbonic acid is formed by iis immodiate decomposition, and no Water.




Spiritus 2Etheris vitriolici, Ρ. L. 1787. Spiritus Vitrioli dulcis, P. L. I 715.

Tahe of Sulphuric Etlier, half a pint. Rectisted Spirit, a Pint.

and aether in certain quantities. In the former Pharmacopolia it Was produced With less precision by the floru and gradual increase of the heat applied to the charge ser aether. in Whicli temperature alcohol first passed over unchanged, and was mixed in the receiver With the aether Whicli passedover in the subsequent stage, When the heat had increased so as to be sussicient sor iis formation.


by Parmentier A. C.) as a menstruum for substances employ-ed in medicine, ora account of iis increased tendency to de- composition When these additiones matters are dissolved init. Another objection too may be derived Dom the unequalstrennii and qua ity of Wines sold under orae common name. The use of weala spirit as a menstruum has there re been preferred by him, of whicli lie thinis wine may, is the formbe stili destrabie, he used as a vehicle. Ali these objectioris are certain ly veli Dunded, but the generat and estabiished practico rs in favour of iis use, and it may be added, that the properties of medicated Wines, although certain changes may talae place during their preparation, are Suffcient lyestablished by experience. The College have also defined thesori of Wine they employ Mer more distinctly than ilis generat term Spanish White Wine did in the former Pharma



Uinum Aloes, P. L. t 78T. Tinctura sacra, P. L. I 15. Tinctura Hierae, Ρ. L. I 72O.

Tahe os Extruct of Spike Aloe, eight

On the revision of the Pharmacopoeia in II 87, the timeos digestion and other circumstances relative to this Preparation were established by experiment With a great deal os




Tinctura Thebaica, P. L. 1745. Laudanum liquidum s3den-hami, P. L. II20.

The degree of narcotic pomer of this prep ration IS nea ly the fame as that of the ordinary Tincture os optum, stom Which it differs, in having the Extraci for iis