Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ye, the gesture must e conforme to the music of th voice, tho instrument, and the metre, by harmo- nious movemenis iussi Auitable configurations For


Inc. Oracio grammatica autem sit mediante verbo Priame persona vel secunda vel tertis'.

De Auratiuis locutionibus primo


It end thus Signi ans proprietatem alicujus partis 3 sabbate intelligitur hoc nomen parte et stabit pro die dominica. Emplicit summa de grammatica magistri Ilogeri Bacon, See hap. x. of the opus

Tertium. His own Ord.

Opus Tertium, cap. lix.




folloWing ork upon logie re found : Digby No. 20 1 sol. Vellum, Saee. iii. i. Summula Dialectice Rogeri Bacon f. 48 75. Ine. Introditetio est brevis et Pt demonstratio in liquam Ptem vel scientiam Expliciunt summula Mag. Rogeri Bacon 'ii Synealogorematica fratris Roberti Baeon . Inc. αrtium orationis quin iam sunt declinα-bites, quin lam indeclinabiles Digby No. 67, a fragment. Incipit sumni Ma I. Roueri Lacon de sophis--αtibus et distinctionibus. Potest quoepi de Lutealibus accidentibus'

sam domo o labour nn thought O logi ache did O ashm otii bother paris of philosophy. In his Compondium Theologiae, 0gie. as ulready state i he pro Ased his intention to senter onthe consideratio of thos verbal disputes hieli dividod the Nominalisis and tho Realisis of his day and in

the sam mor he has devote SeVerni reges, A the natur of his subjectiem dod, to the consideration filio nature of Ords. ut in non of these instances has h enterod o the subject os logi With th samo

amount of care an interestis o grammar, mathematies, Or experimental science. The reasons of this

comparative indifferene to the laim o Aristololiati logio aro nos dissiculi to divine. In the opus ertium δ' states that tho tW great portat to sciencoare language an mathematies. ut a sor logic, hosays that is of les consequence non est is tantαh:


Gogi sor morias an theology. For a speculative Seleuces have speculative arguments of opinion aud pure Seleuce, O the praetica Selenees, a theolog and ethies, embraee hos arguments by hicli mani ind ore excito trio praetiee.-And these argument in mut- ters of ur ell-bein are the strongest, ut poWerleSS in pure peculation demonstration is mos emca- ious in baro speculation, ut impotent in praetice,

Et hie habitus non adquiritur per Butler's Analog is a verificationdemonstrationem. p. 7, ed. Jebb. of Bacon' observation.



usit, there re, o tonet thos forins os urgument hioli re prope to both; dialectient nil demon- strative to the speculative sciences praetica to the

. . . Nitia.

i de p. 309. No. 440. No. 190. It is ver much sadedi the eginning, and containS, accordin t a modern note anothertreati se of acon, De Principiis

A Work De Intollectu and Intelligentia has been attributed to Baconb Dale, Pitis, and Jebb. A reatis on his subject is preservelamong the Digby MSS. No. 67 In ipit libellus De Intellectu, et De

Intellugentis tractatus prius de natura intellectus cap. I, in quo est intentio Syc. See note p. XXXiii. β p. 105.


mathematio Deither antecedent nor conSequent enu

and music; an ali aut tho Has threo oro includodundo tho subdivision o astronomy For theologians, hae observes, ares frequently employessi in Miseussing

opus Majus, P. 57.

Ib. p. 64. p. 200. cie ab0Ve p. lXVi. opus Majus, P. IV. P. 108. p. 200.


thos subjecis, and many things aro ound in thot0X of Scripture und iis exposition an in the books of holy men, hiuli avo many difficultius. In the Sentences tho disputo ab ut tho certaint undmultitude of tho heavens, heir hape an figure, of euentri cirules, epicycles and tho est, of themotions of the eavens, O thei influenue On sublunarythings, o fato, in tho lik0. 0 divide astronomyiuto praetical und speculativo, the alter oecupylag

opus Tertium p. I06. opus Tertium, in xi. - opus Tertium, P. II 7.


Son Os the celebrate Simon de Montibi t. Se MOD. Franciscana p. 163