The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


basis, in tho addition of aromatics, and in the vehicle employed. I stated that the Extraci os optum feemed toproduce less consequent affection of the brain and nervous system than crude optum, and the fame effect seenas furtherto be obviated by the aromati cs whicli are here ioine i to it. It is a composition of the sanae articles but in disserent proportions, as the Tincture thebaica of P. L. II15, and as thecelebrated liquid Laudanum of Sydentiam ; noW this is stili in use, and it appears to possess such advantages by the modification os optum it amords, as to justi j iis restoration to the Pharmacopoeia.


VINEGAR, or rather the acetic acid, distilled Dom it,sound to promote the solutiori of the active princi se of squili, colchicum, and sonae aromati cs, beyond any agency of the water Hone mitti Whicti it is mixed.


Acetio Acid, a Pint. Proos Spirit, a fluidounco. Macerate the mea low fassi ora root in thev inegar, in a Covered gla88 vesset, s I twenty-four liours: then preSS out the liquor, and Setit by that the faeculeiacies may Subside; lastly, add the spirit to the clear liquor.



e pomers of colchicum as a diurotic have especially been celebrated in Germany, and an oxymel of it Was introduce linto the former Pharmacopoeia Dorn Storck's publication onthe subieci. The huius of the colchicum appear to be most succulent in autumia, and have been then directed to be used in preference to any other time orthe year Pharm. Austr. It has been thought better to heep under iis present forin, as the honey may be eastly added extemporaneouslv and in any proportion is it be thought requisite.


Acetum Scillae, P. L. t 787. Acetum scilliticum, P. L. II 5. P. L. I 20.


FORMERLY more medicinal powers were ascribed to honeythan are at present allowed to it, and helice it entered into agreat varie os ossicinat preparations, and was much used. Iis consistence, howeVer, and tenacity, and also iis disposition to aci Upon the boweis, give it Some advantages in many instances OVer ordinary syrup; and the articles included in this chapter are ali of them extensi ely emploTen in practice.


Mel despumatum, P. L. 1787. P. L. 17 5.



This combination is so usefully and generaljy employed asa detergent in aphthous affections of the fauces, that it hasbeen thought proper to introduce the present diriations.


OXYMEL. Mel acetatum, P. L. 1787. Oxymel simplex, P. L. ln45. P. L. I 720.



Oxymel scillae, P. L. II 87. Oxymel scilliticum, P. L. 17ἀ5. P. L. 1720.


syrup consi sis os a simple solution of sugar in mater ofabout the specific gravi ty and consistence of honey, and it isalso impregnated with additional substances sor the purpose of their medicat qualities, or their colour, or their flavour, under ali of whicli indications this class of substances is in ery generat iis . Resined fugar is directed for their pre- Paration, and with it they require no farther clarification orseparation os impurities than what is metitioned in the text. Γo keep syrups Without fermentitam it is necessary thattheir temperature should bo attended to, and hept as near 55' as possibie. A good cellar Will ansmor this purpose, sorthere are feW summers in Whicli the temperature of sucti a placo rises to 60'.

Talie of Re fine d Sugar, t vo po unda aud ahal f. Water, a Pint.



The proportion os fugar to the liquor should he accuratelymanaged so as completely to saturate it; is there be less inquantity than this, and the syrup be too thin, it Will be dis- posed to ferment; is too much loadest the fugar Will crystallige, which lalter is by far the least inconvenierace. The proportiori os fugar is here increased one-fifth above that of the former Pharmacopoeia : in that work however there is in factno preparation strictly speaking gi ven under this specific tille. The proportioris Which have been used hoWever are those whicli stand there as a sori of generes direction applicabie to

Syrupus althaeae, P. L. I 78 I. Syriapus eX alti ea, P. L. I 745.. Syrupus de althaea, P. L. I 720.


The decoction os marshmallo is mucilaginous and thicla, it talaes there re a less proportion os fugar, and that requires a greater heat than the water bath to unite it persectiy. Thisform was originalty taken frona Riverius Prax. l. Iψ, c. l.


Syrupus corticis aurantii, P. L. II 8T. Syriapus e corticibus aurantiorum, P. L. 17l5. Syrupus de cortice aurantiorUm, P. L. II2O.


I his svrup was formerly made by boiling doun a wine offamon Willi sugar to the proper consistence: it is chipsy usedas a colouring addition.

Sympus succi limonis, P. L. I 787. Syrupus e

P. L. Ι745. Syrupus e succo citriorum, succo limonum P. L. t 72O.